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David Aitken

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Everything posted by David Aitken

  1. So you can get downstairs then? Better not take any chances, I say go for the laptop anyway. =) ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  2. I think this may be due to its gun. I've seen a Firefly misidentified as as TD. I suppose a short-gunned Sherman will be a "Sherman?" whereas a long-gunned Sherman will be a "Tank Destroyer?". I doubt it would be easy to notice an open top at a distance, even if you were at a higher elevation. David
  3. Not a new idea... Has the "SNEAK" command changed? [This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 03-13-2001).]
  4. The Willing Flesh is better known in the English-speaking world as Cross Of Iron. ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  5. Unless you're on a Mac, in which case fog works fine on ATI cards. ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  6. Classic post alert, responsibility rests squarely on the rickets of MadMensch.
  7. Climbers tend to lose their fingers and toes because these are extremities, whereas their testicles are central and benefit from a warm blood supply. Your body, when it's in real trouble temperature-wise, cuts off circulation from the extremities to conserve heat, leading to gangrene and such. It doesn't cut off blood to the testicles, as this would be self-defeating as a person with frozen reproductive organs is of no use to the species. The fact remains that testicles are colder than the rest of the body, which admittedly may not be a serious issue to a clothed person on dry land, but in other circumstances – particularly in water – it makes itself 'felt', as it were. The issue sticks in my mind due to a reference in Pursuit: The Sinking Of The Bismarck by Ludovic Kennedy (a book which I recommend). David ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  8. Ha ha, welcome to the BTS love-in. =) ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  9. Such is the price of progress, but I think Apple have done a lot to try and smooth the transition, as they always have. Sure, jumping right in at the first opportunity is never the best idea, but neither do you want to stick to your guns forever. There will definitely be a right time to switch to OS X and enjoy the benefits, but that time is a few months away yet. I might add that even with every update to OS 8/9, there was a rash of problem reports and scare stories, but in my experience the upgrades worked fine. OS X won't be perfect, but you shouldn't believe every critic you hear. Apple isn't going to release a broken product. I count Apple in the same league as BTS. ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  10. Talking of picking fights for no reason, on my Searchonaut travels I came across a thread which presents an interesting angle on the man responsible for getting Mr. Kelly banned. can we flatten them?? Nice quote, eighth post (yes, flamewar well underway by this stage): ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  11. CM has not been tweaked for Carbon, so it will only run in the Classic environment anyway. I think it's probably a bad idea to ugrade to OS X just now anyway. It's a brand new OS, so it's not going to be perfect from the outset, although the Public Beta will have helped in that respect. More importantly, I think a lot of companies have been waiting for the final product before updating their software, because only then will the APIs be final. The main question in my mind is, will CM2 be Carbon-compatible? =) David ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  12. Good idea Max, why don't we restart a locked thread. While we're here, I feel compelled to respond to these comments from the original... For a start, I cannot stand sweeping generalisations. Such comments are stupid and nothing else. Secondly, this is pure speculation. I have plenty of experience of Windows users taking every opportunity to disparage Macs and their users. Thirdly, the kind of comment you have just made sounds like an inferiority complex in itself. You claim that Mac users make fun of Windows users. You launch an attack on Mac users on this premise. Why bother? Have you got anything to worry about? Are you scared Microsoft is going to be won over by these Mac users and stop producing Windows? Generalised accusations and attacks are as disingenious as that which you claim to be responding to. If someone disparages your choices, ignore them. To disparage their choices in return is to lower yourself to their level. I could easily have launched a counter-attack against you, but I don't believe that all Windows users have inferiority complexes and are wont to attack Mac users, and neither should you believe the converse. Max, surely you should know better than to try and summarise probably one of the biggest computer-related debates of all time, off the top of your head in about two minutes. On that basis what you have written is silly even before we look any closer. Firstly, if Mac users were "upset that they bought an expensive piece of crap", they wouldn't be Mac users for very long, would they? 1) Nonsense. Macs were lower-specified a few years ago – when BTS started work on CM – than they are now, just like PCs were. Apple currently ships Macs with a choice of ATI Radeon, nVidia GeForce 2, or GeForce 3. 2) Apple's hardware may be a monopoly, but its OS is a monopoly breaker – ie. one of the few credible alternatives to Windows. If the hardware were poor quality, this would be bad. However it is very well designed and very good quality, and as the hardware and OS are made by the same company, Macs are very reliable and far less buggy than Windows machines. Mac users are happy to pay extra for a quality product. 3) The Mac is seen as a niche platform, and as such your average high street store will not stock software for it. This is a slightly different matter from there being little software available as you claim. Mac users are used to buying software by mail-order or from specialist Apple shops. 4) That's a scientific comparison, is it? How did you come to that conclusion? Off the top of your head? I'm not inclined to spend any longer replying than you spent researching your analysis. I will say, however, that to dismiss out of hand the idea that a processor running at a slower clock speed could actually be faster is a very ill-advised conclusion. That's like saying that I have ten pieces of string and you have five, and therefore I must have a longer overall length of string than you. Now let's please leave the Mac-PC debate alone, as we should all know that it's purely a matter of opinion. David ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator [This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 03-12-2001).]
