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Posts posted by jdmorse

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune:

    Mister Morse, I hope you are prepared to be trounced by me. [sit down Bauhaus, I said trounced, not pounced] Since you may be getting the patch tonight or tomorrow, are you game? Or do to prefer to beat on helpless, pleading, nose dripping newbies like Croda? I await your answer...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Rune you pussilliamous quotidian marsupial sucking git. Why should I play a game with "I'm a beta God, see me prance"? Because you deserve to flayed and filleted, sliced and diced and thrown out back on the midden, or is it out in the outback [tying to keep up with our Aussie settings, ya know]. Your time is past old one, you have been to long from the the test of public vile combat. As I am doing to that misbeggoten mesuggah you call a squire I shall do to you. I await your pleasure and have gotten out my whetstone......



    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  2. Roight then how about throwing a little Rob/1 on the barbie!

    So this is the new digs? Bit plain don't cha think. Seems kind of like the Americas cup. Nice American custom and the Aussie get a hankerin for it. Best money can buy, eh?

    Perhaps Hiram can fix up some new curtains, and Berli put together some bric a brac. In a bit it'll look like home.

    Lift one on high me buckos, let out the mainsail, hoist the jib, set the royals we're cruisin the Indies looking for plunder. The Peng Thread rides again! Wooo HA!


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  3. Seanachai you miserable sod. You know, that I know that you read this thread. Therefore a thinking man would know that to mention such would be to give you that information. Of course, knowing that, an intelligent man could reason that Morse is a blabbering lunatic, OR that Morse knows that I know, so therefore any information he gives is precisely the opposite of what is the real case. But wait, that would be too clever by half. You would reason that it is too obvious so therefore the information must be correct, so you act as if it is, but then realizing that I am aware of your self annoited cleverness you would assume that I would prevaricate on purpose so that you, being an intelligent man, would do precisely as I wanted you to do? Thus I have woven the conundrum in which you are tangeled. Is he a lunatic or a clever man, I knowing this would then drink of this cup of wine....[glup glup]....[thunk]


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mikester:

    Hmmm, let's see. A lousy lawyer from the great Communist state of Washington (why are you not in Florida with all the other idiot lawyers?)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    A hit, a palpable hit. Oh I have never been SO chastised that I feel such mortification at the umbrage poured upon my poor brow. Beggin yer pardon sir.......a fine gentleman such as yer self. Oh I shall faint of embarrassment.............


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-27-2000).]

  5. Ahh for the old days ..... when we rushed like lemmnings to our doom, never thinking that 3017 had any meaning....now we sort of sulk along desultory and aimless...nothing driving us on except our own mindless drool.....

    and speaking of drool........

    Germantool seems unable to make his mind up about assaulting the asylum...hey only us inmates here....esp after seeing my earlier comment on how I suck at defense......

    Speaking of the Senile-one I managed to provide some fireworks with some spectacular arty but am still bummed about losing my Hetzer to a STUPID gun hit right on turn 1. This probe of his is proving painful.

    Chuppyrocks has decided to recreate the defense of Saipan and force me to dig his crumbling forces out, squad by squad. I think I saw his civlians jump off a cliff in the background. To the echoing din of BANZAI!, he has charged his last intact platoon into the blazing guns of my exhausted troops. The platoon is no longer intact. Two panthers are still on the prowl. The question is not victory (boy those words will prob come back and haunt me) but at what cost.

    MoppyArty has mentioned that PushButts tactics and mine are becoming more and more alike. Somehow I have a distinct, uneasy and unclean feeling after hereing that. The divine Mr. M and I are playing whisk and singing Lili Marlene except for a nasty little firefight on the extreme right flank. Seems neither one of us "rushed" the flags. Monsieur P. andI have only begun but its in the infamous 57m visibility of the darkest night.

