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Everything posted by SuperTed

  1. Find out where Tom's Combat Mission HQ went.
  2. Bigger is not always better at TOMMY: The British in Combat Mission.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mord: MATT! MATT! MATT! PLEEEEAAAAASE post these soon! I beggeth you on bended knee! Mord.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I find that it helps if you compliment him on his spiffy hairdo.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: Do not negotiate games via ICQ or other chat programs. In the case of a dispute I don't think it is possible to send me a file of the conversation so I have proof of what rules were agreed to. This has already happened. Use email to negotiate games! Treeburst155 out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually, you can save ICQ chat sessions as text files. I do it frequently. I hope that helps.
  5. You should see the company Panzerman is keeping at The Scenario Zone. [ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: SuperTed ]
  6. Check out the latest fashions at GD for CM.
  7. Don't worry; the aforementioned I-can't-get-anything-done-until-after-lunch person should be awake in about 2.5 hours...
  8. Manx-One of the CMHQ staff (we'll refer to him as SadSapp) lives in Ohio (GMT -5:00) and usually does not start his Sunday until about 1300 hours. So, be VERY patient... Mr. J-Damn! You're on to us. Michael-Damn! You're on to us. :cool:
  9. CP-That's confidential information, sir. AK-God, how I love that Aussie humor!
  10. The Lord General has made a very important announcement at CMHQ. So, rush right over and read it!
  11. Hey, go back to bumping your own threads!
  12. Check out the new additions at COMBAT MISSIONS. (Hey! That rhymed! )
  13. Maximus-thank you for the constructive feedback. It is always nice for the mod-makers to hear encouraging remarks that show an appreciation for the hard work they do. Captain Foobar-I hope you don't mean me. :eek: Michael-Keep up the great work. I am not able to express myself as eloquently as Maximus, but I just want to say you are doing a great job with all 47 of your sites.
  14. See what all the hub-bub is about at The Scenario Zone.
  15. ...and it's going to be cool! Stay glued to your monitors.
  16. There seems to be some markings that warrant investigation at TOMMY: The British in Combat Mission.
  17. Two more letters are added at Combat Mission Scenario Archive.
  18. The boys are moving right along at Warfare HQ.
  19. A big welcome to the newest member of the Desert Fox-Desert Rats team!
  20. Check out the latest additions to the Combat Mission Scenario Archive.
  21. Hey Guys, I most definitely understand your concerns here. However, BTS has done well for two reasons: 1) they pay attention to details; and 2) they listen. So, I for one am confident that things will be done right by them.
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