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Everything posted by SuperTed

  1. FM, Stop over to Combat Missions. His last announcement mentions his plans.
  2. TB, When you say "...from Australia to Germany...," is that from east to west or from west to east? I'm just trying to determine which countries are included and which ones are not.
  3. I just keep finding cool stuff. Enjoy!
  4. Doug, You can rest easy. The diagram is just being added to help those who are not as familiar with armor characteristics as others are. [ 08-05-2001: Message edited by: SuperTed ]
  5. Goober, Think of the first three as increasing in difficulty for the attacker. A probe will require the least advance and will have the fewest points avaiable to the attacker. An attack will will require a further advance than a probe and the attacker will have more points available to the attacker. Finally, an assault will require the furthest advance and provide the most points. When referring to "advance" above, that is a matter of flag location. For a probe, the flags will not be very deep in enemy territory. On the other hand, for an assault, the flags will be near the enemy's map edge. For an attack, they will be somewhere in between. As far as points go, a ratio is used to determine the amount of points the attacker gets. The defender will always get the number of points set in the parameters and the attacker will get an increasing number depending on the difficulty of the type of battle. I forget the exact ratios used. For a meeting engagement, all things are equal. In other words, both sides get the same number of points and the flags are located in the middle of the map. I hope this helps.
  6. Cauldron, There are no flags in operations. Victory is determined by how far the attacker gets or how much damage the attacker inflicts on the defender. Flags can be placed wherever you want them. Just ener the map preview and place the flags along with the units. You can also place the flags for reinforcement location here. Adding text to locations is achieved by holding "Ctrl" and clicking on the location. I hope that helps. [ 08-05-2001: Message edited by: SuperTed ]
  7. My bad. I should have been more specific. I was referring to the "Only One Returned" article.
  8. Put on your reading glasses and swing on over. Please share your thoughts after visiting.
  9. Catch the latest word on the Frontovik.
  10. Read Panzerman's parting shots at The Scenario Zone. Thanks, P-Man. Now, go have fun.
  11. Things are getting hot at Boots & Tracks.
  12. Stop by Appui-Fee to brush up on your French AND learn how to defend in CM.
  13. ciks, Thanks for the information. It is very helpful indeed. I prefer working from a more personal perspective when designing scenarios. So, sites and articles like these are very useful. I'll give the Google search a try. One can never have too much information. Yes, if you could dig up some maps for the area, that would be a HUGE help. It's best to be as accurate as possible. Let's continue via email (tedquincey@yahoo.com), okay? Then, we can let this thread sink into oblivion. Thanks again.
  14. ciks, Yes, that would be a big help. Anything 1:20K or larger scale would be be great. Where did you get the description of The Last Stand? Would you mind if I added your information to the list of potential scenarios ideas? Thank you.
  15. Skipper, Uh, I have not received anything yet. Did you send it?
  16. Check out MikeT's progress on FRONTOVIK.
  17. I'll pass on your request to the one with the poorly insulated head.
  18. GB, Check out the link Scipio gave me in my "Calling All Eastern European CM Players" thread. You should find a few good pieces of info.
  19. Oops! It looks like I got the scale all wrong. I am trying find maps of 1:10K or lower. Thanks again.
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