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Posts posted by jdmorse

  1. That arrangement is one I use quite a bit, but circumstances may change. If I am going to take an advantegous position as soon as I can, I may use the tanks to transport slower units, such as MG's and let the grunts hump it on foot. I try to keep in mind the relative speeds of the units. Sometimes sending tanks and a platoon of inf can break open the enemies MLR with a flank attack, but if there are slow units that jump off when shot at or tank is killed or bogged, then if they are too slow you lose the advantage of speed and quickly thrusting into the rear areas, letting the opponet adjust forces.

  2. Rune's Topplement

    ***For public release****

    In some nightmare Marlow-like journey into stygian gloom and miasma, I return from the lair of the Beta-kami, Rune. I found the erst-while denizen muttering to himself, rocking in a chair on his porch, his teeth in the jar next to him. The gist of his dark stream of consciousness seems to surround a paranoiac delusion that he is actually trying to play games of combat mission.

    When I confronted him with his mewling, posing and posturing, being fraudulent misrepresentations of his actual intent to accept a challenge, he averred, cackling "Shhhhh, don't have time, madmatt and I are communing." His rocking increased markedly and since his hand, under the blanket on his lap was moving furiously, I spake no more. Suddenly letting out a guttural moan, his other hand flopped into sight, gently and softly caressing his "NDA" of which we know he is, oh so fond.

    Spying his bottles of medications and knocking them to the floor and standing on his IV and breathing tube, I was able to coax out of him a commitment that at the beginning of the New Millennium he shall summons Sancho Panza, mount his trusty steed and once again to ride forth, where I shall immediately cut him down, tearing him asunder from this world of the living and send him to the nether hells where, with much lamentation and gnashing of teeth he shall remain, tormented for all eternity that he lost to me, a mere country lawyer.

    It is now public old man, you can either surrender now, quaking in your bones, or defend your honor, as if you have any. Till next we meet, I remain your humble servant

    JD, Esq.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-07-2000).]

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune:

    As for the lawyer boy...alas he is MIA once more. I haven't seen someone duck so much since a daffy cartoon festival. Chasing ambulances again I would think.,,,,etc much telological ontological and existensial angst about how he just can't seem to play anyone<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    runt Your days of ducking disembowled topplement are over. It is either put up or shut up. You have run and hid behind mommies apron long enough my little kami.....time to plant you in the garden of hasbeens....you talk but no action.

    So here's the deal......either an appropriate setup appears in my mailbox (none of your evilness) by tonight after work or one shall be winging it's way to you. Duck it at your peril. After all I am a mere lawyer.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune:

    ...and trying to catch that draft dodging lawyer, jdmorse<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    MrIamaBetaGodandhavemyminionssoiltheirhandsRuinette are you ready for yer shellacking yet? Shall we play your Bulge scenario with you as the cannon fodder Amis? (ask Maced with the tears running down his cheeks as my KT's squish him into a particular vile form of marmalade.

    Run from you? Ha there's a laugh. I have quietly abided until you could find a large enough size of Depends™ with a sufficiently large supply to actually take me on. You have failed to appear at the weigh in time and time again. So when are you going to suck it up you little Kami and show that there is any there, there.

    We will have none of your sorcerer's ways old man, either QB or let the 'pool inflict upon us the spawn of their collective id. If you want me, you know where to find me. You have only one question. Do you feel lucky, punk?

    JD, esq.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  5. Marlow you little toad croaker.I sent your bleedin' turn last Saturday. Perhaps it "didn't get to you" (yeah right!) Since from what I can see here you have time for yer new shelia, DKNY.....hey got to work in the local patois........get on it lad, or are you avoiding me, which I CAN understand since your military ability to drive your Tonka™ toys around seems to be seriouisly impaired.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-07-2000).]

  6. Yeah what he said. Fie on you.

    To underline a main point. There are a serious lot of games going on with maybe an average of 15-20 pbems we are carrying at a time. Penger's, Pengster's? Pengheads?, often appear throughout the forum, offering silliness, a good laugh and at times helpful hints and pointers. In our games we help new players, insult the stuffing (rite of passage ya know) out of them but share what we have learned and more importantly joke at our own foibles.

    Now if you will excuse me Ole' Sean seems to have slipped the Nurses attention and took a walkabout off the grounds. He is quite harmless, if you do not make any loud Noises. Fancies himself a celtic bard, from Minnesota. Right then Sean, I have a lollipop, you'd like that? then come alomg, nothering to see here.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

    The Fool jdmorse Esquire is far too confident! Though his 105VT shredded virtually all of my men, and all of my AFVs lay in ruin, 2 chewed up platoons that had been panicing in pools of their own blood, have no attempted to take the central hill! Huzzah! Huzzah! (They'll die really soon).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Overconfident. Hardly. Bored at your ineptitude, certainly. That your men would rouse themselves from the gibbering, drooling state of defecation they had worked themselves into is hardly surprising since they have had 15 turns to reconsider. And don't think I don't see your special action squads behind them goading them into advancing in to the teeth of Pommie grit.

