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Posts posted by jdmorse

  1. A general comment on armor use touched on by Marlow. When I stopped using AFV's (other than the Stuart-puma-recon roles) as singlets and paired them up [if I can employ a platoon together even better] I found my succss rate in the game went up. This is one of those "If you are going to do ONE thing, do this" type of things that can pay big dividends.

    Of course to my PBEM fodder ignore what I just said. Also I reserve the right to ignore my own advice when conditions warrant. However, gentle reader starting to do things, even against the tactical s.o.p. is okay, if you have a really VALID and well thought out reason.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by joeski:

    Ok I have a couple of questions? And some 6th grade taunts.

    1. What is the best German infantry platoon overall?..... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I have developed a personal fondness for the PzGren (mot) squad. It's ten (10) men and usually has a good allotment of panzerfausts, I try to get veteran if I can. I think the extra experience can make up for the extra pts. It has a mixture of rifle, smg and lmg's inheent in squad strength. So if it requires a good squad for all conditions this is what I go with. For in close work, like woods, I look to go with SMG/HMG platoons. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>

    2. What's the best use for any engineer platoon? Mine get cut up pretty bad no matter what I do with them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Yeah that happens. Depends on scenario. Picking up FT's on defense can surprise the other side, at least briefly. But in a wooded engagement fires can occur that act as defensive fortifications. In Meeting engage. I avoid getting them as I figure no mines. Other than to have them for the sake of having them I usually avoid them. With a scenario with 2-3 tanks, they won't help much for mine clearing as you lose a tamnk to discover it. However on the attack/assault actions you need them to take out pillboxes etc (with satchels as your FT is both slow and prob dead at this point!). Here smoke can be your best friend. I use them as follow on troops. Discover the obstacle, suppress surronding troops, smoke pillbox, bring in engineers. For my money, generally not worth the expense usless specically needed for scenario <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Thanks for any replies you pink panty wearing, boney girl arm, cheese eaten surrender monkeys.


    No that's Hiram you are speaking of. The rest of us are lumberjacks and we're okay


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  3. Mace you useless ozzie poohbah..are you ducking me or pissed that I plagerized (with attribution I might add) your xmas card? No turns from you in the longest or replies to discreet inquries. So now I take it public. Send me the frickin turn ya half baked marsupial. i'd get faster reactions out of friccassing and roasting a platypus or other denizens of the land down under. Who brought us Men at Work, fer gawd sakes.

    Let's finish your destruction and dismemberment. If you want a chance at avenging your pathetic and pisspoor showing I have offered you that chance in a rematch. Suck it up you wanker and git a move on, lest I invoke an incarnation to Petersheepshagger to show you some "special" attention. If it is all a misunderstanding, well, nevermind


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-28-2000).]

  4. [ed note] The following drivel is a sad reconstruction and mere specter of a formerly great post that, as the leaves of autumn swarm like locusts obscuring all view, I shall attempt to resurrect it after I sober up from imbibing as I watched my unsaved tome and paean disappear in a miasmic swirl of vanishing ROM.

    AnnubissonofSetoffspringofHorusandadogfacedboy is beginning to annoy and vex. Travel with me my children to another world, where sight and sound are malleable, where omniniensce prevails (as long as you have LOS) and gentle warriors contest a godforsaken and blasted nether realm. I shall tell a tale of pain and betrayal of devious and cold revenge. Sound and Fury and of a woman bereft.

    Picture three TD's out for a lovelrly stroll. Slowly they grind up an incline, the ridge line looming above them, as some malevolent and baleful gate which holds their future, circumspect and aloof, unknown yet pregnantwith possibilities. What lies beyond is only mere speculation. What lies within the heart of man is to be reveald and reviled. Suddenly, out of the periphery of their view, they catch the solitary image of a PSW, desperately trying to make itself crawl under a worm's belly. "Gunner, Target, 90 degrees left. Sabot!" rings out. The tortured squeal of metal, the whine of servos as the ponderous turrets swing toward their intended victim. The surrounding peaks echo the basso profundis reverberation as lumps of metal fly their predestined courses. Only the birds embrace the tortured screams of pain, as hot metal flashes within the metal confines, turning the once proud unit into a caldron of misery. The crew, those who might as well envy the dead, in a supreme effort scramble out, their clothing afire, their eyes blackened pits of despair.

