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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Bah! We wish you could read, lad. You only seem able to post! It's very true, though, that the manual is excellent. When I told a friend at work that the game came with a 260 page manual that I was getting a lot of great info out of, they were incensed. "You bought a game that came with a large, useful manual?!!! I buy professional software packages that come with throw away brochures that tell me nothing more than how to double-click on the program icon, and then refer me to the unbelievably inane online help!" So, good on ya', BFC and Moon!
  2. No, no, the polar bear is Great Fred, immortalized in my deeply spiritual hymn in his honour. The Fred these other toads are refering to is Fred 176. Member number 176. Please note it. Fred 176 always did. He was a rather humourless and judgemental man, quite given to posturing and bearing grudges, and who, under a facade of pseudo-reasonableness, never passed up an opportunity to get his opinion out there, presented as the unvarnished truth. He continued to maintain a number of things as 'true', constantly reiterating them despite responses from others, that he consistently ignored, corrections from others, which he consistently ignored, and straight-forward 'buddy, what the hell is wrong with you?' inquiries from people who were beginning to get frustrated by his consistently ignoring everything that was being said to him as he moved from thread to thread making snide remarks about BFC, the Games, and anyone who disagreed with him. Madmatt eventually grew tired of his most recent ploy, which was to show up in a thread, bad-mouth BFC, most especially about the whole CDV/European release flap, until the company had corrected and attempted to explain things to him. Then he would move on into a completely different thread and do exactly the same thing until someone showed up there to repeat the process. Finally, he was banned. It is of importance to note that one of the banners that Fred 176 constantly waved before, during, and after many of his declaritive pieces of arsing about was his member number, 176. The way in which he utilized it would lead you to believe he'd had to fight a bare-handed deathmatch with a wolverine to acquire it, rather than simply showing up here at a certain moment and registering as a Forum member. He also seemed to imply that the number was both representative of his IQ, and lent him a status that made his remarks irreproachable. In a final note on Fred 176, he did not like the Peng Challenge Thread, and campaigned for a while that it be closed. As he wasn't interested in it, there was no purpose served by it, and it could be safely done away with. I strongly resent the sloppy usage of the term 'Fred' which we have seen here of late. The man's correct designation was 'Fred 176', and I shall insist upon it whenever he is mentioned. It is both the least, and the most, that I can do for him. And, while Great Fred should, properly, be referred to as Great Fred, he is not a deity that stands on excessive observations of status, unlike Fred 176. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to refer to this Polar Bear deity as simply Fred. Or Frederick, if you're feeling all spiritually formal. Usage of 'Great Frdrck', with letters omitted in order not to offend the deity, and forbidden to be spoken out-loud (lest you disturb his post-prandial nap), are now archaic usages, and are no longer considered appropriate in the contemporary Church of Great Fred. And, in deference to the nasty little poseurs who objected to my colloquial usage of the term 'gun' (see what trying to be a 'man of the people' gets you? I'm going back to sordid, anti-Southern, looking-down-my-nose-at-the-unwashed-masses elitism, thank you very much) I have renamed my .20 gauge a 'shotrifle'. Thank you for your attention to this. You may all now return to watching 'Bowling For Jesus', and whichever Soap Opera takes your fancy. [ September 27, 2002, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  3. I believe that by the terms of your release back into society, you are not, actually, allowed to do this. No contact, certain areas of town off-limits, no, er, 'fighting for the honour' either. In fact, I believe the conditions were so stringent as to even forbid you from watching entertaiment programs that involved 'young women about to enter the fullness of womanhood.' I will be contacting the Kansas authorities immediately. Besides, it's pretty clear to all of us that this whole battle is over which boy on the 'Gilmore Girls' is cuter. Bringing up some young woman's choices in life is only a smokescreen for what really has you two all aflutter.
  4. Actually, UPS does indeed deliver on Saturdays. However, the shipper has to specify Saturday delivery, and pay extra. And while most local loaders and drivers do not work on Saturdays, the UPS trans-shipping network does work on Saturdays to move packages between cities. I'm sure you know a lot more about Unions though than you do about shipping
  5. Remember the way he used to insist we weren't funny, and demand that the Peng Challenge Thread be locked? sniffle I wonder if he still thinks about us sometimes...
  6. That, and the jolly sing-songs. Even the most mentally disturbed and violent house-invader can't hold up in the face of 45 choruses of "I Am 'Enry the Eighth I Am".
  7. I am always at the service of the Old Firm when it comes to being trashed and humiliated. Please to send my way your setup when the game arrives in the land of folk that eat rotting fish.