    This game was over a long time ago and I am just goofing off until you give it up or die or turn 40 comes....so I can play a more worthy opponent, like say Hiram or ConnubisBliss.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-04-2000).]

  8. While I really like the gunmetal interface, what I want to acknowledge is Deanco's concern and care about his product. When the mod came out I was bothered by the side panels at 800x600. I sent him an email and he immed. responded that he had looked at them and agreed they looked funny and he was gong to change them. A day or two later, he posted the patch.

    Deanco's response and care to get it right, FOR OUR ENJOYMENT is akin to BTS committment and deserves a loud HUZZAH! from all of us. It is this degree of caring and willingness to listen to the users that makes this game, forum and the players such a good and fun enviroment to be around.

    Good job Deanco, keep it up and with the gunmetal TC ya got a hit!



    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  9. It can be other things....My 2 AC's weren't using MG's. One however had a crew cas. and that apparently affects use (although I'd expect a crew on the battlefield would man aleast one weapon) and the other had simply run out of ammo. Felt foolish after cursing at them for so long.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

    P.S. Less I Forget....... What the hell does that little sweetie Croda have to do to become a Knight? In my view he is fast becoming the best taunter around..... Just an observation of course.


    Uh, actually win the games he is playing!


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 12-03-2000).]

  11. Well let's see what's in the bag today, boys and girls.......Ahh a review of some games:

    Hiram initiated me into the realm of TCP/IP last night. He promised to be gentle, but the respect......We finished off our pbem, quite exciting, although labor intensive, the result? Why Victory for the legaltruppen, of course. Lorak, if you are still around as our faithful scribe, please note.

    The industrial BRICK if you please, shall have to applied to Crodiamlosingsobadthatmymenarerunning fortheirlivesda still refuses to surrender, noble if pathetic. So the bloody Fields of Flanders, at least on his side, continue for a few more rounds.

    Marlboroand just as dead to be, is scampering and gibbering like some loathsome, feces flinging, swinging proto-primate he is. He talks game but his idea of things heating up is to string his platoon in a line for my tanks to take target practice like the arcade shooting gallery. Sad and predictable. Chupadingdon is taking so long to process turns that I am growing Howard Hughes nails just waiting for him to get back to me. Imohotep, the Egyptian displays a Guederian proclivity that overwhelms me and sends me into paroxysms of giggles. Course he has mixed US and British tanks in an effort overcome his abysmal generalship, but the jockeying for position continues. Seanachoo slowly tightens his grip on my gonads (the LBJ strategy for hearts and minds) now if I can see if I can convince him he is squeezing his own.

    The rest of you moronic cephalic non hominids who I owe or owe me a turn, your days of humiliation are coming. I loathe you all without reserve......



    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  12. Seems like everything is modeled. As to the Mortars, go to level 3-4 aboove and a bot behind your mortars and you will see the shells on the way up. The coolest one I saw was in view 3 directly over an enemy Hellcat and saw the mortar round come down right onto the Hellcat.

    Grenades, potato mashers all go flying. Check out the flight difference between say the Inf gun vs the 75mm AT. The 105's have an arc to their flight vs the more straight line tank rounds......it truly is amazing

  13. Deanco.......

    Great TC on the Gunmetal mod...looks great. However, I noticed that the side panels look like they are cut in half. Yet other screen pics from others show a full panel. I tend to play at 800x600 screen resolution on an iMac. Is this the reason? That it is set for 1024x? Seems I saw some copy on your sight (the battlefield map side panels) that seem to be indicating there can be different sizes?

    Keep it up guy, you help make CM the great game it is.


  14. Attention K Mart Shoppers, incl M. Bates, Rob/1 and the various Limeys/Pommies/Aussies/NZer's, anyone else etc. At the risk of ruining my reputation (such as it is) I am going to point out one thing seriously with the hope that it will make some sense.

    PeterNZ and Croda have touched on it, remember this is more than a chit chat club of the thread. If you want to try and find a game with the regular denizens of this area of the forum. Fine. There is an accepted and well used procedure. Be obnoxiously vile and insulting and CHALLANGE some one to a game.

    Ultimately this thread has always been about filling up our pbem calendar with games on a regular and ongoing basis with people we enjoy (not that we'd let our daughter marry one mind you.) I don't find your presence irritating, rather I wonder why you'd even bother to come in, kind of like watching a train wreck I suppose.....We really do not have much interest with you unless you want to play a game of CM. But to do so requires certain hoops etc. to be gone through. People drop by and think all we do is talk smarmy or insulting, for us regulars though there are plenty of games going on in the background. If you want a place to just be yourselves, start a tread of your own and see who you attract.

