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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Oh, look. Even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then, eh? Despite the fact that all of you buggers are even too low in the evolutionary scale to actually hate, your current thread title is so much better than ours. We'll take the Becket thing; the lawyer. What do you want for him?
  2. RADLEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING BREAKING BOUNDS? Get your arse back to your proper Thread. And don't think the Justicar won't hear of this, you shambling pillock.
  3. No I do not. I am never here. Despite that, remember, all you Lost Boys of the Goodale thread: You are never alone. We are always with you. And you'll run if we put a couple of Texas Lawyers behind you, lad. As for running off with the above mentioned little collection of neo-Con thugs: I don't believe it for a moment. Are you really going to sidle into their little puddle of self-congratulation, back-slapping, 'good-ol'-boying' and surreptitious bum fondling? I except Slapdragon, of course. He's so bizarrely certain of his place in the course of Human Development that he can actually be amusing. Primarily because he's so sodding wrong. Now, I've merely come over here to collect our womenfolk, hose them off in case they touched anything in here, and depart with a certain weary dignity that raises me above you lot of little, er...'cat lickers'. Is that not the proper idiom, Master Goodale?
  4. You can't pull that one, you're a Knight of the Cesspool. I demand to be found in a useless Commonwealth tank. It seems only right. After all, I've never been identified as one of those neo-Fascist Modders, scenario designers or fan website maintainers.
  5. Dearie me, I'll just retire to the Peng Challenge Thread in tears, shall I? I am the three time winner of the 'Annoy Rune with Pointless Posts While Mocking His Disturbing Physical Resemblance to Charles Laughton' Award, and have been several times cited by Steve Grammont of BFC for my ability to actually understand something that was posted (unlike many Forum members...).
  6. Know thou all here that the UberGnome wait for it: Has a raging head cold. Whenever I peer through my streaming eyes at the kleenex I've just blown my nose into, I'm reminded sharply of all of you lot. Except that many of you aren't quite so colourful. The Ladies excepted, of course.
  7. Hush, lad, He sleeps. Should the Peng Challenge Thread ever be in danger, he will return to us, like Arthur.
  8. No, but I only empty my mailbox every two weeks or so. I find that creditors, like wines, improve with time. Those first dunning letters are pretty tame, but after you've ignored them long enough, they're full of frothy hate and threatening goodness.
  9. I always suspected that Rune couldn't actually read English...
  10. Are you insane, Radley? An entire book about Mormons and Missourians killing each other? Now that's entertainment! And given the idiocy doubtless rampant on both sides, it's probably almost ludicrously bizarre. I, for one, plan to check this out as soon as I can get my hands on it. [ September 04, 2003, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  11. Oh, and Mike the Wino (I will always bold the name of a man who sends me wine), would one of you lot with a little more on the ball please teach Master Goodale how to spell 'pus'. His constant errors in that direction are beyond merely unsettling. His intent is disgusting, but his execution ranges from merely strange (cat licking, see above), to disturbingly prurient (his recently changed thread title). I mean, really. It's a three letter word. That should be within even his limited grasp.
  12. Justicar's choice, just as you like. Only none of those hideous joke scenarios you keep foisting on the new chaps. It is hilarious, you know, the way you get them to actually play those abortions. Some of them don't even seem to realize they're being asked to bend over and cough.
  13. A Swede? We have thousands of the buggers, and other than Geier they're not worth the rotting fish it takes to get them to belt up for five minutes. All our lawyers are on sabbatical (read: currently guests of the State for tax evasion...) Where's the Canadian from? We might be willing to trade you Mouse for the Canadian, as the whole cheese thing is starting to worry me. Daren't put down a grilled cheese sandwich in here for fear of what it'll be covered with when you pick it up again. We had a Canadian, but he's gone missing. Can't give up the Australians, of course. Besides the fact that they wouldn't go (we've better beer, here, see, and they're comfortable here; we might set up a captive breeding program this year), I need them in order to properly pursue my Crusade of Hatred for Australia. Dave H. Alright, that one's certainly difficult. Hmm...okay, we'll take Dave H if we can all pelt Soddball with garbage and filth while he sings an ABBA medley. Arrange it, and Dave H is off your hands. But you'd better keep all the Finns, for sure. They don't do well in an intellectual environment. Keep coughing up hair balls, and trashing the corners of the furniture. Oh, and clean up after that Eugen fellow before you leave, thank you very much!
  14. Relax, Joe. After a very short while they'll start encountering words that are too long and difficult for them, and their attention will wander, and they'll remember how much they love it in the walls of the Master Goodale thread, gnawing away at the props of civilization, and they'll scurry back. Their Pied Piper, Goodale, has already been in to take them off. Just watch where you step for a while, and be quick to knock away anything that scampers up your leg, and shortly all will be right again.
  15. Good God, Boo, they just started up the new Cheery Waffle mess, and currently the Master Goodale thread has a better title than the Peng Challenge. This is a day that shall live in infamy...or Utah. They're much the same.
  16. So we'll add assaulting sybils to the list, shall we? I believe I have the new title for the next Thread, Boo, and, if you're not careful, your name will figure in it.
  17. Note to all: avoid the appetizers at any gathering hosted by Mouse. Apparently you never know where they've been. I shudder to think what goes into one of his 'cheeseballs'...
  18. This is a little awkward. Perhaps we should simply call him SirReal SirReal? Of course, it might lead him to shoot a Kennedy. Or become the villain in a strange SciFi movie. I move that Sir SirReal has to sleep with Jane Fonda. And not the young Jane Fonda. The current one.
  19. I think you need to work turnips into the equation somehow. It just seems to me that you should be on about turnips more.
  20. Have to go with Berli on this one, oh Boo; this is a truly dreadful Thread name. What's with all this bloody frollicking? And parfumery and blossoms...it's not us, Boo. And we should, indeed, be killing, dismembering, and leaving the remains of the Master Goodale threaders in garbage dumpsters all over town. Especially Soddball. Who is not, as has been conclusively established, me. It would be a service to humanity to destroy all the Cheery Wafflers. I have, of course, said this before. They are tolerated, even as we are tolerated, and this seems like a misuse of toleration. I mean, what if the supply of tolerance at BFC became depleted? There would be a fierce struggle for the shrinking tolerance resource. Better to nip it in the bud and destroy them now, I always figure, rather than risk a protracted struggle later. So, Mouse, NG Cavscout, and you other new buggers: Go over and infiltrate the Master Goodale thread and destroy it from within. Don't come back until they've been eliminated. There's a good lot of genetic damaged goods.
  21. You're right, Joe. I say we ducktape the suckers wrists and ankles together, toss him in the trunk and head for Chequamegon. Hey, Lars! Road trip!
  22. In your day, Joe, we still took the Squires out and dumped them in a wilderness area with nothing but a pocket knife, some fishing line, and a box of matches. But after that unfortunate incident with...well, least said, soonest mended, you know.
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