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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Currently, while playing against the AI and familiarizing myself with the game, I'm using 'Full'. When I've found my feet a little more, I will only be playing 'Extreme'. Against human opponents, I always play 'Extreme'. Unless they ask for a lesser setting. Then I'll mock them as little silkie boys, but play at the setting they want.
  2. Very strange. I attempted to post in the arty anomalies thread, and it ended up here. [ September 25, 2002, 02:26 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  3. That's rather touching, really. In a sort of pathological way. Joe, I am moved by Pondscum's story and his use of it here to believe that he truly cares for you. Joe, I think you should give him a hug. Nothing showy, just a straight-forward, manly bumping of chests with a quick slap of the arms to either shoulder, then step back and give each other an acknowldeging nod. You may signify its transmission by sending: ((manly-hug)) [ September 25, 2002, 02:15 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  4. How 'bout a group hug with the scenario designers, and then some photographs all holding hands? Berli, Andreas, and Rune! Hiram wants to give you a hug!
  5. I don't know why, but I'm thinking of Mary Poppins. I always feel a bit odd when I think of Mary Poppins. She was practically perfect in every way, you know. Excuse me, I'll be back in a little while.
  6. Sorry, argie, but your copy was sent to me. Apparently, although everyone knows and is convinced that Soddball is not Seanachai, there are too many that believe you and I are the same individual. Primary betting seems to be that you are my barking mad alternate personality; the Hyde to my Jekyll, as it were. I will see that your copy is given a good home, as Argentina is simply too far for me to drive it over. Margaret Thatcher shows up here drunk, periodically, suffering from blackouts and with wild stories about Canadian lumber camps. Maybe she'd like your copy.
  7. For this, I gave up ever having a Real Life to hang out in the Peng Challenge Thread. Jesus wept.
  8. Be quiet, Squire Treeburst155, and notice that I'm starting up a new Thread early.
  9. Ahem, 'scuse me, 'scuse me, budge up there, you lot. Ladies and Gentlemen, Men and Women, Donkeys, Chickens, and SSNs. I know this is a bit early, but it's a bit of an occasion, so please indulge me in this early re-incarnation of the Thread of threads. Please go here to our new home: Peng, I Take Our Challenge Public, Now & Forever, Until the Last Breath Leaves Me [ September 24, 2002, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  10. Ah, Peng. Has it really been over two years? Two years of hatred. Two years of taunts. Two years of the Peng Challenge. It seems like no more than a heartbeat. One blood filled pulse coming and going; one 'Peng, I Challenge You' moment of eternity. What is love, Peng? Ephemeral. Spiritual. Wrapped round with mystery, drowned in sentiment, fraught with significance. Sticky with desire, and sweaty with romance. Writhing on it's own needs, and a mirror held up to hope. A worried confusion of impulses that can never be fully defined or explained. Not like the Peng Challenge. For the Peng Challenge is like the Geometry of Combat. The Logic of Conflict. That place where the saber kisses the eyebrow in wry salute. A great philosopher* once said: "Hate is the cleanest emotion". And so, Peng, my brother, I 'hate' you. I take our conflict, once again, up into the cold, clean realms of irony, satire, and humour. Where the winds blow, and the only sound is the falcon's cry. For another year, you, Berli, and I will go into the Wasteland. And we will wait, as patient as graven images. For the folk to join us. To find their way to us. To create the world around them in their journey to us. And in our patience, we will be rewarded. With great taunts. With rare bits of wit, and wisdom. And with the knowledge that the 'covered arc' command means we've got a whole lot better chance of cutting off the stupid bastards at the goddamn knees. *Moriarity [ September 24, 2002, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  11. Who the hell are all you people? You're Minnesotans, but you're not in the Peng Challenge Thread? Something fishy, here.
  12. Apparently the 'Extreme' Fog of War setting involves attaching some kind of board to your feet, a certain amount of body piercing and odd haircuts. I'm a little afraid to use this setting given the number of accidents and jailings it apparently caused amongst the Beta Testers...