    Crudite is dead as roadkill can be. But since he insists on twitching (or is it the VT jerking the corpses) I will back up the 57 Chevy a few more times.... ThatGirl has provide fun for a sniper or two. As he learned earlier that reconning w/ a TD can be hazardous, he also will learn that the fog hides many ugly surproises. He has asked me to come closer, well I think I oblige him, just not the way he is thinking.Hiramsmoke'emifyougotthem has been playing with his new toy smoke projectors. Unfortunely hasn't stopped mortar disruption and all out artillery bombardment as his troops slog across the open terrain. My troops are whetting their sights, snuggling down and sighting on the misty shapes about to stumble forth.......NinjaTurtle has elected to meet me armor, sans infanterie...we shall see if he has any skill about him.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  6. Lorak seems to have taken a bit of a walkabout, or is just sodders out behind the woodshed, who knows? Politely informed our scribe that I took away PenileNZ's favorite ewe and drubbed him good. On page 95 of the thread! No updates have been recorded and many others have posted defeats and victories, yet our mad elven King seems unable to pull himself of of the scuppers of lassitude into which he has sunk.

    Get with it boy or are you sulking?


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-27-2000).]

  7. Chuppypuppy I realize that when the events of life are too searing and painful to recall, that the mind suppresses all memory related to the incident. Much like the game we have going..apparently you have suppressed any cognitive recall of the turn you owe me since Friday, last.

    Therefore be a good boy and do some memory regression and get it out, so the painful spankng I am administering you can resume. Thank you ever so much. I am looking forward to regaling the 'pool with your feats of derring do as you proceed to Lose to me. (all most as bad as losing to Pengy}


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  8. Hiram...... you remind me of Chauncy Gardner in Being There You like to watch. Seems if there is a train wreck, car running over a dog or the vivisection of a Gerbil, you are there.......is that Rod Serling in the background. Now get home and get that turn out so I am one step closer to grinding your bones and feeding them to Croda.

    Crud-boy, to pick up your metaphor, and to pick my theeth with your splintered thigh bone....oh, sorry, forgot, a metaphor is a particular word consruct and image used to convey subleties of meaning..... of Thaksgiving. You my dear boy constitute the heartburn and gas that one is prone when consuming too much of a thing. As I have troops that have reading the International version of Readers Digest as they await the arrival of the VT and the whistle to go over the top, you might want to make sure your sturmtruppen have all made out their wills.

    And as to your crews, well, they......they were escaping, that's it, theat's the ticket......escaping. Course when you use them to try to wrest control of a VL from a geriatric toothlessly gummy old AC that can't fart and hit anything, well what do you expect.So Happy Thanksgiving, you LOSER!


    JD, esq

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-22-2000).]

  9. Croda you worm beneath my hobnailed boot. I put myself in the grog camp, although I do like the nice alliteration or intelligent post.....However

    You scum sucking bottom dwelling echinodrem that I as a lawyer chew into tiny little morsels. The Only place it counts big boy is if can you back up those fancy words with action. Judging by the lack of any intelligence behind your continuing game with me I'd say the answer is NO! You couldn't beat me then,now or ever. You little french toady, when I am done flaying your already sodden and disprited troops, (and believe me your Mum approves) then its back out to the woodshed with ya and the belt.

    Ya think you can take it away from me? Just try. You have been getting awfully high flautin with your prissy smelly stuff and city folk ways. When we FINALLY finish this game, I shall trounce you again......your days are numbered little man, I'll break you again, for you are my bitch.

    There happy now?



    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Posted by kking199 on the "What is happening to the Forum" Thread

    Being only a Cm'er for 8 weeks or so and my understanding of the community that existed before the release I believe what you are experiencing in part is the natural evolution of the forum as the game's player base has grown significantly.

    Because CM is so good, you will have a great deal of folks buying the game and coming here who are not diehard grognards.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, it certainly seems that our 'pool is but a microcosm of the greater world, subject to the same evolutionary developments and vissitudes as our larger cousin.

    Original this thread started as a tight knit group of individuals united by a particular shared vision. As the world at large became more aware of them, and it became attractive, more folks showed up. Some hewed to the original vision, some not. Eventually, the older true vision members said WTF has this thread become. The original vision was....etc.