    Their tormentors, laugh, slewing their guns, their agents of destruction, and orienting their vehicles to end this vile, loathsome and dirty business. Forgetting, perhaps in the overwhelming pleasures that enrgize their senses, for a brief moment, the ridge. The ridge that heard the pain of it's companions cry out for vengeance. The ridge that in a moment of sentience responds from the depths of despair seeking a champion to recover the bodies of her offspring. In a brief flicker her keening wails are answered by a throbbing guttural roar. The earth itself trembles and knows that the sights of depraved and horrid death shall be extirpated and avenged. As the TD's their sport of denying the crew the solace and comfort they seek, with 30 and 50 cal stinging whips, play at their palsied

    and worn pleasure, they fail to note their doom approaching.

    Cresting the ridge, with sunlight glinting off helms of pure hate, the trio behold in their last moments of conscious thought, 4 steeds of apocalypse (3 panthers and a Jagdpanther), bearing down, their turrets aligned, barrels depressed, their vengeance clear. In a moment, the brifest of time in the smash of a thunderclap, it is over. The birds, their roost distubed return to the branches where a moment ago they took flight in terror as the final judgment was dispensed. There is silence save for the slight ticking of cooling and congealed metal.

    Yet this tale of vengeance and woe is not yet done fair reader, for travel forward and away to another location where 2 panthers, ravenous and hurtful lie await, their hulls flushed, waiting for the moment. Soon, so soon, innocence is to be lost. Over the hill, a small Stuart, her name "anna" gaily shines unaware that each step she takes is followed by the malevolent gaze of evil through the verdant foliage. Jaws agape, saliva begins to pool in anticipation that the pangs of hunger shall soon be slaked.

    Anna, blissful and carefree moves forward, unaware, her movement lovenly caressed and consumed by eyes that hold no soul, who plan a decadent assignation, till they, in a paroxysm of release spew upon her the hate and loathing their kind have for hers. In an instant she is no more.The silence violated and ripped with the shriek of agony. Her empty and violated body flies across the ground, it's life is ripped and torn from her. Her shattered remains coast gently, only to bump against the foot pad of her most lewd and lethal assassin. All that remains is the scattered flowers she once carried.

    As the life force that was anna stumbles forth, they seek shelter in a nearby copse of stunted trees. Her assailants, pawing and visiting on her hulk such indignities that offend the senses, note the passage of what was once anna, yet fail to see in her eyes the glowing hellfire of revenge unrequited, the passions for vengeance that she carries away. She removes herself to abide, to plot her ultimate triumph on those who violated her and murdered her children. As some modern day Tamora, she plots the fall of her Titus and sends forth her Moor.

    There, in the blackness that her callow heart holds, she weaves her revenge and triumph. As her assailants prance and prattle they are attracted by the crew, and seek more pleasure. Forgetting the lesson that their brethren, in an another time and place before meted out righteous death to others, they proceed apace. Taking their sport, they torment anna, yet in forcing them to take cover, hatches closed, she causes them to fail to see the swift approach of her avenger, who as was done to them swiftly dispatches one of her bane. His corpse twitches as metal flashes to incandescence and drains the fluids from his body. Anna, shudders in the orgiastic release, her body caught up in the blood lust that courses through her veins.....

    So what gentle reader is the denouement? The finger of fate having writ has moved on...yet we as mortals are not given the gift of prescience, at least until the next file arrives. Until then, be content that injustice is avenged but that death begets death. Thus our little moratility play closes....or does it?


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-27-2000).]

  5. The American Companies often have hvy weapon platoons attached. My question is both historial and specific to CM I am wondering how most people employ them and how they were used historically.

    Were they kept together as an integral "platoon" or were the sections parceled out to the rifle platoons, or were they spread over the map.

    As you use them in CM, are people finding it better to keep together or spread them out, either to the platoons or as fire support spread across the board. If kept together with the Hq how dispersed are they.



  6. Time to pick up where I left off... Lorak dust off the book of topplement yet again. GiTommy has learned that galavanting around and posing out in the "real world"™ does not mean anyting here. After spending quite a bit of time playing at Ruged Defense. MsTom has learned that the "opponents he was facing out there prepared him not one whit for 'pool play.

