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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Hey, Grog Dorosh, Happy Birthday! I was so traumatized by the fact that Emrys was receiving hatred that was all too clearly rightfully mine, that I almost forgot to congratulate you on getting older and closer to your eventual demise. Thanks for getting older, Dorosh! Time will settle all our hash, eh?
  2. Oh my God! Now he's attacking Emrys? Emrys?! Michael is one of the more polite, reasonable, and well-spoken people on this Forum. In fact, it was his response to me on the 'Things Missing' thread that made me realize I should back-off and be more reasonable towards you. You're a snotty, bristling little punk who's had a chip on his shoulder in almost every post you've made. I don't give a rat's arse about your position on CAS, because I simply don't care anything about CAS, not having invested my entire manhood in it's discussion, as you have. What's bugged me about you from the get-go has been your rude, abusive, and dismissive remarks to just about everyone who wasn't on his knees kissing your arse and posting with the information and attitude that you wanted. I might add that your almost psychotic self-identification as 'Canada', in which anyone who pokes you wounds 'Canada', is nauseating, and even someone as self-obsessed as yourself should be ashamed. From your remarks it's easy to see that you came on to this Forum not merely expecting to get into a fight, not merely wanting to get into a fight, but with the countdown started and a list of targets already programmed in. You've been repeatedly abusive with little or no provocation, you've misconstrued every remark you possibly could, you've ignored people who've been conciliatory, reasonable, and even apologetic, and frankly, the only conclusion I can come to that might excuse your attitudes and behaviour is that you are, in fact, mentally unbalanced an quite possibly suffering a medication crisis. Either that, or you're just a mean spirited, arrogant boor who only posts here when you're drunk. I withdraw my apology, and I piss on you from a considerable height. Lord, he went nuts on Emrys. Emrys! I'm far more annoying than Emrys! I can't believe it. I came in here, expecting to be sprayed with spittle and, even after my apology, denounced and vilified, and what do I find? He's raving like a paranoid schizophrenic, and abusing Emrys! Michael, dammit, what's your secret? Is it the reasonable tone? The courtesy? The tolerance? Teach me, Master!
  3. No, no, you're not getting away with saying I brought Gaylord in here. That was Panzer Leader, that was, who went out there and dragged him back here with a piece of string tied around his neck and asked if he could keep him. However, I am, sadly, guilty of arguing again and again that people should give him another chance. I do not regret the instinct, but the results certainly blew chunks, as it were.
  4. One blushes. Well, with a testimonial like that, it kind of behooves me to live up to it, I guess. Cabron66, it is very true that my 'sense of humour', for want of a better term, does take a bit of getting used to. I apologize if my teasing offended you, and I certainly intended no denigration of Canada through a playful reworking of the anthem. My family owns property in Canada, which I've been going to since I was 8 years old (which puts it back quite a bit, now), I have relatives in Winnipeg, and much of my Grandmother's family is from Canada. I simply feel you need to be a little less prickly about everything, and remember that just because people post differently than you do is not sufficient cause to put them on an 'enemies list', nor abuse them personally. All this discussion, of course, begs one serious question: What kind of fur were the Siberians wearing? Ermine? Wolf? Civet cat? No true Grog discussion would so casually use the term 'fur' in such a generic way.
  5. I would just like to say that at no point have I sunk as low as this. Seanachai, at what point did you feel entitled to (a) get involved in a matter having NOTHING to do with you and ( offend me by twisting the words of my National Anthem. At no time have I ever attacked your nationality or that of Andreas. Your actions are an act of cowardice equivalent to placing your thumb to your nose, forming your hand in a fan shape perpendicular to your face and moving the remaining four fingers independantly of each other while chanting "nya-nya-na-nya-na" from the rear window of a quickly accelerating car. Of course, this forum and its format offer you the freedom to be a jackass with relative impunity so I must simply grit my teeth and resist the temptation to respond in kind. Doing so would be to insult your country and a great many people in it who would (and probably do)find you as repulsive as I do. It is important to note that, as a jackass, you have the freedom to choose from an arsenal of tactics I and the rest of my kind have not had access to since we stopped rooting the insects out of each others fur. Clearly I am at a disadvantage and must gracefully accept defeat. </font>
  6. Leeo, you could have just said what you were making fun of, clever dick. Between your clowning and the distress of young Boo, the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread have been made aware, and have waved the rod of power over the whole unseemly mess. Well, at least I have. Peng is currently being held prisoner by Amazon warriour maidens in the rainforest, and earlier in the evening Berli's remarks about Gaylord rhymed with 'duck'. But since the normal quorum of Olde Ones needed to make a major pronouncement involves 'whoever happens to be posting at the time, with vague or possibly completely fictitious attributions to the others', I felt I handled it properly. Poor, sodden little Gaylord. Apparently the wee lad has been grinding the grain of anger and eating the bread of bitterness ever since he was told to 'feck off' here several weeks ago. And, in a moment of lunacy that gets him points for 'lacking even a sniff of a clue', he's taken his sense of persecution so far as to maintain that 'Pengers' were the Sheepdogs of Evil that held the portals of the General Forum. I blame MrSpkr. Godsdamnit, Steve, would you stop acting like an Evil Usher on the General Forum?! Did you ever stop to think how this reflects on the rest of us? I mean, I went over there for the first time in weeks, and I find Gaylord bashing Minnesota as some sort of refuge for aging homosexuals and chat room rakes, and abusing gnomes right and left, and I haven't even posted on that damned forum in ages. I mean, if I'm going to be abused for sending 'my minions' out to undermine all that is young, and pure, and 'seemingly infantile and demanding of attention, but is in fact delightfully humourous in a way that the miserable old bastards on this Forum simply can't understand', I'd just as soon they actually acted like bloody minions, rather than people who revile and abuse me to my face, and turn over the funds that I've unrighteously earned through my pitifulness to Texas programs to encourage school shootings. Now, who's for a jolly sing-song? Well? Remember that I could email Gaylord and invite him back in here.