  13. Once upon a time somebody bumped an old thread up to the top of the forum. Someone else said "Hey, who bumped this old thread up to the top of the forum?". "Hamsters!", replied a third. This gave Meeks the questionable idea of creating an alter-ego called Hamsters with which to bump old threads up to the top of the forum. This he proceeded to do for about five seconds before everybody got thoroughly pissed off at being ambushed by old threads they assumed were new. Now it appears Meeks has forgotten his password or something and is as such denied his own personality and is trapped in the consciousness of a treeful of Hamsters. Where he belongs. ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  14. I do that all the time, except that the delay is usually several days or weeks. ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  15. Actually, as far as I know this figure of speech is very real. Testicles are a degree (or something) cooler than normal body temperature – that's why they're kept in a bag instead of being inside where they'd be much safer – so if you freeze then your balls are first to go. ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  16. Thrice = three times. "Part Thrice" makes no sense, unless it's an instruction to part something three times. =P Cripes, I didn't realise German army shortages were so acute that they weren't even issued with trousers. Must have got a bit nippy on the Russian front. ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  17. Who is Fionna? I don't know anyone on the forum (or on the Usenet forum) by that name. Gunny seems to have been hallucinating. ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  18. A while ago in a TCP/IP game I lost half my armour on the first turn. My main remaining asset was a Hetzer, which went up against a couple of Challengers at medium range and a Churchill at short range, all at the same time. It took a bunch of ricochets, but unfortunately then sustained gun damage. The interesting bit is that I was simultaneously trying to get infantry up close to deal with the Churchill. The squad in question rushed forward at the same time as the tank, entered a building and without stopping, at a range of maybe 50 metres, loosed off a Panzerfaust which sailed through the air and knocked out the Churchill through its frontal armour. It was such a combination of unlikely events, I could hardly believe it. ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  19. I think depending on the war, the theatre and the combatants, the nature of the fighting already sees tanks in amongst enemy infantry. In such cases, running over infantry is probably easier (and probably safer) than sitting around trying to shoot them. ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  20. I've noticed him on this forum recently asking questions about the game – I wonder why he needs to come here if his Usenet forum is so great, and I also wonder if he wouldn't have known the answers to his questions already if he'd spent his time here instead of Usenet. ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  21. Couple of previous threads on this subject: can we flatten them?? BTS und truppen: Since AFVs can't grind infantry could we...? ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  22. *** PUBLIC SERVICE NOTICE *** This is not the Cesspool. This is a pretender. Kindly relocate yourselves here so that this thread will disappear without the Authorities having to lock it up. In fact, the server problems are probably due to the weight of padlocks, so let's not necessitate more of them. ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator [This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 03-10-2001).]
  23. Then you're not aware of BTS's previous exploits? Or V for Victory? And the first two Close Combats had Mac versions. If you want to define a "typical Mac-head", such people are generally more interested in strategy games than shoot-em-ups. David ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  24. For heaven's sake, man, buy a laptop! =) ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
  25. Funny, I was going to put you lot in the next frame. ------------------ where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator
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