    So what was the denouement? Major victory and a 82-18 drubbing called early by ceasefire. The casuality ratio. 205 to 56! Now that is generalship. But then I am an average player and will need this win to offset my impending drubbing by Satan's spawn Marltoad but that's yet to come and so I can proudly echo Bastogne's heroic stand on this anniversary and say "Nuts"

    So inscribe:




    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  7. make sure you quit Cm before using MCM3. When you restart it they should be there. Also, sometimes need to be careful and verify which data fokder you are trying to modify. The Original data file, the one you are using or a duplicate. I have once or twiced thought it wasn't working only to see I had ben modifying a backup data folder.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  8. geesh ya can't win!! Sorry major, a little joke for those who have been around since beta days. Originally there were no dead bodies. But a hue and cry arose amongest some for bodies and even blood. BTS after listening to the board, both pro and con decided that the current body marker was a good compromise. A search into the archives will reveal alot of the attitudes and reasoning.

    Must say you are the first to ask that they be not in.......that I recall....

    Yes Bruno, but we need to decide if the Graves Registration unit is historically modeled and under what circunmstances it can be allowed to run!!!!! biggrin.gif



    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-23-2000).]

  9. Ahhhhh meekhamster, truly good to hear you are not yet polar bear scat. A merry Christmas to you as well. BTW Sean snatched the 'pool back from the folks down under, seems they were violationg some covenants, conditions and restrictions. One step ahead of the evictors I am afraid. A sad and pitiful chapter.

    I am keeping your topplement warm and fuzzy so that upon your return I can drive the stake deeper into your sallow black french heart.

    As for mensch, well bricks are bricks. Yours is reserved but we may need to increase the heft for his. Stay well so I can kill you.

    JD, Esq.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-22-2000).]

  10. jeffsmith:

    Yes indeedy.

    CM MacMod (bsolinger version) will do it fairly directly and with a little workaround MacMod Manager will do it also.

    All I have to do is double click on the new Graphic 13, a regular Mac window opens asking which application to use to open it. Double click CM Mac mod. It opens the program as if you were normally using it. Choose the appropriate data folder and replace or skip as you wish.

    As to Mac CM Mod Manager (aikidorat's) put the graphic in the MCMMM folder. Select advanced features, and open up the Graphic in question. Under the Edit menu are choices to copy to Picts the graphic entirely or the selected ones. Once selectionis made the picts are copied out of the graphic and placed in the folder. You then need to use a graphic program such as Graphic Converter to chnge the picts to bmps. Then use either program normally.

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-22-2000).]

  11. I may be wrong here if so BTS please delete. In the Mac DL there is a Graphics 13 that has the explosions mods. However, many of the third party snow vehicle mods have been stored there as well. Dragging Graphic 13 from the beta DL will overright your old one and if you have any winterized vehicles and uniforms bmps stored there they will overwritten and lost.

    Use MacMod Manager to transfer if they are different explosions. I haven't looked closely yet.

    Again if I missed something, sorry, but better to be safe


    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-22-2000).]

  12. I may be wrong here if so BTS please delete. In the Mac DL there is a Graphics 13 that has the explosions mods. However, many of the third party snow vehicle mods have been stored there as well. Dragging Graphic 13 from the beta DL will overright your old one and if you have any winterized vehicles and uniforms bmps stored there they will overwritten and lost.

    Use MacMod Manager to transfer if they are different explosions. I haven't looked closely yet.

    again if I missed something, sorry, but better to be safe


    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-22-2000).]

  13. Speedy you cretinous git, you ran out of CMHQ chat before my challenge to you registered. I am game for a pbem GAME. After you demostrated the appropriate chaos in the chat room.....it moved my heart (as if I had one) So send mea feckin set up boyo


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-21-2000).]

  14. Does any else find it a little scary that little Hieryomus is already up to 573 posts! We have to increase his ritalin or get better locks on the doors. He has more sightings than "alien greys" hmm wonder if there is a transmitter in his butt.........

    From the battlefront.......

    Things have really slowed down for the end of year. After dispatching Hiram. Croda, Chuppie and one or two others, then having Meeks swim with the penguins™, and Paw throw himself into some sort of existential angst as only the French can do, I find myself with only a few games.

    ThesquireformerlyknownasCroda after failing to topple his Oedipal cravings decided to have another go. The boy must have serious feelings of inadequacy because of late (ever since he created Crodaberg) he has tried to make everything big Big BIG! So now it's a 7500 pts allied attack against my 5000 pts lextruppen. Took the better part of three days just trying to sort out the units. Cruddite is already creating excuses (since he will have to have them later) before turn 1 is completed about how he had made a mistake as to unit selections, yada yada. More feelings of inadequacy.