  7. No, Leeo! Don't go! (Well I thought someone should make the effort and reach out to the poor, troubled soul) Is some Outer Board bugger flouncing around threatening to leave again, and are you mocking them?
  8. You're on the list, JasonC. No, not my list of known Australians, the other list.
  9. That's pretty nice, actually. But the blurb says I get to experience Unconditional Surrender in Berlin. What scenario is that in? Or is that only part of the Special Edition? Will there be an online download that will allow me to experience Unconditional Surrender in Berlin? It sounds kind of titillating.
  10. I imagine 'innocent by reason of tradition and cultural identity', or something like it.
  11. Hmm, not necessarily. MrSpkr now claims that he's going to use the money to promote school shootings in Texas. At least he's keeping the violence close to home...
  12. Snapshots from a Canadian childhood... Never mind, Michael, we all treasure your every question.
  13. O Canada! Cabron's home and native land! True patriot love this native son demands. With glowing heart he sees thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, he stands on guard for thee. God keep his land glorious and free! O Canada, he stands on guard for thee. O Canada, he stands on guard for thee!
  14. It's nice to know that Oklahoma is feeling better. I would have sent a card, but I didn't know the State had been feeling poorly.
  15. Cpl Dodge, you should probably know that MrSpkr and Joe Shaw are in fact brothers, torn from ech other and separated by the chaos and conflict of the Peng Challenge Thread. When they call each other all sorts of foul and perfectly applicable names, it is only a sign of the anguish they feel at being on the same side of a conflict of epic proportions, lost in a world they never made. Also, they're both pretty much doofuses.
  16. Isn't the State slogan: 'Holding up the fun-house mirror to Texas'? [ September 16, 2003, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  17. I demand that the cover art be a photo of the BFC gang playing cards at a table sitting alone in the middle of the Oklahoma scrublands. Enough of this soft focus WWII illustration tyranny!
  18. I assumed he was trying to give Pondscum some sort of 'Goodale Hug'. If his meaning was along the lines suggested by you, Persephone, than the word 'lake' would have been more applicable to Pondscum. Especially after that showy display of marksmanshop against my former AC last turn.
  20. Also, people keep talking about 'snow depths' as though they were a hard and fast number. Remember that the numbers given were the minumum coverage, not the maximum, so we're not talking about 12" here for deep snow, we're talking about 12" or more. And the snow is not out there like it was layed down by a Zamboni. It is drifted, it is wind-scooped. And under the snow are things you can't see. Ridges or rocks that trip you. Tangles of branches or undergrowth that trip you up. And the snow is not, as edgars pointed out, some standardized quantity. It can be heavy and wet, impeding movement and clinging to boots and legs to further slow you down, or it can be fine and sifting powder, light to plow through but shifting underfoot, or it can be hopelessly crusted, where your boot breaks through into soft powder, but the edges cut at your legs and trip you up as you pull your foot out. A lot of you guys are from northern climes, and I'm sure deal with snow. But throughout most of this discussion you describe it like it was an element in a Disney cartoon! Besides, as Moon pointed out, we're not talking about troops collapsing in the snow and dying. We're talking about them being winded and tired, and needing a moment to recover. On top of the special nightmare of just moving through snow, we are, as has been pointed out, talking about advancing. Cold weather takes its toll in energy, as well. Being wet with sweat or from having dived into the snow adds to the weight of clothing and helps drain energy. It also helps to remember, when discussing these things, that we are looking at a QB, scenario, or what have you, that is a little frozen snap-shot of action, and discussing the elements of distance, snow-depth, speed, weight and fitness as though they were discreet and defined elements to be plugged into a spreadsheet and give x-results every time. Many of these elements, such as snow depth, weight, and consistency could be quite variable. So could fitness and the amount of weight troopers were carrying. Terrain varies, even if it's characterized as 'open', or 'scattered trees' in the game. So even those with valuable 'Real World' experience in military exercises in snow are still only looking at their particular case. This is usually quite fit, young, well-fed, with good shelter when not in combat or in an exercise, in a certain depth and style of snow over a certain kind of terrain remembering 'hey, we wouldn't have been slowed down by that!' The game, of course, has to do a certain amount of 'averaging out' of experience. It is an attempt to simulate WWII combat on the East front, not simply predict how x number of men in y deep snow will advance to z point before becoming exhausted. Z point, after all, is to recreate the battles, armies, units, and equipment of the time. And many elements, often hard to quantify, go into the attempt to yield a specific result.
  21. Was that you? I thought it was one of those flashbacks that I've been promised/threatened with since I was young. Where are the free trips?! They promised us free trips! No matter. Am in receipt of your latest attempt to sort out our places in the hierarchy of foolishness. Will endeavour to put you in the place you so rightly belong, which is handing me a tall, cooling drink while deriding my enemies and making them snap to with the viciousness of your rhetoric. Can't help but point out that you were minutes away from crushing all resistance in our previous game, when you apparently received some sort of commandment from On High to abort the game and flee into the darkness wearing the underpants of a 16 year old girl on your head and reciting the poetry of Jim Morrison. I still have the last turn if you ever want to see how it would have turned out if you'd had the mental capacity, unleavened by lust and sobriety, to see it through.
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