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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Personally, I like Cabron666, but it's probably not right for me to twit his sceenname now that we're locked in a struggle to my death. Joe, you're certainly free to abuse Cabron66, but please remember that he is my lunatic stalker, that he came in here for the purpose of obsessively becoming my mortal enemy, and now that I'm stuck with him until I die (I suppose that may not be that long a time if he's a really, really obsessive mortal enemy), that you can't all just put the boot in and then send him to Coventry. Fair's fair. If you all start bashing him then he gets to be rude back, at least until he goes completely over the top and gets himself banned. But you're right about one thing. He doesn't even seem to get that he doesn't actually get it. Still, if he wants to behave like a complete and utter oick, I don't see why I shouldn't get some fun out of it.
  2. You know, I may have to put the general Festival on hold for a while. Now that I have a mortal enemy stalking me and belittling me, I have new responsibilities. It's a big step, you know, for a man to take on having a mortal enemy. It makes you look to the future, consider your usage of time. You have to ask yourself: can I really afford to ask everyone on the Forum to send me their hatred when I'm being stalked by a new mortal enemy? Will I have enough time to cope with his lunatic demands when I'm being hated by many people? But that doesn't mean we can't all have some wine, Mike, especially for Persephone and YK2. And just a hint, Mike: you keep calling her Y2K, which makes you look like an idjit. Her screenname is YK2. I'd hate to see you put a foot wrong with the Ladies. Of course, Fair One is always in style. [ September 19, 2003, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  3. Nice to have a Squire who doesn't need to be told..... I'm in the mood for a nice fruity red tonight.. I'll trust you to choose the vintage. </font>
  4. Sod you, Sir SirReal[/]. If you want to understand why this incontinent three legged male sheep followed me in here, you need to read the last, oh, I don't know, say 5 or 6 pages of the now padlocked "Moving in Snow - Ridiculous' thread, as well as the last two pages of the previous Peng Challenge. Now, I know how unpleasant it's going to be for everyone while this child works through his obsession with hating me, but what can you do?
  5. Cabron66, attention please! Please keep in mind that you are my mortal enemy, that you have chosen in a moment of sad and sorry lunacy to stalk me, and stop annoying the other Cesspoolers. You're just going to hurry the whole process of being sent to Coventry, and I simply can't afford to cross the Justicar on that issue any more, as every time I have it has turned out very, very badly. So please keep you insults and idiocy focused on me, please, and stop running up and clutching other people's legs. Well, you like the limelight, eh? Then by all means feel free to follow me around, making an ass of yourself, and I shall use my wits to give you a thousand paper cuts, and we'll see how good the 'limelight' feels then. Now, that said, does anyone have any ideas what you feed a lunatic stalker? I mean, am I going to be responsible for his upkeep? Also, where should I introduce him around? I mean, I can't go into every thread and say 'Hi, this is Cabron66 my new lunatic stalker?" for very long before everyone will be shouting "For Chrissake, Seanachai, we've already met your bloody lunatic stalker, now shove off with him!" I suppose I'll have to go over and introduce him to the Evil Clown Band in the Goodale thread. Well, they've already met him, but they may not realize he's designated himself my mortal enemy and become my stalker. Anyone else think of some good threads? Or should I just let it happen as I post here and there? Oh, and Cabron, I'm puzzled. When did I attack your ethnicity? I don't remember doing that at all.
  6. Well, at least some good may come out of it, even if he does drive to Minnesota and murder me in my bed (I think George Clooney. I like how distinguished he looks). In any case, do you guys think I should take him out and introduce him around the Forum? I mean, I've never dealt with a mortal enemy before. I don't want people to be puzzled or uncomfortable when he shows up and starts hating me specifically, or something. It'd be great if they could get Harvey Keitel to play Cabron66 in the movie. Really menacing and crazy. But it'll probably be someone like Paul Reubens. Hey, Cabron! Who do you want to play you in the movie about your obsession with destroying me?
