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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. OK, point seen and taken. But what still continues to amaze me is why do people take such harsh stances to generalizations. I mean once someone says "in general" there is always some PC person who automatcially calls them on it by saying, "Now not all...yada yada yada" Well of course not, but geez, is it a fear or inferiorty complex that worries people in that they may be included in these generalizations? If so, then I feel for ya. In this case, I'm generalized as an American. But I just happen to be half-Italian and half-Lithuanian. But do I get upset when I am called any of those? No. So in this case everybody who does play FPS games along with CM are getting all bent out of shape because they are being generalized as a FPS player. Big deal! In this case, I do play the occasional RTS, (I've got the Cossacks: European Wars demo on my computer and I like to play it every so often) but I don't feel as if I should be worried about if I'm catorigized as a grognardy wargamer or a casual RTS gamer. Because mainly, I don't give a rat's ass. Maybe that's why I don't have a ulcer. I don't get all worked up for being included in something that I feel could be looked down upon by someone else. If anything all these responses saying that they play the occasional game of HalfLife or Quake sounds like they are uncomfortable in being a part of that cliche. You know I'm glad they play other games besides CM. I do too. But why get upset about it if you get grouped in with them when you are one? Going back to my ethnic backgorund. My family wasn't even in the States at the time of the Civil War, yet since I live in a "Northern State" I feel a connection to the "Yankees". Do I get upset for being called a Yankee even though "mi familia" wasn't even here at the time? No. Geez, I mention what I observed from a Zelda Fan when exposed to some CM screenshots and I get a Holy War in return. So who's got the corn cobs up their asses here? ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you! [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-16-2001).]
  2. The tune plays while picking troops??? What tune are you talking about? The drum roll? ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  3. Try doing a Complete Install. The CD should only spin at the very beginning when the drive checks for the CD for authenticity.
  4. Kinda like your SOUTH PARK terrain mod. JUST KIDDING! LOL! ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  5. And oh I missed one other insightful guy, The_Capt. That was exactly what I was trying to say. The fact that CM is 3D attracts people from other genres. And some of those people get confused onto what CM is trying to accomplish. Also the Tac-AI confuses them as well as it does thing for you. Something that some FPS players and RTS gamers have a hard time understanding. Personally, of all the RTS games and FPS games that I have played that deal with more than one individual, I wish the Tac-AI was better and that my squad mates would be a little smarter than my bedroom doorknob. When I played H&D before I discovered the CM Beta Demo, I always had a problem with how my fellow team mates would not react like they should. Well, TS finally improved that with the v1.3 patch, but it was a little bit lacking still. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  6. Look guys! I did NOT mean to start a flame war. I did NOT even stereo-type FPS gamers. All I did was a hear a one-on-one account on how one kid looked at CM and it gave me insight on how people like Gunny Bunny look at CM. Not all FPS gamers, but those that are confused at CM's mission (pardon the pun). GEEZ you people amaze me sometimes on how you get all worked up over nothing. Like I said above, not all FPS gamers but people like Gunny Bunny who bitch and complain about why CM isn't this or that or doesn't have better graphics because it is a 3D game. Hell we've all heard these arguements before. This thread was NOT intended to bash anybody, but to just bring in another look at how some people look at wargames in general. In fact, my little "test subject" didn't even know what a wargame/strategy game was. He was so inticed with Link that he wasn't aware of any other game genres. But I didn't chastize him for it. deanco-, I can't believe your response. MantaRay, for once you are correct. I *do* have the "divine truth" about everything. OK, so my "summary" paragraph in the first post wan't worded quite right and leaned a little towards being stereo-typical, but that wasn't my intention. So I left out the word, "some" (FPS fans), so sue me. At least Priest got the true meaning of this thread. Thanks for seeing through the blurred vision of the other posters. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you! [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-16-2001).]
