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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. You really ought to put your fancy degree to work and buy a clue. Seanachai, are you sure you want to add this one to House Bard? It seems as though your standards are slipping. And I say this as one who once had Meeks as a sycophant. Good times, good times. Oh, wait, no they weren't.</font>
  2. I hope you've been slowly building up tolerance to that level of idiocy. Jumping right in can cause permanent emotional damage and some loss of motor coordination.
  3. On other issues, there might be debate. As regards gore, blood, and 'graphic' depictions of violence, as it were, BFC often and emphatically in the days of CMBO stated that this was not going to be in the game, not even as a 'toggle', and that they were not going to make it modable. Any number of people, some with arguments based on 'realism', some good, and some bad, and a lot more for emphatically 'stupid and vulgar' reasons, wanted to see this introduced into the game. BFC has never, so far as I've seen, backed off their laudable decision that this won't be brought into what is, after all, still a game. 'Immersion' is all very well, and makes for a more interesting experience, and in many cases even has validity within 'gameplay'. Gratuitous introduction of gore, whether for the halfwits to ooh and ahh about, or the 'hyper realism' crowd to pontificate about, seems to be one of those lines that BFC doesn't intend to either cross nor blur. I trust them, on issues like this especially, to make the right decisions, and I have a lot of respect for their integrity regarding their products and feel that thought goes into whatever they do.
  4. This will not be happening. Discussed a great deal in both CMBO and again somewhat in CMBB. Not practical or likely within the time limit/scope of the game, not practical within the current game engine, also, I believe. Can lead to extremely gamey behaviour where a player could use it in a completely unrealistic and ridiculous fashion. Others might well show up to go into greater detail, but you might also do some searching of the Forum for info (I know, the place is huge and searching can be time consuming). I've just given you the short and general answer.
  5. Bugger, missed the migration. It's easier when the Mad One locks up the old Thread.
  6. Hey, Oberst, I've seen you mention not getting my turn a couple of times now, and I just re-sent it for the third time. Let me know if you still don't see it. I'm starting to suspect there's something mildly odd going on with some, but not all, of my email.
  7. I think the one thing needed to take this from being a really good Mod to being a really great Mod, is seeing you somehow entangled in the wire and writhing in pain, Jeff. Until you've worked out that bit, it's simply going to remain a very handsome Mod. Bloody Australian. And I mean that with all affection. Or something like it.
  8. We are arguing at cross-purposes to our own points. I wouldn't deny that it is annoying, and in some cases, unrealistic, for the current level of 'vehicular inability' to occur. Gods know I hate it when they muddle themselves up. However, I think that your desired fix would represent an unnatural level of precision and ability on the part of a convoy moving during wartime. I also think that your desired fix would be an utter bitch to program, in terms of the AI getting it right. Because you'd have to make sure that 'follow the leader' behaviour only took place under appropriate circumstances and terrain, and you'd have to program the units to recognize exactly what that was. Which seems to me, at best, difficult. It would be nice, of course, and somewhat more realistic, if vehicles moving through certain terrain types, in convoy, could behave a whole lot more intelligently. Certainly this would seem more likely on paved roads, and on other surfaces if weather and ground conditions permitted. But, frankly, from what I'm reading of War in the East, vehicle convoys were more likely than not to come a cropper. Perhaps if the 'follow' command wasn't necessarily linked to a whole 'column' for example, but restricted simply to the vehicle directly in front of a following vehicle, giving the whole column the opportunity to lose it if one came under fire, and the 'domino' effect of 'loss of ability' resulted? As for 'keeping it simple', I might answer that your approach is aimed at 'keeping it simplistic'. And, as I've pointed out, I very much doubt that the sort of behaviour you want coded in would prove 'simple' to do. In any case, I think that attempting to mock my argument on the basis that I participate in the Peng Challenge Thread does not negate it's validity, but certainly belittles you. As to why I'm making a big deal out of it, well, I'm not. I'm maintaining my original point without necessarily lying down at your feet and giving them a quick smooch. Apparently, in your book, anyone who argues against what you want or believe is making a 'big deal' out of it. Agree to disagree? Obviously. We could have just as easily have agreed to agree on some points, while varying on others. But you'd prefer, it seems, to avoid addressing any point I've made, and go off on tangents that haven't anything to do with the original disagreement. After all, if you can't make your point, the next best option is to attempt to discredit your opponent on the basis of something completely unrelated.