  7. ...and so into the depths of filth, villainy and hatred he does tread. Another disarmed American with healthcare. </font>
  8. What?! The only thing I've underestimated his stupidity. So, Lars, I lead him out and then what? Sit around and wait for him to fall asleep or go chase grasshoppers? Isn't it bad enough he's following me around like a besotted suitor? No, you're just going to have to get used to him. Everyone! Listen up, please. This is Cabron66, my new demented Canadian stalker. Yes, that's him, the one clutching my leg. You're all going to just have to put up with him until he develops a life. I'll try and go off and post on the General Forum occasionally, or something, to give everyone a bit of a rest from him.
  9. Would you like me to send you an email of my expected postings over the next few days, or just post a schedule here, or what? Notify you when I've posted somewhere, so you can scurry in and check it out? Just let me know what I can do to be helpful in your struggle for supremacy. Poor, wee tyke.
  10. Oh, and anyone who needs a good laugh should go over and check out Cabron66's post in the Goodale thread. Apparently he looked at the title and decided it was an attempt to start up the 'Moving in Snow' thread again (as though that should ever have been all about him), and told them they should shut it down. I laughed till I cried. So far the reaction has been about what you'd think. A bit like Ward Cleaver wandering into a biker bar and telling them that perhaps their clubhouse should be given a thorough cleaning.
  11. No, sir, you are quite mistaken. I will take this fight wherever you choose to attack me. If, however, we agree to let this matter rest in the deep grave that has been dug for it I will never speak another word in your direction. The decision is in your hands. </font>
  12. Sigh Seems to me Madmatt could have let me have the last word. Oh, well, Cabron66 is younger and probably needs more affirmation. All I need to do is come into the Peng Challenge Thread and bathe in the love of my fellow Cesspoolers.
  13. JasonC chose to make a joke! And it was pretty humourous! He came in here just to be funny! This is a great day for me, snif. I'm so proud. Grogs are once again embracing humour. I can retire now to a little farm and spend my declining years attacking Canada.
  14. I'm starting to feel snowed under too... Can we at least agree Canadian Snow is crap compared to good ol' Made in the USA Snow? </font>
  15. You have been extremely disrepectful and abusive along these very same lines. Apparently you believed that once a single, rather harmless joking remark from Andreas and a minor dig at you on my part had been made, you were excused you from even the pretext of being respectful. And had you taken exception to Andreas and simply told him so, I would never have given it a thought. When, however, you chose to start calling him a moron, and flinging abuse, it was no longer an issue between you and Andreas. That was a public display of half-witted viciousness that caught my interest. At that point you were now involved in a disagreement between myself and your behaviour. At this point I'm hard put to decide if you are simply this clueless, or if this is arrogant spin-doctoring. I was not mocking the Canadian National Anthem. I was mocking you. Specifically, I was mocking your arrogant self-appointment as spokesman for all Canada. Hence the substitution of 'Cabron' and 'he' throughout the anthem. The use of the anthem was a 'device' by which I mocked your decision to wrap Canada around yourself and hurl abuse at others while pretending that your anger was simply 'righteous anger' over the affront to Canada, rather than a thinly veiled payback attack for a simmering resentment you already held against Andreas for reasons of your own. I cannot imagine that your 'anguish' over the 'twisting' of the Canadian anthem was anything other than a similar opporotunity to direct anger against me for the remark I made in the 'Things Missing' thread in which I noted that you repeatedly made unsubstantiated claims, and then lashed out angrily at others when they weren't deferential enough to your statements. Exactly, in fact, the sort of behaviour we have seen from you ever since. What has been most truly and totally 'out of context' throughout is the abuse and anger you've shown to other posters, your pointed refusal to acknowledge anything like an olive branch or even outright apology, and the freedom you apparently feel to meet anyone who angers you, however small the provocation, with vulgar abuse and insults. Possibly, but it would be from humourless, arrogant fools. What does that tell you about how I view your response? You are quite free to have a go at the Star Spangled Banner for my money. I'd be interested to see how well you'd do. But, frankly, given your almost pathological lack of a sense of humour, I'd doubt you'd make much of