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Posts posted by jdmorse

  1. Seems like a classic problem of "freedom" vs "responsibility", bottom line is that once page is loaded, I don't see the banners since I am looking at other things. So the complaint is really about time to load. (I have cable direct connect, interestingly the delay, if any is usually not with the banners, but the content output from TGN) But as has been pointed out, your claims of freedom can (may and will) kill that what you treasure most.

    The fact of the matter is, despite what we might pretend oterwise is that it costs $$$ to do the internet, $$ makes the world turn from the earliest days of I'll give you that cowerie shell for a stone axe you made.

    Like it or not that's the way it is. Frankly it could, and may get alot worse, so listen to madmatt and fionn esp. he's told you what triage he'll have to do. So don't kevtch if he has to do it. The great danger is "standing on principle. How many noble stands in history have been made, without compromise? How many of those were ultimately successful? Not many baby.

    Think about it, do you want CMHQ or not, your choice.

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 04-06-2000).]

  2. Thank Heaven for being in the Pacific Northwest. It's only 12 midnight here so I get an early peek, also thank heaven for direct cable connect, YES! 1 min downloads!!

    Anyway after viewing "Our Boys in France" I'm joining up Pa!

    Defintely two BIG thumbs up. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif for .C O M B A T. .V I S I O N.

    * Film From The Front *

    I am impressed, truly impressed. And I can't wait for the next installment from the front.

    Congrats guys, superly done.

    (ps) Works great w/ QT 4 or better yet get a Mac!!

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 04-06-2000).]

  3. It's been said how much the POTD and TGN material have been our fix... and the conversation and social connection on this board have been great (even vicariously) but when the game ships, how am I going to find the time, or overcome the desire to be totally engrossed in CM!? It will be interesting to monitor the activity to see oters are simarily"ocupied" smile.gif

    I for one expect that even if there is a dip, that it will come roaring back, bigger and badder than ever, and I for one can't wait.

    Congrats to ya all who have provided our daily "fixes" and to BTS for starting this "long strange trip!"

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 04-05-2000).]

  4. OBG Wrote


    I don't know about him, but I have always dreamed about playing a Steel Panther-isk game in 3D.


    I remember when PanzerBlitz (Avalon Hill) came out. Boy did I long for a game that had an easy way to incorporate same time moves or LOS or more importantly, indiv. units. To play we'd have to have a third party to tell us if an enemy unit was in position. Then came Tobruk (also AH) and and the flat desert solved much of the sighting issues and took it down to the individ unit. Boy of boy is it nice to have a game that computes LOS, facing, hull position, etc.

    For those of you who were raised in this technological age (not old codgers like me), I hope you appreciate what CM is really doing, it is in it's way revolutionizing the wargame.

    As to Matrix Games' SP:W@W forum and they're not buying into the idea.....Well, They just don't get it.....

    (besides we used to play in 5 feet of snow, barefoot! biggrin.gifwink.gif

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 04-04-2000).]

  5. For all you technophiles:

    I downloaded the movie(above) at http://www.thearcanum.com/LAH/kampf.mpeg and it said it would open with sparkle.I am running it on a Mac powerbook. But sparkle said can't do that because it is "muxed MPEG" file with both audio and video with "result code of 32767"

    Is this another "Mac's get lesser version" (sigh) or is there some other patch, ftp site, application what have you that I need?

  6. Gee at 48 to be called a jr. member is refreshing, and as a lawyer to know I haven't talked enough, well now.....

    Anyway, it's funny that serendipity comes along. As I try to remember it's been about a month for me (and the waiting seems forever) that I stumbled on to CM. I wasn't looking, but it awakened long dormant hopes.

    My hats off to you long sufferng grunts who have been aching SOOO long for the beta and now with us johnny come lately's it certainly seems that we haven't suffered enough waiting!

    So let us march into that promised land, shoulder to shoulder, member and jr., the realization of dreams (true LOS and hidden movement) to bask in the realm of the true believers. (now do any of you have ANY GOOD explanation I can tell my wife about this infecton, long dormant (which like the Ebola vius is poised to strike, that she knew nothing about? Oh well. biggrin.gif

  7. Does the AI start every game with same depolyment? At least in CE it always seem to park two StuG III's in the small woods near the back line. This of course tempts me to react before I theoretically know they are there. Some what akin to sending in the smoke orders in turn 8 of Last Defence knowing the Hellcats are coming.

    This matters is if we are generally playing the AI rather than PBEM or live opponets. So will there be any varibility in AI setup or first turn. Granted after that it plays fine as mentioned above. However, some variations might be challanging even if our set up is the same.

  8. I was wondering if there isany data on how many downloads of the CM beta have occurred. What sort of user base are you creating.

    *An Aside*

    Also as a Mac user from 1984 I want to express my gratitude for including the Mac in the CM release. After many years of resentful longing of my PC brethren (not that I'd get caught dead eek.gif using one you understand! Such is PC-phobia) and only seeing some faltering starts -Chris Crawford's "Patton and Rommel" or "Sands of Fire" come to mind,- it's great to see something that is for the Mac, and in the words of Steve Jobs, "Insanely Great!" biggrin.gif

  9. Will CM be compatible with the new Mac OSX that is coming out this summer? Nothing worse than to upgrade and loose the game or some aspect. I really felt cheated when I discovered Falcon 4.0 only worked w/ quicktime 3, not version 4.0 (too much a pain to keep reinstalling it) confused.gif

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 03-29-2000).]

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