  7. What mystery you ask??? The mystery of why FPS fans who come to CM have a hard time figuring out why CM is the way it is. Not to stir up a flame war here or anything, but just to shed a little light on this issue after hearing the viewpoint of a FPS/3rd Person Adventure game fan in person after showing him some CM screenshots. OK, the "test subject" was a 12 year old junior high student who is a HUGE fan of the Nintendo Zelda games. I know, I know, not a very good test subject, but given that someone's 5 year old is getting into CM that a 12 year old isn't a bad choice. So here goes with the test. OK, as the N64 Zelda games go, you control the character of Zelda in a 3rd person perspective and move around in a 3D world killing "baddies". OK, then I showed him a screenshot of the 4-pic montage of Marco's Shermans. His reaction was, "You control every man on the field?" And I'm like, "Yeah, it's a strategy wargame." He had a hard time understanding that you could control all the men on the field "because in Zelda you only control one guy, Link." So in summary, I think what throws a lot of FPS fans and the like is that since CM is in 3D they expect it to be revolved around the individual rather than a company or battalion. That's why FPS fans come here and start requesting all of these FPS-esk type features that will have no bearing or practicallity in CM. I remember someone asking about if CM could simulate medics going back and tending to the squad's injured...something you would expect from a FPS game like H&D or Operation Flashpoint. What they (FPS fans) fail to realize is that CM is a wargame and not just another 3D adventure game. So basically it's the 3D aspect of CM that confuses them. Any other thoughts on this matter? ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  8. Now is this coming from the Inner or Outer Croda? But anyway, well said. I think the issue lies in that people are really not aware of how powerful the Tac-AI really is. What I tell RTS gamers about the Tac-AI is that it does what a RTS gamer has to do manually. And that is like you said, pop smoke, reverse back down a slope out of view, switch targets, etc. IN an RTS game, the human has to do all of this manually which is why most RTS games boil down to click fests. It is because the human is constantly having to micromanage every little action that his cyber troops do. In CM the Tac-AI does this for us. Which in turn creates a much more realistic battle. I mean just the action of the CM troops going prone to duck bullets in itself is pretty amazing. Even Steve said once that the game was unplayable without the Tac-AI because the troops would just sit there if they didn't have a direct command to fire or what-not. To me, all of these requests for more micro-managing orders, are not necessary. Because if you have a good understanding of the orders we do have and how they work, you can get the units to do whatever you wanted them to do with the requested specialized orders. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  9. OK, I did a little bit of motherboard research this morning and I have found only a few motherboards that support DDR memory. Here's a one: http://www.bzboyz.com/product876.html And here's another: http://www.micropro.com/tbl/mbiwka266.htm DDR memory runs on boths sides of the Hertz cycle. In other words a 100MHz DDR DIMM actually runs at 200MHz or a 133MHz DDR DIMM runs at 266MHz. DDR memory numbers are PC1600/2100. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  10. ...that there was a market for piles of feces which has a similar demand as ice cubes to eskimoes. But that still doesn't deny the ingenius of the idea of trying to sell **** for money because that's nothing that Mace wouldn't do because.... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  11. Try PriceWatch.com. Whoops, I'm sorry a 32MB TNT2 is running $49+S&H. 8MB versions are like $28. Hell, a 64MB Geforce 2 MX is only $142. I paid $199 for my 32MB TNT2 in late '99. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  12. Why is it that I see so many people losing their harddrives to crashes or what-not? Is it because you're still running the same harddrive since 1985? or what? I've had a computer for the last 10 years and I've never had my harddrive crash. Well I did a stupid thing once and deleted DOS back in the Windows 3.11 days and it told me to reformat C: before I could reinstall DOS. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  13. I wasn't aware that he was dead. The last time I checked he was still working at a SAM's Warehouse and running a comics and gaming shop in my home town. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  14. Well lets just look at your thread topic here: AS a veteran member on this board, I can recall that WW2Online was being worked on back during the beta days of CM. And most of us have been aware of the game since then as well. So when you come on here and bring it up again for the upteenth time since then, well you can see why we reacted the way we did. And as far as our skepticism towards the game, most of us are pretty much aware of how massive multiplayer games end up being. And that is full of teenyboppers who don't know their own asshole from a hole in the ground. Hell, I for that matter would have a hard time trying to work as a team under the command of some jackass that wouldn't know his "Inner Croda" if it bit'em on the ass. I used to play paintball and at what we call "big games" or campaign-type games where you have two large sides (armies) and you have a chain of command and the gamemasters give each sides commanders a goal to accomplish. It's up to each side's commanders or come up with a plan to accomplish their goal. Well, when you don't have a strict chain of command like you do in the Armed Forces, there is nothing to keep each assigned group from actually doing what they were told to do. This is the case with Massive Multi-player games when you don't have any dire consequences if you don't follow orders. Back in '96 I played a campaign game based on Desert Storm. I played on the Iraqi side as a Front Line troop I believe it was. There were several landmarks on the field, Baghdad, Basra, Bahrain, and Kuwait City. Our base was of course Baghdad. It wasn't much more than a small shelter made of several pieces of sheet metal bent around in a small circular bunker. Basra was just a marker out on a dirt mound. We got into a hellava fire-fight there! LOL! This game even went into the night and some people actually had some night-vision goggles! BUT anyway, it all boiled down to freelance actions, nobody followed the commanders orders. We just took into account of the objective and we decided our own way on how to accomplish the mission. So this is what massive-multiplayer games usually boil down to. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you! [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-14-2001).]
