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Formerly Babra

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Posts posted by Formerly Babra

  1. Yep. Just finished a rather challenging game with a tactical victory. Tho' my opponent's Tigers and Pz IVs had been silenced forever, I was more struck with the dead Shermans it took to achieve it.

    As the Iron Duke said, the only thing more melancholy than a battle lost is a battle won.


    It's a mother-beautiful bridge and it's gonna be THERE.

  2. It truly is a long overdue step in the right direction in the world of wargaming. And, the endless grog complaints notwithstanding, it is, in fact, bug free. A few quirks which are easy to get used to, but nothing definitely buggy. I don't know any games that can say that at all. Worth every penny, and I'll buy the next one too.


    It's a mother-beautiful bridge and it's gonna be THERE.

  3. Cut my teeth on AH and SPI. My friend and I had so many, I can't remember who owned what any more. I think Napoleon's Last Battles was the first one, though, closely followed by Panzer Leader -- ugliest maps in wargaming history, but it sure was fun.


    It's a mother-beautiful bridge and it's gonna be THERE.

  4. 17 pounders were indeed rare (relatively speaking). The Firefly variant was barely ready in time for Overlord and a rush program was needed to outfit as many as they did.

    In the US Army there was initial resistance to the introduction of bigger guns from the tankers themselves, who were comfortable with the 75. This didn't change until the 76 had proven itself.


    It's a mother-beautiful bridge and it's gonna be THERE.

  5. Anti-personnel mines come in many forms. Some explode when you step on them. Others, more feared, spring into the air a second or two after they are tripped and explode at waist level, spraying shrapnel. An arm hit is not an unlikely event.

    As for the levitator, I had one of those too, or so I thought. It turned out it was just an illusion from the angle I was viewing at. Are you sure you're not seeing the same thing?


    It's a mother-beautiful bridge and it's gonna be THERE.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MacMogul:

    Shoulda bought a tank instead of the damn TDs.


    Amen, brother. I was appalled to discover (in the middle of a firefight) that the Wolverine has a "very slow turret". I'd rather have a fast turret anything than one of those, no matter how sweet the gun.


    It's a mother-beautiful bridge and it's gonna be THERE.

  7. There isn't a hell of a lot of difference functionally between the A(n) models, except maybe the cast (A1) versus welded (all others) hulls, which may give the A1 some extra protection, but BTS will know the answer to that.

    Same holds for the British Shermans, but any Brit Sherman ending with a "C" in its title is one to treasure. To decode the Commonwealth names, the final letter in its title indicates what armament it has:

    A = 76mm gun (American type)

    B = 105mm howitzer

    C = 17 pounder (an awesome Tiger killer)


    It's a mother-beautiful bridge and it's gonna be THERE.

  8. Whoops, looks like we forgot to expel one smile.gif (That was a joke)

    If Canada were the size of Switzerland, bilingualism wouldn't be a problem for anyone, but since so many people live hundreds, even thousands, of miles from French speaking regions, it becomes somewhat problematic.

    As for Quebec language policies... f'get about it.


    It's a mother-beautiful bridge and it's gonna be THERE.

  9. Thanks, Kevin. I was -- ahem -- gently pointed at that website last night, but as proof of what I'm not sure.

    Use as a prime mover makes sense, but I can't believe such an unsuitable vehicle would ever be used as an APC. Can you imagine cramming a section and their equipment into that tiny turret ring? Still, if there's evidence out there that these vehicles were used as anything other than tractors, I'd like to have a look at it.


    It's a mother-beautiful bridge and it's gonna be THERE.

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