    Well enough of this "reasonableness' I can hope although I hold little faith it'll matter. As for the rest of you, and you know who you are I despise and loathe you, I look forward to presenting my wife with a necklace made of your ears and thingies. Anyone else, Move along...nothing to see here.

    (PS) Our sweet Hiram seems to either be off his meds, off his ex, has serious hormonal imbalances or has finally got in touch with his inner Croda


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-29-2000).]

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

    Ah, my dear Crawdad, even if I did what you so slanderously allege (damn, where's a lawyer when you need him), I would be but upholding a proud Cesspool tradition.]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Sorry Marlbutt but I am afraid that the Canons of Legal Ethics (sit down everyone and wipe that smile off} preclude my assistance due to an unfortunate Conflict of Interest, i.e., he is My Bitch™ until his generalship and win/loss ratio prove otherwise and a little remembered, oft forgot legal Maxim. "TRUTH IS A DEFENSE"


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-28-2000).]

  16. why is it that these newbie morons waltz in here, limp wrist a few "taunts" and think all they have to do is sit back and someone, like cares?!

    Colslug Pathetic, it's just sad. I hope you rot in the nether realms waiting in vain for any one to respond. If Marlow or Croda even noticed that oh so awesome display of the Anglo Saxon language I'd be surprised and disappointed.

    If you want to hang here, you got to show up and establish your turf. You have to be CONSISTENTLY so irriating or eruiditely full of ****e or obnoxious that someone may take you on. You have to shoulder your way in here and prove that not only do you have an ego the size of, well mine for example, but that you aren't some flash in the pan. You get thrown out, good. If you stay away, better, if you return you better be more spiteful, venom laced bollexed than anyone else to prove your self. Is it fair or nice, no , but then 1) we have nothing to prove to you and 2) WE DO NOT CARE about you, your feelings or your existence.

    The fact we are even noticing your transient appearance is because you haven't totally annoyed the waders and splashers resident here. Perhaps you have something. But on the face of it I'd say you are a minor disappointment and major bust.

    Review the old thread, (DO A SEARCH) and see how Marlow and Croda handeled it. Hell we are still trying to figure out how to get rid of them. We don't like you, them or ourseleves so SOD OFF.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-28-2000).]

  17. I say, did you all hear anything, buzzing and annoying like some sort of ...saw, No? Well nevermind. Must have been the Mistral blowing.

    GiTommy, I must say you do have your cheek. You betray us, your kith and kin, to go cavorting out in the outside world. Oh yes, Mr. Rugged Defense man, we have seen how you have spent your time, with wanton harlots, parading your "scores' in front of every two bit hussy that would russle up a game, and iniquitous dens of depravity....then smelling of cheap perfume, with rouge smeared on your cheek, you come waltzing [sit down Mace] back in here as if nothing ever happened and you expect us to welcome you with open arms? Not bloody well likely.

    Slander, you haven't seen slander you pustulent misbegotten offspring of Peng and NZ'ers favorite ewe......you owe me for that game I obligingly threw for you. You couldn't, Mr high and ladder mighty, just disappear in to the putrid pile of goo that you are., no, you seek to returncurrying favor and recognition. It's your ears and tongue I seek for my trophy wall. I wish to rend and spit upon your desiccated and torn body parts.....thus I shall have my Vengence upon you and your women folk, your lands sown with salt, your beasts farmed out to others of this thread (you know who you are) lamentations shall fill the air and pestilence shall descend upon your visage for a 1,000 years. You worthless Git, if I do not see a setup by tonight, you shall have one from me. Oh you shall rue the day you decided to submerge your head here.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-28-2000).]

  18. Mace If the IOC/BTS/Pool are going to let you host this iteration of the thread, you got to upgrade your security. Really, now I see why Merrie Ole England dumped the load of you down under. Seems like you are letting every Aussie on the board wander through for a look see. This is serious stuff (snorkle gag) ah hem as you well know, wouldn't do, propietary ya know, NDA's and all that [waiving the holy writ]

    And a report on our game.....seems that Mr. M's Chaffee's are Dieing alot now™ under the thread and tred of my KT's. Bugger has managed to immobolize 3, but lost 10+ in the process. Rune, "The prancing little beta god of Evil"™ created this little Bulge Movie abortion of a scenario. Gave me a slew of KT's, Mace all the Chaffee's in the world, it seems (as haven't seen anything else) and says "Ya see those flags waaaaaaaaay down there? Go get them." So it's lumber, Blam, clean the treds , lumber blam, clean the treads and the Summer heat must have affected Macker's brains as he ever so nicely trots them out for target practice, much like the shooting range at the carnival arcade....


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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