  13. Ethan, that was all quite droll. Have you and Professor Doktor Hamster X sent me my postcard yet, however?
  14. Or could it be a little thing like efficiency that comes into the equation? </font>
  15. Thanks to argie for his manfully Argentinian efforts to keep this thread properly, er, exposed. A reminder for those so filled with hatred that their vision is blurred, their hands are shaking, and the audible grinding of their teeth has scared family pets from the room: You do not need to search or read this whole thread for my address. It is posted in the very first post of this thread in order to facillitate the orderly transmission of your hatred. [ September 23, 2002, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  16. Isn't there something the Federal Government can do to keep it out of Ohio altogether? I thought you were recently declared to be 'Baja Kentucky', and until the official revocation of statehood and integration into Kentucky had taken place, you folks have no official identity... [ September 23, 2002, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  17. Go, thou Australians, and pronounce it amongst thy tribe: To hate Seanachai, and send him the postcard of hate. Go, all thou Cesspoolers, and proclaim it to your non-Cesspooler friends: A card filled with hatred for Seanachai answers all. Go, thou Grogs, and... Oh for Chrissake, would all you sodding people send me a postcard filled with venom? I've got a sodding full wall mural to erect here!
  18. That was all rather nice, Leeo. A few tense parts, one or two forced bits, but in general, lovely.
  19. You never tell us you love us, Elvis. You've forgotten for far too long, lad. I expect there to be hugs and kisses attached to that next 'Wankers'. [ September 20, 2002, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  20. "They don't like it down-under 'em, they don't like it down-under 'em!" It strikes me that it is never inappropriate to remind all Australians that my Quest, most holy and devout, is to 'Crush Them All'. Now, a new vehicle for the defeat, subjugation, humiliation, in short the 'Crushing' of all Australians, will shortly be available to us. So, let me remind Stuka that when the new game's out, he's got a right good 'crushing' coming his way. Also that sweater fondler, Mace. Also, that... Well, all of you Marsupials, actually. By the by, have you Aussie Gits all gone by my thread, Bugger The Demo, Sod Pre-Ordering, Read In Order To Let Seanachai Know You Hate Him And sent me a letter, card, or postcard filled with your hatred of me? Also, do you lot of primitive, pouched mammals realize that the bloody Peng Challenge Thread had it's very genesis in the 'Anyone Got CM in Australia Yet' thread? We all used to wander by there and laugh, and make the odd comment here and there about the fact that you lot didn't have the game yet. Good times, good times. It was where Peng was originally Challenged to the longest running thread in, quite probably, human history. Treat yourselves, lads! Go out and drink 'Foster's' until your copy of the game arrives. [ September 20, 2002, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  21. Lars and his 1,001 cousins. Accidently shot him? You drunkards probably mistook him for yet another cousin and shot him on purpose...
  22. For any visiting this thread in the very good and proper hope of hating me immensely, I have, knowing how lazy, drunk, and, in many cases, mentally challenged you all are, simplified the process of hating me by posting my physical mail address for your letters, cards, and postcards of hate at the very beginning of this thread. Go to my very first post, and find the means by which you can tell Seanachai how much you hate him. Remember: Smiling, waving, chattering, and such like inane activities involve an unbelievable number of muscles, time, effort, and idiocy. Telling Seanachai how much you hate him takes a cheap postcard, a few strokes of a pen, and, at most, a first class stamp. Unless you hate him a lot. But isn't the return in satisfaction worth the investment? So send today.
  23. That's very nice. The quote is quite appreciated. Now, of course, is the point at which you, and your multiple friends, get up, purchase a postcard, and send it to me in the mail, right? For any wanting to 'Tell Seanachai How Much You Hate Him', I've simplified matters by posting my address in the very first post of this thread. Bugger The Demo, Sod Pre-Ordering, Read In Order To Let Seanachai Know You Hate Him [ September 18, 2002, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
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