  9. Thank you for haunting me with a disturbing image of you in a full bridal dress. Steve</font>
  10. Joe, this wasn't just cruel...it wasn't just sick...it was extremely weird...
  11. Roight. I'm going to listen to a man who couldn't fight his way out of Hell. Silly bugger.
  12. Ariel, in my head, the ferrets are a Busby Berkeley wonderland of dancing and singing. It's like the 'Wind in the Willows' with attitude and excellent harmonies. Prefer the ferrets, argie. Prefer the ferrets.
  13. The best part of the Game is the Peng Challenge Thread. The other best part is the lads at BFC, who are not only a hands on, responsive gang of game designers, but will also tell you to Sod Off! if it becomes necessary. Got to respect that sort of honesty in people who are trying to make money off you. I've grown bloody tired of double-talk swine who promise me all the pleasures of Xanadu, and then send me lying messages that make me feel like a brushed-off John. Not that they ever have, of course. I'm expecting, in fact, a personal thank you from Steve any day now... Well, not really expecting. More like 'being delusional about'. It's a fabulous game. And a fabulous Forum. Even I'm allowed to post here!
  14. Bugger. Thought you were dead. Someday you're going to have to taunt someone to a game, you know.
  15. Christ! Why don't you just go hang around a men's room in the park in Kansas City, and spare us these sorts of observances?
  16. Oh, and Happy Birthday to Hakko Ichiu! Be a Hobbit, lad, and give us all a Birthday Present! A lovely bit of Grog Porn, eh? It strikes me we've never had a game. Let me know when it would be appropriate for me to taunt your useless, cat-owning Southern carcass for a bit of a barny.
  17. It's Dexedrine, you oaf, Dexedrine! Christ on a crutch, and attempting to do the Dervish, get it right! Only place I was ever able to even acquire that ****e was Ohio, where the doctors will write you a prescription for anything, if you can page through a PDR and come up with some sort of condition for which it might be applicable, no matter how discredited.
  18. Sigh. That was lovely. Couldn't have done it better meself. I feel like I could finally go have a bit of a lie down. Very nice indeed, Squire. Hit a very good note on the whole 'blessed creatures willing to come in here and sully the shimmering samite of the hems of their gowns by associating with the Cess dwellers.' A bit lacking in the 'Oh Truly Beauteous and Desirable Ones', but then, we've often had to severely curb and caution Squires who let their idjit 'naughty bits' speak before their brains. I thought you chose the wiser path of not giving offense while sounding properly worshipful. The trick, of course, is to make every speech in favour of the Ladies of the 'Pool sound like it was a tribute to Mother Theresa, who's also a 'hottie', and that the awe they inspire in you overwhelms your mind with poetry, and (barely) keeps you from making animal noises, while leading you to an almost spiritual understanding of all woman-kind, but that you still like to think about girls before you fall asleep, and nothing wrong with that. Don't worry, you'll have it down in time. And don't ever screw it up. Shame is a weight that crushes the spirit. Also, I rather liked your poem. Some nice couplets (a bit doggerel, but not the worst, by any stretch). Subject material wore a bit thin in points, but this place will do that to you. Oh, and Old Foul Joe, I'd forgotten your lovely 'Robert Service' delivery. A fine bit of extremely topical poesy. Hey, Berli, you sod! Did you take Nestor to Squire? If not, you're a daft bugger, and no mistake. Anyone got that prolific but useless lump Nidan1 to Squire?
  19. I've always rather liked Marlow. Oh, all my experiences of him on the Outer Boards (especially that low and most loathsome site, the General Forum) lead me to believe he's a conservative religious nut, but I rather like him. I imagine that irritates him considerably. Doubtless we are both gratified and annoyed at the same time, and in much the same way.
  20. (wincing in horror) I'm sorry, good Squire, but you've just been placed on the "AussieJeff List of People Who Must Never Attempt A Written Approximation of Dialect". I hope they buried Jeffrey Farnol face down, because odds are he's throwing up right now.
  21. Not until I get the full version of CMBB. Mace</font>
  22. That was a rather good bit. Everything else was complete ****e, of course, but this one bit made me regret you a bit less.
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