    The newer comers said pfhat! to you old sticks. So we in essence have our "grogs" and our non-grogs. The fact of the matter is that we have to coexist and find mutual benefit. Some are here to taunt, pbem and carry on, some are here to in effect, chat and converse.......it's the eternal Mars-Venus/Hunter-Gatherer dialectic. Some of us like to (in 9000 words) grunt, You suck, I am better, I will kill and dismember you and publicly display your humiliation in ritual abuse. Others are more relational in their interaction.....it's the french and wimmen, what can I say. But both are here because this pool provides the space to HAVE FUN, whatever weirdness your tastes runs.

    So socio-dynamics proves out in our own litle community. True, there won't always be cross dialogue and the "grogs" may mutter about such effte and pointless drivel, but it is a fascinating look into our shared consciousness (*shudder*) that we wish to call this place, this pool, home.

    So let the Grog camp rant and chant, beating drums and parading their totems, and let the relational folks, talk of Paris in the spring, and let us play each other in games, and post the results and together as one pool we can thumb our noses and flip our bums, together as one pool, to the uncomprehending world outside and mash with glee and truly f*ck with the minds of any newbies that wander in.

    Life is good.



    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  11. Croda:

    You are in danger of losing your soul, my boy. You dangle on a slender thread of silk over the firery pits of eternal damnation. I call on you to disavow this incestuous (not like you and mum) satanic fornication of mind and spirit that is going on between PawBroom, YK2, yourself and now Hiram......Good god man have you no shame (exhibit 1 http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/012866.html (well actually we know you have no shame, but that's good, parenthetically speaking) Yer Mum and I didn't raise you to be no candyass frenchie's boytoy nor bondage slave to the Irish harlot of Babylon.Spurn this Jezebel, she will ruin you, suck the life from you and discard you as some hacknyed hasbeen.

    Repent your evil ways boy, return to the true pool's calling, taunt, challenge, kill...repeat. There is then nothing more than this. This unseemly behavior must stop. Have I taught ye nothing. Yer breaking my heart as I break the backs of your decimated troops.

    No more of this sociological cyber-interaction. Return to the old ways, eschew the dark evil that that unholy trinity represents, embrace the pool, let it's turgid waters close over you, embrace you with its gentle noxious caress. Remember the days when you were young, vile, and untamed. Go there, be the warrior of invectitude that I knew you could be when I sponsored you..


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nijis:

    I caught a last parting whiff of snittiness from the esteemed Arse-Inspector Morse some time back there.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    And why should I give you a game? Is not Croda, faithful Croda slapping you about with the Anubil duck? Has Imohotep returned? Kharis has no doubt been revivied? Hmmm they did find that tomb and you appear. Coincidence?

    But to avoid finding tannis leaves on my doorstep I shall listen to your pitch. What method of mummification would you prefer, for I intend to bury back in the crypt of ages from whence you may never return. Your organs shall be removed and placed in urns so that Ptah is not offended. No cenotaph shall mark your resting place under Nut's starry arms save the shifting sands.

    Your suggested particulars maybe sent by courier, beloved of Ra, Horus son of Orisis, or by jackal, not PeterSheepshagger.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  13. Ahhhhhh what a week......nice to see the 'pool reforming. A bit of a disturbance in the force and Pshaw thinking he caused it and all. Silly boy.

    Now that the rapture hasn't happened and Berli hasn't carved 666 in our foreheads we can get back to what is right, true, important and loathsome. That is everyone of you who has, is or will grind my eyeballs into the dust. As to the other beautiful people, those who have are and will lose to the likes of me, Thank you ever so much for Dieing alot™

    Where to begin....well lets start with the small fish....Marlet has made his initial debut on the tactical stage and I must confess has left me with my jaw dropping and drooling and much smacking of lips, thinking that this is dinner on the hoof. Seems in heavy fog believes that initial recon is best accomplished by driving a TD along he road and seeing if someone takes a shot at it. Well they did and it is only by the grace of {insert your favorite deity here} that he survived. I look forward to his next demonstration of generalship.Oh and Marlow, the fog hides many secrets...........

    Sheepbleater as he acknowledged has LOST Lorak please note on the tally sheet if you would. Since Tanks are not little woolies he was unable to marshal the appropriate (apro-priape?) attention and apply himself. Take note all, a tanker (other than in some gutter outside a London pub) he ain't.

