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Posts posted by jdmorse

  1. Ahh I see our pool angst has re-occurred.

    Happens from time to time..... Some perspective is always needed. Unfortunetly our little playground is a bit public and we are always going to attract drive bys and lookey loos, best advice, ignore them. Hard to do granted but necessary. Sometimes, length of service works against you. I have been around since the second post to the original thread, sometimes more active, sometimes less. After a while it can be hard to crank it up. Sometimes, esp late at night when CM time rolls around, one just can't care a whit about being clever.

    It is, it occurs to me kind of like a marrriage, sometimes the passion and involvement lessen, but like a good marriage that can also grow into being with others of a like mind and be comfortable. Also, to carry this analogy to even more ridiculous lengths, the new folks who come in and stick are making their version of the vision of the thread. We had our day and like parents at a play ground can take pride in the antics of you "youngsters"

    It's important to note that some of the "elders" who don't post often or at all are not posting on the Outerboards either. I have noticed that those of us who have been playing (almost steadily) since the beta days have cut back, sort of like coming up for air. After all Real Life™ does occasionally demand obeisance.

    So play amonest yourselves, the world of Peng™ is a brave new world if you want it. Oh, we won't go away, where else can we dwell, the OuterBorads? *shudder* And no doubt we will occasionally lash out in a manical killing rage and full of venom and bile, or at least sputum.

    Now run along and let me dream of younger days (now where's that glass with my teeth in it?)

  2. In reply to Mr. 264's (aka John look at my small member Kelley's eternal why Peng? question, now locked, The bald one said <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It is a place for member sof the forum to meet up with other CM players, hurl incredibly funny and, for the most part intelligent, insults and taunts back and forth wage war via Combat Mission with each other, hone their tactical and gameplay techniques and generally tick off people from time to time.

    Think of it as a huge disfunctional PBEM/TCP game community with an abusive father, a neglect Mother and a Cousin that keeps bumming the other members of the family for cigarette money.

    We read it (if the verb READ is really applicable) from time to time, get a chuckle out of it and allow it to continue.

    And Why? Well because...

    Time to move on gentlemen....

    Madmatt<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well said Matt, well said.

    And PansyTuckus, will you STOP trolling for nubile, naive waif's on the main board, to wit <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I believe he was referring to me. Now, if you really want to know what it's like to swim in the cesspool, dive on in!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hell's bells man, like we'd want him, anyone else or for that matter you. Now Stop it! Marcel you really need to keep this boy on a better leash w/ a pooper scooper handy, he'll dump anywhere.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

    You slackjawed, gibbering ape. I have sent you the battle you have so foolishly requested. Whats wrong? Being a lawyer hasn't got you depressed enough? Now you want me to open a can-o-whoop-ass on ya?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    *Sniff* *sniff* ahh Shadoofus is about. Amazing how quickly he hurrys to his doom. Your fate comes forth on silently winged feet my spatulent one........(nice word that, spatulent, no idea what it could mean but I am sure it applies to you........


    On other matters, my 1,000 and 1 post....to think I have wasted so much on the collectives likes of you all.

    [ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Epée:

    Two questions:

    1) What does "Cesspool" mean?

    2) Is smoke from 81mm arty different than smoke from an 105mm arty?


    1) "A greater collection of scum and villany you will not find elsewhere" - Obi wan Kenobi

    Yep that fits. I mean any place that welcomes me, a lawyer.......

    2) It is bigger and "should" last longer, at least I hope it does because I am using it as smoke for the first time. So far so good


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dog6880:

    and with the FO i must admit that it is quite possible that i just lost track of an FO but on tow occations i think they took initiative that wasted my men.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Dog: Sometimes I have simply forgot that I ordered a fire mission (esp with a 3 min wait), or get caught up in other places on the map and forget to cancel the targeting orders. I do not think your FO will independently target. I have never seen it. If you are concerned issue hide order.

    BTW good FO practice. Unless engaged in 1) fire mission or 2) movement, keep those bad boys hiding.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-28-2000).]

  6. It seems Pillocks is lonely....... found this in the "tips and techniques" forum

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If anyone is interested in discussion, I'd like a few email chat partners.Feel free to email me!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Ahh the lonely heart is a sad and pathetic thing. And to think he chose to come to the 'pool like some 2 bit 42nd street peep show to satisfy those urges. I feel so cheap, dirty and used.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  7. I'd second what Lorak said. Pay attention to lines of movement that can get you to where you will think they are useful with minimum of chance of being spotted. Do not run them across wide open spaces. Sneak them. In a recent game the location I wanted to get them to was a hill crest outside of the setup area. Only trouble was there was an open area to the trees. I spent two turns having him crawl to the woods, then sneak to the edge.

    Also placing FO's in obvious places like the large 2 story building overlooking the valley can be risky and asking for trouble. Perhaps the woods a little over may not have as good a view, but less likely to attract shelling.

    Another trick I use with sneak is to be sure to have FO's sneak into houses or thru woods towards the edge. Using "move" can give away their presence.

    As for high levels of lucidity, well that is only a relative function, if you can understand us, be afraid, very afraid.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  8. Marco:

    Thanks for the response (sigh- as I suspected) as to the turrent /hull problems with the Stuart. Man I'd LOVE to have had your US AND Brit/Ca for that tank. Your Mods are THAT good. So from me and all others I am sure, we appreciate your work, dedication and skill.

    When I go back and look at the v 1.0 textures to what I am running now, it's amazing. Your work is at the head of the class. A Marco, along with one or two others has my immediate attention.

    Thanks agian for making CM so much better and the fun place and game it is.

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

    What a useless pile of yak droppings I am<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    True so true.and except for a few of our interlopers I do not think anyone else is so loathed and despised. I truly despise you and your game playing. I completely hate the way multiple arty barrages of 81mm and 75mm fail, fail mind you to take out that STUPID Priest. Ke-rist. Boom -bang all around and I don't think you got so much as a splinter of shell it's way. Some games go that way. *sigh*

    Of course I note how you fail to relate how your M4 Sherman and my skdz 250/8 (?) went head to head, front aspect to front aspect, mano a mano, trading shots. Hell you even managed to hit me. Not even a casuality. And of course I manged to tag you one as well. But seems you failed to answer the bell you gamey bastard. A half track takes out the Sherman straight on Ha, double Ha.Ha Ha Ha take that you scum, vile dweller from the mucous choked bowels of hell. Oh I truly despise you and your ways. The fact that I may in the last two turns deny you anything makes me quiver with antici................................pation.

    Oh if there are gods of valhalla, give me the power to strile the infidel, to rise up, from the depths of despair and rend his soul in the agony of a DRAW!

    Pah, may you find Anubis licking your face one morning and Hiram bringing you your paper and most of all may your woman find Croda more of a ..............man.

    Go now you vile wretch. Send your men forth, strike me down but I shall become more powerful that even you can imagine.




    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [edited because Joe is in the know]

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-28-2000).]

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