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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. This Malakovski interests me. I find his patois quite amusing. I send him up as a Serf. I think he should get a game. Leeo, give the lad a game. I think he used a form of 'Taunt Judo' on you, and turned most of your rant against you. It was, hmm, almost adroit. Panzer Leader, don't talk to the SSNs. Your gibbering gives them the wrong impression and contributes to their initial stupidities. Someone give me The Stick. Time to poke him again.
  2. Bah! You said you wanted your thread closed, and nothing closes a thread faster than an influx of Cesspoolers with time on their hands. We were doing you a favour!
  3. Oh don't bother with Dalem, Philosophy guy. He's gone all laconic and strange on us since his Quest For Hatred failed. He should have picked something more fulfilling, like my own Quest to Crush All Australians. Who can we aim the new SSN at? And not Panzer Leader. Fifteen minutes of him would cause a stoat to get religion.
  4. Can someone explain to him that I'm the nice one? Right, then lads. Bugger him. Well?! We're waiting. Who's first? [ October 03, 2002, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  5. That's the stuff, Hakko!(My God, what a low and vulgar fellow you are) And when the Mad Bald One shows up, we just point at Mr. Barr! It's like absolution!
  6. Buck up, that man! You're a Finn! What kind of irreparable harm are you attempting to impart to the whole 'Uber' concept?! Would you like some rotting fish that the Swedes left with us? Really, take it. It even smells horrible in this place.
  7. You're a foreign worker. Notice how you are required to work out of your home? That's so you're not seen hanging about the place and upsetting good Minnesotans.
  8. And we actually took you on a boat. I am deeply saddened. Next time, farm equipment only, Shaw!
  9. Pour it on, lads! It's all on Gary Barr's tab!
  10. Aha! A rich new homeland which the Peng Challenge Thread may spread to! Praise to Gary! C'mon, lads!
  11. We don't encourage visitors. They bring down the tone of the place. You'll certainly never see us offering deals to Ohioans. Mind, we might bring you in as foreign workers to live in hostels and clean the streets. But you'd have to be back in your compounds by daybreak. [ October 03, 2002, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  12. Clearly the combination of pain, and the excessive medication he is taking for it, have completely unhinged Joe. I mean to say, what are the chances that I would not have already created the map and sent it on to Joe? That I would leave Panzer Leader endlessly hanging? That I would put him in a position to whinge and moan and posture about Agua Perdido's non-response, when, in fact, it was simply that Agua did not have the setup yet? I mean, what are the chances?
  13. Don't forget my personal favourite: Lancaster, Ohio, birthplace of William Tecumseh Sherman. The South shall burn again!
  14. When the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread first met, there was, in fact, both a great deal of beer present, and a goat. Literal truth.
  15. Roight! That's it for you, you barracks lawyer! I'll sic the Peng Challenge Thread on you, lad, if my time's not in the mail by tomorrow! Still, I suppose as you're a Dane and the mess of trying to exchange Danish time for American time would be a huge hassle, even if you were to use the new Euro time, then I could see my way clear to letting you off if you were to post some sort of jolly sing-song here. Just so the whole thread wasn't a complete waste of time.
  16. You can only have your time refunded if you send us a cheque for £5.00 and include with it a finger from your left hand to prove you are indeed Seanachai. Please also allow at least 2 weeks for delivery. Remember that for every time-refund we will require another additional original finger.</font>
  17. I'm getting this really shuddery vision of Boo with Australian all over his upper lip... [ October 03, 2002, 10:01 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  18. I want my time refunded by the original poster. I learned absolutely nothing new in here. Same whinging as the last 6 threads on this topic.
  19. sniffle That was just lovely. Oh, and just keep straight on to get to the fire of the Olde Ones. Never turn to the right. Unless you're going to go post on the General Forum, of course.
  20. I'm sorry, Dalem, but I'm not in your league when it comes to 'prancing about'. I tend to stride forward with a manly step. Prance along as you like, though.
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