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Everything posted by SuperTed

  1. News? What news? Hold on......Just let me look around here for a minute....Wait! What's this?....No, that was just the letter confirming part-ownership of BTS....Let's see.....This could take a while, but now that you mention it, there should be a wee bit o' news around here somewhere. Stay tuned...
  2. You're also talking to yourself... BTW, welcome back!
  3. More winter goodies at Tom's Combat Mission HQ.
  4. The beat goes on at Combat Mission Scenario Archive.
  5. Check out the remodeling at Rommel22's Kampfgruppe.
  6. Mwahahahahahahaha................ :eek: :eek: :eek:
  7. Check out which site changed its name to Chris' CM Database.
  8. Get the latest news from TOMMY: The British in Combat Mission.
  9. Check out the plea for help from Combat Mission HQ.
  10. Check out the next "Big Thing" from Tom's Combat Mission HQ.
  11. PP, Actually, that so-called mistake was posted to see who's REALLY paying attention. It appears you are indeed...
  12. From the ashes rises an update from MoJo's Combat Mission Website!
  13. "Every unit has an inherent command delay before it can execute any new movement orders..." This quote is taken from page 72 of the CM Manual under the "Command Delay" heading. I am wondering what the reasoning is for NOT having a command delay for ordering a unit to STOP moving. One would expect the same criteria (i.e. C&C and experience) to apply to ANY movement orders, whether it is to start, resume, or cease movement. I have run into a few situations where this lack of command delay has created conditions that would probably not happen in reality. For example, I have had a tank zipping along a road with orders to proceed to a specific position. During the Action Phase of a turn, an enemy tank (that could easily destroy my tank) had appeared. Fortunately for my tank, the turn ended while it was behind a building and hidden from the view of the enemy tank. During the next Orders Phase, I cancelled my tank's movement orders. Lo and behold, the crew was not only able to carry out my STOP order instantaneously, but they were also able to temporarily alter the laws of physics so that their tank would not continue forward even a cm. It seems to me that the command delay should apply to the order to cease movement, since all the standard C&C issues would undoubtedly exist. Further, in the case of vehicles, braking distances may be worth considering when units are given orders to stop immediately. Well, that's my 2 gp.
  14. Yet another update at Combat Missing Command Post!
  15. Lots of happenings at Tom's Combat Mission HQ.
  16. Actually, it IS part of the FO site. However, it is usually transmitted subliminally. :eek:
  17. Try plugging "Unit Database" into the search box. I believe that is its name.
  18. Alright, I admit it! I have a thing for Latino boy models. Sheesh! Can't a guy have a hobby, for cryin' out loud!
  19. Get a little sneak-peek at what's on tap at Desert Fox-Desert Rats.
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