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Formerly Babra

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Posts posted by Formerly Babra

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ncounio:

    Therefore in my mind Titan, you are not the one on the narrow path (I was rather thinking of this editorialist...)


    The editorialist, Gordon Sinclair, was a well-known Canadian political correspondent and on-air personality. My granddad used to take me 'round his place in the summer. He died some time ago. That editorial is circa 1972/73 if I'm not mistaken.

  2. ACW open order tactics are more akin to WW2 style infantry combat than is apparent on the surface. In fact, I defy anyone to locate a primary source (that's a first-hand account) of fighting "shoulder to shoulder".

    Using terrain, cover and, yes, even lying down, were commonplace.

    As to massed Napoleonic formations, although the men fought in close order, the formations themselves were NOT static. Maneuver was the key to victory. Paintings, which form our primary imagery of the period, capture only an instant of time, and thus we get the impression of static lines blazing away at one another. Don't be fooled by the painters (or the movie-makers).

  3. A Wirbelwind among autumn trees.

    A tank duel at 1600 metres.

    A Crocodile breaking into the defences.

    A 120mm mortar barrage.

    The sound of 20mm's coming to life.

    Gunning down that fleeing crew.

    A perfectly executed ambush.

    Three Stuarts, One Tiger.

    Heavy building collapsing under a barrage.

    Sherman II sneaking up behind Panther.

    Prowling through the burning wrecks in search of survivors.

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