a job of it. And, again, you still can't seem to come to grips with the fact that the Canadian National Anthem was done no damage whatsoever by my use of it, at least in my opinion. Indeed, by casting you in the role of 'all Canada', I did nothing more than what you'd already done. I don't know, of course, how all the rest of Canada feels about you wrapping their flag around your genitalia while pounding the ground with a stick and hooting at your enemies. You made a number of them. I'm sure your explanation will be that you shouldn't be held to the same level of conduct you expect of others, so we'll just take that as a given. You are from another world, then? That would explain a lot. The standards of the 'civilized world' do not entail flinging insults and abuse, which you, in fact, started, and with little or no provocation (other than the already mentioned anger you clearly held for people who weren't falling down to call you a god). You make no better a spokesman for the 'civilized world' than you do for Canada, so you might as well drop that pretense. The heart of the matter is you do not respect anything except yourself and your own opinions, and the only 'norms' you follow are dictated by yourself, and are selectively applied. And what 'culture' was this? Canada? Or simply the 'culture' that is Cabron66? As far as attacking Canada, at least half your problem seems to be the belief that you are Canada. I notice a number of Canadians did not feel you spoke for them. Of course, you either ignored them or abused them. Specifically, you accused them of being 'Americans', and in one especially memorable tribute to your fitness to be a spokesman for 'civilized' behaviour, you accused them of performing oral sex on Uncle Sam. I cannot understand why you are not representing Canada at the UN. You have a natural flair for peer-driven discussion. [ September 19, 2003, 03:13 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  16. Please, people. Right at the top of the article it says "Canada's Source for Humour and Satire". Perhaps we shouldn't treat this as a news article?
  17. Indeed. But one last point, Michael, before this thread (hopefully) reverts to discussion of the problems with snow movement in CM. The five people that Cabron directed almost all his venom and abuse towards were yourself, Emrys, Berli, Andreas and JonS (Well, he also abused Goanna a bit, but that's hard to resist and completely understandable.) After his initial attack on me, for expample, he pretty much ignored me. It is worth noting that these are all people who've been posting in 'his', as he puts it, CAS thread. And they are all people who've refuted or not gone along with claims he's made there, and who've increasingly had to try and pin him down on exactly what his point is. I think that this round of abuse and unseemly whinging was simply that debate 'continued by other means'. Knowing full well that he'd look like an utter ass and cry baby if he'd descended into this sort of behaviour there, he chose to do it in a different thread. I don't post in the CAS thread, so a quick shot at me was all that was necessary before turning his attention to the people he really wanted to have a go at. So, in order to keep 'his' thread looking like a place of enlightened discussion and to keep his own image pure, he went out and found the people he's been gritting his teeth about and attacked them somewhere else, over absolutely nothing. Simply a warning to others who might still want to 'discuss' with him. If you're not agreeing with him, he may be courteous to your face for a while, but he's put you on a list. He hasn't any respect for other posters unless they support him, and his own emotional problems and lack of maturity will move him to release that anger at you the first opportunity he gets. I believe him to be indeed a troll, but more significantly he's a bitter, angry little man who should probably get some counseling. [ September 19, 2003, 11:52 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  18. What are you talking about? Goanna got called a Grog. That, alone, was worth the price of admission.
  19. Cabron, this is very important. I know you feel that you're 'all better', and you don't like having to take the pills, but you need to take them every day according to the schedule you were given, or you'll keep having problems. This is just something you're going to have to accept.
  20. Goodness, Cabron66. Would it help if we all stood around and begged you to come down from the cross?
  21. Well, Cabron666 seems to be about done with his hissy fit, and Dorosh is older, and Bastables is drunk. God is in his heaven, and all is right with the world. People should get back to discussing whether snow is correctly modeled. Obviously it's not going to matter to the current game, but perhaps the info could figure in the engine rewrite.
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