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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chrisl

  1. The UPS was probably the problem-- a large part of the $25 was probably a "customs broker" fee charged by UPS in addition to the actual customs charge. We got burned on this (fortunately on inexpensive things) when my girlfriend moved to Canada. We have the same experience as you with stuff sent USPS-- it arrives pretty much as if it were sent Canada Post, and on the occasions that they charge customs fees there's little or no add-on. We've also learned to send to her work address for anything that does go UPS, as her work has its own customs brokers and standing instructions with the courier services to route things that way. When I sent her a coffee maker as a gift I ordered it from Sears Canada. They managed to send a deep fryer instead, and then made a total mess (resulting in something like 6 pages of notes at sears) of trying to pick it up, refund it, and send a proper coffee maker in its place. I was tempted to just have my credit card company charge them back and tell them the deep fryer was still sitting on the secretary's desk, waiting for them to send their courier to pick it up.
  2. I seem to recall that he's a lawyer or something like that. What did you expect, Nabokov?
  3. I marvel that you have either the unbelievable stubbornness to dig those up, or (more probably), had the links tattooed to your forehead to commemorate the day you were admitted to the knighthood. I'm sure the tatoo has served the excellent dual purpose as a contraceptive as well, so there won't be any more little pondscum running around the cesspool unless you're capable of fission.
  4. They've been doing this for a while, and will let it go when it's ready. But they way they're releasing it now gets it to us fastest-- instead of being done and sitting in the can, once they decide it's done we'll have it pretty much right away. You should have been here for CMBO... I found the demo after it had been out for a while, but there wasn't even a real release window. The demo was good enough that if all the full version added was a scenario editor, then that was well worth the pre-order. The full version was much better!
  5. Just did an interesting experiment. I ran the CMSF demo under parallels on my relatively old mac- it's a MacBook Pro 2 GHz Core Duo with 2 GB of RAM and an ATI video processor with 128 MB of video ram. The tutorial ran reasonably smoothly, although not quite with lifelike graphics. It bodes well for CMBN running on this machine, even though it's slower than the recommended. It's still pretty much CM. Not any surprises in how it behaved, though I didn't try playing real time.
  6. Meh, you're just incompetent. Any half-decent player would have just written a quick editor to alter the map after the game is started and rolled out a new, nicely paved road. And turned the armored cars into Panthers.
  7. speak for yourself. my handle was right here waiting for me. though I have popped in to the MBT every few years just for quick a dip in the cesspool. for me it's the return to Mac-- CMSF and CMA weren't enough to get me to get a dedicated PC, though I might see if their demos run on a rusty old one I have laying around, just to get a feel for the controls.
  8. Wow, things are slow around here. Are y'all getting old and the cobwebs are making you type slow? The arthritis is kicking in so you can't rub the eye-crust out of your eyeballs in the morning and they're all crusted up so you can't read? Maybe it's just because it's winter and the cold makes all the cess get thick and goop up so you can't get to your computers. And what's with you, Elvis? Did you finally get rid of that old 110 baud acoustic modem and get some broadband so you can post something longer than one word without having to sit and wait all night for the server to echo your keystrokes?
  9. I could have, but I knew you were coming so I kept a low profile. Drop me a line next time so I can be sure to be out of town and have the police watching the place. And don't go thinking you can sneak in around the back-- the guard ducks will tear you to bits.
  10. I poke my head in here for the first time in years and WTF? It's in the middle of roll call... And Emma and mensch married? Was she drugged? Has he been collecting dirt and blackmailing her? I suppose congratulations are in order, despite the suspicious nature of it all. And maybe a crack in the head with the brick for menschy, just for old times. And Lars is married? It must be some sort of copycat thing that he just did, or more likely made up, out of jealousy. Otherwise how could he have not been pushed out of the boat in the dark? I suppose it could have been a winter wedding, and she can't stuff him through the ice fishing hole. And Seanachai has Mae West stuck in his head. It struck me that his may be the only head in the thread large enough, but I suppose Shaw's may actually be larger. And The Bard and Dorosh have still not managed to kill each other-- some mortal enemies they are. I guess it takes a while to murder someone with boredom. According to Google, Pondscum is blogging away at his employer, the evil empire of the pacific northwest. Where have I been? Off doing stuff. If any of you are ever in LA, give me a call and I'll see if I can find a nice place in the desert to leave you in the dark. And it's a good thing jdmorse is missing, too-- he thinks I still owe him a turn. I wonder what my sig says these days? Ah, yes, there it is, and it's still words to live by.
  11. Wow - I check back in here after however many months it's been and there's morse. I think you were MIA again when I stopped checking the thread, but I think I owe you a turn. I'll send it to you some time after Peng and Seanachai sober up, since I no longer even remember what scenario, or even game version it might have been. You'll just have to wait. The rest of you lot don't seem to have even moved from your seats in the meantime. I hope you've at least had buckets nearby to take care of your personal needs. Has Dorosh (only half bolded, because, well, just because) been in here lately? I managed (through nefarious means) to get ahold of the scenario generating code for CMSF and have been working diligently on a blood hamster for him and Peng to play. I promise it will be good.
  12. Sorry bubba, but ain't nobody plays the game slower than me. I demand an apology or somefink, or maybe a file as penance for that insult. You'll suffer waiting at your inbox for years. Even better, make it a file from someone elses game, maybe one with Shaw or somefink. I can't believe the gall of some pods. No respect for the lazy.
  13. You just can't get good windshield wiper fluid in southern CA. It's pretty much just water with blue color to make you feel like you got something for your$0.89. If you want good stuff, get it imported from farther north in Canada, or maybe shipped from Alaska.
  14. Are you sure you aren't in an art film and the director is trying to hint at something? If Gerard Depardieu shows up at your door you should be very worried.
  15. edit:Maybe a different person than I thought... [ September 07, 2004, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: chrisl ]
  16. Has anyone seen Seanachai this morning? Gnome-napper strikes in Minnesota
  17. Has anyone seen Seanachai this morning? Gnome-napper strikes in Minnesota
  18. That picture looks like CM:Mars Invasion! All it needs is a couple little rovers photoshopped in.
  19. And you're simpler than an inbred duck. but that doesn't help you be any gamier (well, actually if you're an inbred duck you probably are pretty gamey, but in a different sense). The issue isn't really simple vs. complex, it's lazy vs. annoyance. You all annoy me, and I'm lazy, so I'm only willing to do a small amount of reading about some online game on your behalf (except maybe for Emma, since she's the queen, but the rest of you lot are too annoying, particularly you, Sgt. VileJelly).
  20. Reading all the fiefdom dreck in some previous thread was annoying to no end, but since I seem to enjoy being annoyed (I read all of your drivel, and even worse, actually posted more than once to a single thread in the GF within the last month. The only good thing that came of it is that I'm now locked in a vicious battle against Pengfor some building named after a can of tomato paste. If you can call that a good thing). At any rate, I signed up for fiefdom to put yet another MBT ally into the game, using the surprisingly creative username of chrisl. I probably won't spend a lot of time at it, but I enjoy being a gamey bastard at least as much as I enjoy being annoyed, and will engage in gamey behavior in support of the MBT alliance upon request, whenever I get around to it, and if you don't annoy me too much, and if dalem goes out glues his head to a manhole cover in the middle of a busy street at rush hour. It all strikes me as an excessively complicated extension of Diplomacy, or maybe Civilization (IIRC). Anyway, I'm too lazy to even read the rules to figure out gamey ways to maximize resources, so one of you should provide some recommendations as to proper gameyness.
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