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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. It's obvious there were much work and dedication to do that. Thanks for the effort and I'm looking forward to read more of it soon. Thanks for giving us more CM related things to enjoy. Keep at it!
  2. CDV sales a retail version of CMBO in the UK, France, Germany and Austria. IIRC, there have been some boxed version spotted in Scandinavia too. The British version has a Bonus CD off MODs, Scenarios and MODs Manager added for good measure. If you're not in the UK, you'll get the regular CD just like we did save for the fact that it's CMBO for Windows 1.12 only. No Mac version on the CD because of the copy protection CDV uses for its CD. As a side note, said copy protection works so well there are scores of CDV CMBO all over the Net already. If you're willing to buy it online but not at BTS because you feel more at ease with big institutional sites, you can have it on many of the regular addies...
  3. Barbwire is 1211.bmp Landing Craft is 3660 to 3664.bmp Red Berets as well mortars, bazooka, flagpoles etc are hardcoded and can't be tweaked.
  4. Got it!! It was at Mojo's Combat Mission site. Here comes the link: http://www.angelfire.com/ns/mocm/germanarmor4.html We do need that MODs List... I can provide without hassle clickable pics in the reviews to link directly to the MODs. But the MODs List was and still is Manx' Tool. So I'd like to know if he's working on it or if it was discarded. Should you need help, drop me a mail Manx.
  5. I had it at Last Defense IIRC. I just checked but couldn't find it now. You can eMail bfamili33@hotmail.com directly to get ahold of his MOD. Manx had a comprehensive MODs List with pointers as to where to get them. I'm sure he's working on some such tool for CMHQ now...
  6. Scipio did those snow roof as a complement to Tom's BoB. Get them at Warfare HQ. They do quite well really.
  7. Wot?! There Cheat Codes in CMBO?!! I guess it explains much really...
  8. Go get that at CMHQ under the CMMOS section. Gordon did his usual outstanding job in MODing those for winter...
  9. Tss you can't get a joke. I would have noticed if those Tigers were yours. Ok I'll be my regular self without your approval then...
  10. Yup. The Man of many Sites! Just so you know, your dedication towards historical research, markings and TOEs is very handy when it comes to MODing. I was glad more than once to find the divisional info I was looking for to complete a MOD. Thanks for your work. Now can I say bad things about the Tigers tomorrow? Pretty please?
  11. I'm very glad you love the site and think it useful. I'll be releasing the Tiger Review this week end should you need more pics. If you want LoRes, remember that you might as well go for HiRes CMMOS and downsample them. Tadaaaa! And now your work is so much more complicated! Fact is, when I play CM on my dad's comp for Xmas, that just what I do. Burn my own HiRes MODs, scale them down to 50% of the original size and I end up with no frame hit and good looking MODs. I'm also working on a Starter Kit about MODs and How to install them. This should cover CMMOS also. We should team up to avoid duplicates.
  12. And if my Cromwell can't help but bounce shots off an Hetzer, can I spank him till it knows better? I dunno about navigation in game, which might benefit from an a la B&W system, but the interface will be changed and is done by Deanco. That would be Mr GunMetal. As for a dedicated CMBB web site, my guesstimate is that once the release date is near, CMHQ will start steamrolling...
  13. Your MODs are not impervious to enemy fire! Of course PzIVs are always a good choice when you want to test a tweaked smoke MOD but I'm very unhappy nonetheless. You owe me something with alcohol in it. A Seanachai!!!
  14. I can't tell you how glad I am you all think it's both usefull and well done. It's a strong incentive to release further articles really...
  15. Hugo's latest Panther A is at Der Kessel. However one might be reminded that what we call MODs in here are mere SKINs. And because BTS hadn't opened an SDK for us MODers to tweak the base models, there is NO chance you'll see Hugo's Render in game. Take a close look at the tracks for example and you can only imagine the frame hit such hi quality models would be on CMBO/CMBB. Outstanding 3D Model Hugo/Rafael, feel free to submit more whenever you want!
  16. Thanks for the feedback. Now if you ever finish that Panther of yours, you won't have any excuse if it's not weathered some... ;D
  17. That would be here: MODs & MODers [Edited because of those stoopid cascading Quotes] [ March 14, 2002, 04:19 AM: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  18. Thanks a lot Paul. Now stop browsing the Net and finish your Tiger!
  19. It sounds naughty really. Are you alright Ted?
  20. Article done. Update sometime today. Feedback about these kind of Tutorials would be nice...
  21. Andrew, it was the same Bruno who wanted to send goons to get your Wespe. Can't you let him drown in his tears a little while before sending the fix? If we can't be cruel then I have to ask, what's the point?!!!
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