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Everything posted by SuperTed

  1. Anders, Great work! I love that splash screen. Keep it up. I think I smell Member #40 here! :cool:
  2. Russell, Yup, I'm with Michael on this one. The more I see that battleship of yours, the more I like it. Well done, sir!
  3. Find out why TournamentHouse.com is in a league of their own.
  4. It may be just a mirage, but you should check the latest update from Desert Fox-Desert Rats to be sure.
  5. At The Last Defense, the mods may be old, but they sure are good.
  6. The only time I've had problems with chain slippage is when I'm trying to cut through bone. When it it comes to soft tissue, this baby works like a dream.
  7. Another fine work is on display at Old Dog's CM Central "Photo Gallery." Also, let's see some feedback here on the mystery question. (Yes, that's the sound of a chainsaw you hear.) Mwahahahahah............... :eek:
  8. Rob, Got it! 109 G, Dang! I just had the chainsaw in the shop for a tune-up and I was itchin' to test the new chain, The FleshEater 2001! Mwahahahahahahah.......... :eek:
  9. All of your image problems are solved at Scipio Base.
  10. If yesterday's update was the whole enchilada, then check out today's bite-sized update from COMBAT MISSIONS. (Damn, I'm funny! )
  11. Manx, True, but a little fear goes a long way when trying to motivate others. :eek:
  12. Things are looking ship-shape at Combat Mission Scenarios.
  13. Agua, Good thinking. We could call it Forward Observer Observer!
  14. Believe it or not, Michael Dorosh has another website to share with everybody. This time, please welcome "Landser" to the Forward Observer Member list. Stop by and take a look at his latest effort.
  15. Manx, What! You don't have a staff? Impossible! There's no way one person could the amount of quality work that's being done over there at COMBAT MISSIONS. :eek:
  16. Check out the latest project at Rommel22's Kampfgruppe.
  17. Check out the new tricks learned at Old Dog's CM Central "Photo Gallery."
  18. Mattias, Actually, you caught me. Friday spilled over into Saturday.
  19. Day #2 starts with a bang at Combat Mission HQ!
  20. Hey, there's an idea. Maybe I could get some of the Monty Python websites involved in the Sidewalk Sale.
  21. Mr. Wittman, Just think: we're only eight hours into this 52-hour event. Things could get out of control (in a good way, of course).
  22. COMBAT MISSIONS has won the coveted "Toughest Update to Post" Award! Congratulations to Manx and his top-notch staff. :eek:
  23. The desert just got a little hotter at Desert Fox-Desert Rats.
  24. Check out DeanCo's first update since tying the knot.
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