  15. That nice long quote from another thread really doesn't answer a thing. As I said in my example, several artillery spotters can defeat a battalion of troops and score a 100-0 vicotry without taking the flag. Let's take a semi-real example. Lets's say that the radarsite MG nest in SPR is a 100-point victory flag. The squad's mission in SPR was not to bother with anything else other than finding Pvt. Ryan. But they decided to take out this MG nest as in what Cpt. Miller said as to, "our objective is to win the war." The squad knocked out the MG nest and then went about their business. They did not leave anybody there. The objective of war is to eliminate resistance as you go. And I go back to what I quoted from Patton, "We're not going to hold onto anything." Destroy the enemy and you won't need to "secure" the lonely MG nest at the end of the game. Because in real war, the battle doesn't end at a given amount of time like a scenario does. NOTE: This theory holds true to when on the attack. Of course if you are defending, then it is an entirely different story. But if you are to ask me if I go scurrying around to occupy VFs around the 28th turn of a 30-turn scenario, I'll answer with a resounding "NO!" Because why should I do that when I can drive off the enemy and get a Total Vicotry anyway. Who gives a **** about points. IMHO, this is what makes the very essence of VFs to be very GAMEY to say the least. You see what I'm saying, "real battles" just don't automatically and magically end after 30 minutes. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  16. ...Inner Croda. "Oh wait," exclaims one of the babes, "isn't the Inner Croda gamey as all hell?" "Phillies! What kind of girl do you think I am???" Just then there's a knock at the door, it's none other than.... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you! [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-14-2001).]
  17. Truthfully, a 4MB video card ain't gonna cut it. The bare minimum on a PC system is about 16MB. I have a 32MB TNT2 card and it is even taxed with all the hi-res mods I have installed. I definately recomend getting a 32MB card or better anyway. A 32MB TNT2 card goes for about $25 now.
  18. In CM2, probably yes, because the battlefields will be larger. The reason the Brummbar was excluded from CMBO was that the Brummbar is more of a stand-off self-propelled howitzer than a direct-fire weapon. Being a stand-off SP howitzer, it is simulated by the 150mm artillery spotter. The Brummbar was originally going to be in CMBO, but the above explanation was used as an arguement against it. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  19. I'm with Lord General MB on this one. Hi mom!
  20. Faces are on CMHQ. They've been out for ages. I think they're the ones from FPS games or something. There's several face mods on CMHQ. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  21. One note though, I understand that if you have a 1+ GHz machine, go with 200MHz DDR RAM. As it has been found that even PC133 RAM isn't fast enough for those top machines. 256MB of DDR goes for about $99 or so. I plan on getting a 1.2GHz T-bird soon and that's what I'm getting. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  22. ..a GBU-15 with Seanachi's face painted on the nose of the ordinance with a speech bubble saying, "Pucker up and kiss your monkey-ass goodbye!" But as the bomb closed in on "monky-boy", Croda managed to climb back in the car with Mace and sped off into the country side. Moments later the bomb exploded on the very tree that he was swing from just moments before. But what was really interesting was that as the bomb splintered the tree, it was discovered that the tree wan't really a tree after all, it was a.... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  23. OK, let me weigh in here with my age ol' phrase concerning flags in CM. "Destroy the enemy and then all the flags will be yours in the end anyway." Homba, I see you made comparison of CM to CC in regards to VF occupation. Well that's your first mistake. The age ol' saying with CM is that "you must unlearn what you have learned from other wargames when playing CM". I look at VFs in CM as "OK, those are the areas of which I can expect action or are somewhat of an importance in relation to scenario objectives." However if you totally rout the enemy from the field, then you have no one left to worry about occupying those "rear" flags. On the attack, if you stop and leave "garrisons" at every flag, you're eventually going to run out of resources to push and route the enemy off the map. In other words, I never worry about occupying flags in the rear, because the main objective is to, as General Patton used to say, "is to kill the enemy." "We're not going to hold onto anything...we'll let the hun do that." "We're going to run through the enemy like crap through a goose." If you get my meaning. If one plays a game of CM (on the attack) just to hold onto the flags at the end, then you're really not accomplishing your mission. Destroy the enemy and then all the flags will be yours in the end anyway. If you play for VFs, then you're just playing for points, which in itself is very gamey to say the least. Now, you may say that this explanation really doesn't address your complaint, well no, it really doesn't, because really your point in kinda irrelevent in the game known as CM. Besides, there's really no indication in Battle AARs where it says anything about points being earned from VFs. The ending points are weighed heavily by the ratio of kills on each side. See for yourself. Set up a test scenario where you have several 14" Naval Gun spotters up on a hill overlooking a single VF somewhere out in the flat ground. Set up a Battalion of German Infantry at the VF. Bombard the VF location with 14" Artillery and wipe out the Battalion. The game ends with a 100-0 score and the artillery spotters never moved from their position. ie the VF was never taken by the spotters. And as discussed above, spotters are incapable of taking VFs anyway. So there you go. Your issue is really not an issue. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you! [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-13-2001).]
  24. ...couldn't see the lassy because he was still suffering from the effects of the hang-over that got him into this situation to begin with, however...... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
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