    My lit'l bitch Cuddite has generously gathered his remaining troops under a nice copse of trees so that I may more efficiently utilize my VT which shall arrive shortly. I highly recommend a trial sample of the stuff if you haven't tried it before. Does wonders to troop morale, in trees or out in the open.

    HereIamKillme and I have just started. I am afraid I must apply some discipline to the youngster for his own good. He is advancing under a cloud of smoke, which he shot about 15 m's in front of his advancing troops, leaving about 200m's of open terrain to advance across.He has picked up the questionable hamster habit of shelling like crazy empty areas of the board to absolutely no effect.

    Chuppypuppy as he graiously noted above is a LOSER-apparent. I shall shortly certify his election to the same once the recount of his troops causalities come in. Seems he made a grave tactical error at the beginning....he chose to play me, a lawyer. Take that Chupchops, yer losing to about the lowest form of life there is [except for ninilist]

    Lessarty and I are recreating the fascinating events of WW2 known as Sitzkrieg. Just us and the crickets chirping in the night. I suspect that this game will go like a sprint cycle race, slow pokey to a fast bloody furious end.

    meek hamster of course was losing, as he seemed to be to all of us and has taken a bit of a walkabout. Or has he? Once a bloody messianic schismatic always one I suspect. Sasquatch is showing me the finer points of the "Probe" and already in the first turn I have demonstrated my total incompetency on defense. There maybe a game or two I overlooked but obviously you are beneath my contempt. Gerbilboy and I have yet to figure out which of our various emails we are using so I figure confusion shall reign throughout our game.

    Oh and SgtSpotonmytie..........NO! this thread will never end, now bugger off you wanker.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-21-2000).]

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

    When I come back, I expect a quality 'Pool, goddammit, or I will personally destroy every one of you, utterly.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Meeks you unrepentant magnificent schismatic bastard, you think running off on a ship is going to save you from the dismembering that I have been applying to your Free and Happy French. You think taking off will allow my normal Alzheimer's state to eradicate all vestiges of your game with me. Think again bucko.

    I was afraid there that you might inadvertently include me in your"spiritual descendants list" Whew, there is a god after all. So feast on PENGuin flesh, rocking on your boat, and know that the knife will be all that sharper upon your return.



    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much.Hiram

  15. Ahhhh Croda, you bring a tear to my and Mum's eye. Remember only lookies because ya lost (a few turns at most...does the words VT coming hold any meaning for you dogfaced boy?)

    Well said at that. To the members of the Pool. Perhaps we have grown weary, or complacent, or in need of a bit of a walkabout. We have had, hamsters, heretics, kniggits and the like, but we have gotten away from our roots. We have gotten caught up in the form, and ignored the substance. Thus many old ones have faded, and new ones enter. But that is the way of life. And it is okay.

    What I propose and urge is a return to the old days and ways. I say brothers and sisters, we are in the need for a REVIVAL....can I get an Amen! We need-uh to get back to the promised land-uh. To the LAND of milk and honey-uh. Are you with me Brothers and Sisters, can you feel the power-uh, the presence-uh, and the GLORY! Come forward, be healed, walk again. As Lazarus walked again, so will you...

    No hamster society or foofoo feudal hierarchy....simply a bit of good old fashion anarchy. Eat what you kill. We should drop the accretion and tortured metaphors. Challenge, insult, fight and kill (repeat) what's so hard.

    These are the basic tenets:

    1. THIS IS A CHALLENGE THREAD, that is it's sole and legal purpose.

    2. THIS IS A TAUNT THREAD, if you are looking for nicey nicey, go to Rugged Defense, Tournament House or post on the general forum. Do not expected to be welcomed or pampered. Do not expect to be given a game simply because you ask or even demand it. (attention ninnyjis.... not yet honeykins)


    4. THERE IS NO 4.

    We have a chance to make this thread last. At least till Cesspoolnarock II. We also have the chance to see it become useless. It is what we make it. If I do not find interesting people to get to know, I shall go elsewhere. But for now let us see what together we can create.

    Now Sod off ye sheepbuggers


    The Lawyer's credo: Covering the earth like a plague of locusts - Mace

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-20-2000).]

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