    I am truly enjoying my game with GinnyTom His attacks on my peaceloving and pacific gentlepeople have gone no where. He runs them forward, We wave at them and they runaway, usually leaving a number of them on the grass "feigning sleep" Of note and a signature of how Tommyboys game has been going is that for the first time he purchased Fighter Bombers. Well, the FB FO's have been busy fer sure, smoking crack and molesting domestic farm animals. They directed their compatriots to make a run at the tank over there on the hill. Beautiful bracketing job....of his Sherman Crocidile. Knocked out the gun/FT castrating it for all to see.. Shortly thereafter said tank was kindly put out of it's misery. It's been that kind of game. Now if he didn't have that M26 rumbling forward, I'd be a little more sanguine, but then he'll probably throw a thread. Did I hear, "autosurrender"?

    IamreallybeginningtoloatheMarlowe has pulled off a gutsy move. what frosts me is that I anticipated it, Hell, I set it up and got pimped by it. The far edge had a gap in the woods. I pulled my armor toward the middle of the map and snuck and hid a panzerschreck into a building that he'd have to drive past. I also then set my two PzIV's to reverse course and come hidden into hull down to pop what ever came thru. Well Kurtz'z nightmare bites on my little trap, sending two TD's roaring thru the gap. My PS targets one TD, which then boggs at extreme range in the fog, so the shot misses. In the mean time the other TD just waltz's past and my guys wave merrily while they prepare to shoot again into the thick fog at the TD far in the distance. And my PZ's? They are too busy picking their collective nozzles to notice this mad assed dash right past them. Then since their turrets are slow as molasses they get popped in the flank and the rear as the TD putts along. Fie I say. So it's infantry time.

    ConubistheDogfacedone has indeed revealed what is on the other side of the hill. Unfortunetly for him it was revealed by the posthumous report of my scotting unit. Sort of like Midway. The PBY has spotted the enemy carrier van, before a surprise attack can be launched. The results should be the same. Torpedo squadron 8 is on the way but it will be the dauntless' that do the damage.

    Finally Scratchimself is attempting to probe. Progress has been made, albeit slowly against my extreme left flank,which had been held by a FT team and a panzerschreck. I think an arty barrage immobilized one (perhaps his only) tank. The probe seems to have met a calcified blockage. Does our hero have the tools to proceed farther. Only time will tell.



    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-21-2000).]

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

    In the meanwhile, let us discuss terms, shall we? I’ve heard all the hype and feel it is time to get sucked in, so how about a fiendish little creation of rune? One in which we select our own units and he purchases them and then throws all the random switches he can. If that works for you, select a year, a side, how many points you want and if you want to attack or defend. Once we have finished the negotiating, you or I can get off a not to rune for his assistance. I will start off the process by suggesting I take 1500 pts worth of krauts.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Rune? (Shudder) That...(gulp) would be fine. Macey-wacey and I in the final throes of Rune's Bulge scenario, he has not much left fer sure.

    I'll give it some thought and drop you a line about the time and year etc.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

    Damn it morse, I want a request for an immediate cease and desist order filed and a motion for summary judgement....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Joanna you craven hairball scat spreading dingo. You think you can waltz into these palatial offices and ask for justice, expect the para's(legals) and the crack sturmattorneys to launch themselves in a calculated and overwrought paper blitz? Resorting to legaltruppen is a Rubicon my dear lizard. Let me ask you first, WHERE"S MY RETAINER? Here let me write a figure on this piece of paper, fold it and slide it across the table while Della Street looks on. Oh by the way that does not include "expenses"

    Now that you have picked yourself off the plush pile carpet and shut your flapping jaw, and had the color return to your cheeks we can work out an arrangement I am sure. After cutting a swath thru some of the lesser denizens of this pool, it's time for some fresh scenery. I am as we speak applying the coup de grace to your erstwhile countryperson, Maced. Since your record in pool play is not a losing one (yet) I need to warm up on some corpulent toad like rock warmer such as yourself.

    So we waive the retainer for legal services if you accept. We await your pleasure.

    From the pro bono department:

    Since many of my opponents have seen fit to go to the nether realms or have (or are about to expire in my current games), the firm is looking for a few well motivated associates to be exploited for our particular gain. A successful applicant must not have played me (esp if you have beaten me) before and be resident of the pool. Submit your applications to the battleaxe at the front desk.

    JD, Esq


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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