  8. While I admit that last movie of Goanna attempting to get the pistol to work had some real humour value (anyone else think he was going to start bashing it with a rock in a second?), my main thought during the first two movies was "huh, a movie of two Australians not managing to shoot each other. Where's the fun? Where's Mad Max? They could have at least spiked OGSF's hair, and stuck a leather face mask on Goanna"
  9. Who else was hoping Goanna was going to look down the barrel to see what's (not) happening? Mace</font>
  10. I've played games against ianc, and found him to be a good and witty opponent. I have noted with interest his many postings, both now, and in the past, asking for changes to the user interface, and on such issues as 'the roster'. And I say, we nail him to a large piece of wood, dowse him with kerosene, and set him on fire. It seems only right. [ September 26, 2002, 01:57 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  11. Rum-tee-puddily-ring-ting-fatoo... Ahem. Our sermon for today is: Moriarity: What Can Be Done? Our text is First Cesspudlians, Chapter One, Page One. "And in those days, there was found to be dwelling among them Moriarity, who's piss-poor play had become a by-word, and a jest amongst the people of the Cesspool, and to whom much humour was attached. But after several seasons of taunting and abuse, this Moriarity did study, and connive. Yay, he did even conspire, as does the weasel. And in his conspiracy, he sought to bring low and make mock of even an Olde One. And thus was Seanachai ensnared, and bemused by Moriarity, and, having pity on him, did not realize that he had turned to wretchedness, and practices most vile. And so was Seanachai defeated by Moriarity, whom all men mocked, and made light of. And Seanachai, cast down, made then a mighty oath, and said unto Moriarity: You bloody little Chicago-land git! I'm going to kick your arse up between your shoulder-blades, lad, and make you wear it as a hat! And the people rejoiced. Alright, Moriarity. The time has come, the Olde One said, to speak of many things. Of victories by Moriarity, and whether pigs have wings. Let's see if you can still get that Poland China that you rode in on off the ground, lad. Send me a setup in CMBB.
  12. I want you to take a deep breath, and then shoot yourself. I know you have the means, and I could spend hours justifying the act.
  13. Don't feel silly, lad. Feel small and pink and vulnerable. Tell us about your 'inner child'.
  14. It's people like you wot cause unrest! A CD jewel case, clearly identifying the product as 'software' greatly increases the liklihood that Canadian Customs would have charged you duty, and possibly held up your purchase for longer while they checked out what it was you were bringing into Canada. Chances are also much better than even that the jewel case would be cracked or otherwise busted when it got to you, consigning it to be more plastic crap in a landfill somewhere. You are making it difficult for me in my never ending battle to righteously defend and glorify Canadians in the Mother Beautiful Thread.
  15. And a wonderful job you've done, too. But we wouldn't dream of making you hug Hiram. For better or worse, he's one of ours, and we wouldn't want to have to turn a hose on you afterwards while Peng dialed the CDC.
  16. Also, why do I always end up wearing a hat? I mean, in this one we all have hats, but I always end up with a hat. This hat sucks the most. Even the pointy red hat looks fairly macho in comparison. I want Joe's hat.
  17. DEAR GOD, BERLI! (and I make no apologies for the usage, as it was wrung out of me by heartfelt shock) Is this your influence?! Or the final sign that you can exert no control over her at all?! It is a nightmare from which we cannot, it seems, awake. On one level, it is a simple, silly photo doctoring session combined with a silly song. It cries out as typical 'Persephone cuteness'. On another level, it's a look into a surreal funland of evil that would seem to have no place in the person I know as Persephone. Innocent and giddy schoolgirl teasing, or a window into a world of torment unimagined outside the paintings of Heironymous Bosch? How, Berli, how is this happening? Have you driven her to it? Or are you the victim, even as we all are? Or... But wait! I sense the influence that has wrought this change! Of course! It could only be YEKNOD! WRETCHED DONKEY! THIS IS YOUR INFLUENCE, ISN'T IT YOU SLUMP-EARED, FLEA-INFESTED THISTLE CHEWING FAILURE OF A FRONT ENTRYWAY RUG! You whisper your insidious drolleries, your glum, eyebrow waggling non-sequitors into the ears of Persephone, and this is what we see! Corruption! Madness! Impudence! I'll do you for this one, lad!
  18. I have the game. But let me get this straight. You two are going to fight a battle over a couple of boys on the television program 'Gilmore Girls'. I believe this will replace all other definitions of 'nadir' in the history of the Cesspool... [ September 25, 2002, 06:01 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  19. We're such an embarassment to him. Like having your parents show up when you're at a sports match with your friends.
  20. As stated elsewhere, only spotters with radios can ride on vehicles. The others are stringing communication wire to maintain contact, and so cannot ride on vehicles.
  21. Anyone else been over to the 'Has CMBB Arrived Down Under Yet' thread? Other than our half-tamed/semi-feral Cesspool Aussies and Kiwis, I mean. Page after page of discussions of beer. The game might have arrived, or it might not have. There's simply no way to tell from their conversation. It's things like this which will one day see my satirical put-downs of Australia result in my being cited as 'the intellect which saw most deeply into the Australian soul', and 'the individual who, on the brink of a new millenium, boldly exposed the Australian psyche to the scrutiny of the world.' I imagine there'll be biographies of me done, and angry essays by Aussie pundits denouncing me, and honourary degrees in sociology, and anthropolgy and social-anthropology rolling in from all over the place. I'll be 'Dr. Seanachai', and I'll be getting $2,000 a pop for speaking engagements with titles like "Australia: From Criminals to Criminals In Two Hundred Years".
  22. That's the spirit! See, lads? See how easy it is?! And Wisbech will actually spend a few minutes of his time in paradise hating me! It makes it all worthwhile, somehow. Now, as I've said, go to the first post of this thread to find my address, and then send me a letter, card, or postcard filled with your hatred of me. [ September 25, 2002, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  23. Wow, you've already been dubbed Saint Idiotic? You've moved up quickly. It took Bauhaus much longer to be raised to sainthood...
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