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Everything posted by SuperTed

  1. Check out the latest contributions at TOMMY.
  2. Get the latest news from the Scenario Zone.
  3. Check out the Good News / Bad News from Combat Mission Scenario Archive.
  4. Check out the latest batch of goodies from Tom's Combat Mission HQ.
  5. Listen carefully: there are some new mods at WarfareHQ.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by George-III: Treeburst, I have an Idea of how you could do this: 1. Create the battle as an OPERATION with TWO battles. The first battle would last the normal 30 turns, the second "battle" would only last 1 or so turns. 2. The players would play the first battle just like normal, capturing VL's, retreating units, etc... After the end of the first battle both players would go on to the setup phase of the second battle and save the game at that point. At the end of the first battle the computer brings back surviving units and repaired tanks for the setup phase of the second battle so no guess work is needed on your part. Just look at the units in the setup zones on each players saved game. We will have to do some experimenting but I think this may work.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> G3, Sorry to be a wet blanket, but there are no VLs or point totals in operations.
  7. Run over to Tom's Combat Mission HQ to get the latest mod offering!
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: I suspect that the CM2 Beta is just a giant Peng thread lead by MadMatt.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually, Matt IS Peng! :eek:
  9. It is a forum for those involved with the development of CM2. Since CM2 is still in the Alpha Stage, the name is a bit misleading.
  10. Kingfish, Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately they will not be available for a little while and I was hoping to get something soon.
  11. It just worked fine for me. Do you have the right link? http://home.nexgo.de/tcmhq/TCMHQ.html
  12. Get the latest goodies from the boys at Der Kessel.
  13. I find the area just east of Toropets, Russia very interesting. Would anybody know where I could get a 1:10K or 1:20K map of the area? Thank you for your help.
  14. Get the latest good news from Chris' CM Database.
  15. Get the latest (albeit sad) news from Desert Fox-Desert Rats.
  16. If you're looking for action, check out the latest offering from Tom's Combat Mission HQ.
  17. See if the boys have biten off more than they can chew at Der Kessel.
  18. To Whom it May Concern, I accepted the invitation to join this tournament because it sounded like it would be fun and I thought it would be a great opportunity to get to know some people. I have indeed gotten to know some people, and for that I am grateful. Unfortunately, the fun I have had has been overshadowed by the behaviour of certain individuals. I was under the impression that this was going to be a tournament that was going to be designed with an emphasis on having fun instead of winning at all costs. Well, it appears some players were thinking that as well. Unfortunately, there are also several players whose only interest is in winning their battles, no matter what the cost. It is these players and their endless "negotiating" of rules and whining about "gamey" play when they are losing (only to then employ "gamey" tactics of their own) that has led to my decision to withdraw from this tournament. Now, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. Mike has done a fantastic job with this tournament. He deserves a lot of credit for undertaking this endeavor and I hope his next tournament is a success. If any of my current opponents (Mick, Bil, and Jeff) would like to continue our battles, I would be happy to do so. It would only be for fun, since none of my battles will count toward the final point tally. If you are not interested in continuing, I would understand completely. Thank you for your time.
  19. Get the latest goodies from Chris' CM Database.
  20. Recently, Forward Observer surpassed the 20,000 hit mark! I know this is probably not that big of a deal to most of you, but I think it's pretty cool. When I started FO, I wanted to create a "community bulletin board" where news could be collected and disseminated. I would say things have exceeded expectations. Thanks to all of you that have supported my efforts at FO and CMHQ.
  21. Enjoy the latest from the East Front.
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