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Posts posted by jdmorse

  1. Point of Order Mr Chairman, Point of Order....

    Some procedural irregularities have been noted in the recent claim by rune to squire Marlow

    Look I know rune is a beta god and all (genuflect and crosses self) and truly a princess of evil as I have learned to my undying and horrified gaze, but is he a kniggit and this authorized and certified to grant squire status to Marlow?

    Checking the Cesspool rankings I do not see his name carved on the eternal living cantaloupe, and while he posts from time to time.....well we have had others, such as [deleted to save others from defilement] and don't forget [deleted to save others from defilement] and certainly not [deleted to save others from defilement], all vile and hideous poseurs that would spew forth in this dampness. Don't take me wrong, as rune does have a certain kindred nature, if not "entitlement" due to his status as BETA GOD yet isn't it more as "Of Counsel" or ex officio, nonvoting, emeritus etc. When challenged to a PBEM he begs of with the standard "doing beta testing" and can't partake of the fleshy delights of mutilation and dismemberment which occur hereabouts.This is a challenge thread after all.

    Thus I call for a recount of his status, by hand if necessary (hard glare into corner where Blauhaus is starting to rise) and question the designation of Marlow as squire. True his taunting catches my fancy, but with two youngin's already, well that investigation is still pending, I should not take away another's pleasure in having a squire to "discipline" Marlow shows some verbal ability, but does he demonstrate even a rudimentary ability to win at CM.

    Which leads me to a modest proposal. I suggest that not until someone can actually post a win against squire or kniggit, that they not be adoptable as a squire. There should be a modicum of recognizable lineage and procedure to follow [besides, we already got ours]


    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My inner Croda says it has a growing fondness for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>-Pawbroom

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-14-2000).]

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

    Updates!...JDHorseface certainly does have an interesting take on our game. Funny, considering what's about to happen to him. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Chuppiepanze Why are your observations always vague Nostradomoical references to future events not yet experienced by mortal man. At least my summaries bear a relation to the truth. Was your M10/18 a bothersome Hellhound? Yes! Did it cause me grief? Yes! Did your TD's driver imbibe a bit too much in the prospect of facing me and got a bit of liquid fortitude, running his AFV straight into a soggy spot thereby dispatached tout de suite by my manly Puma? Yes!

    Have you not abandoned or been ejected from the majority of the VL's? Yes! All these and more my little wombat I have inflicted upon you. Talk is cheap, let's see what you got big boy. Either you are glad to see me or you are a mere poseur.......so take your shot. I only brag about what I have accomplished, but then I suppose I should be charitable, after all a Edgar Cayce wannabe as yourself needs some solace to assuage the lack of battlefield acumen.



    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My inner Croda says it has a growing fondness for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>-Pawbroom

  3. Yon Marlow has a lean and hungry eye such men are dangerous, and a spot of creative, if redundant verisimilar speech patterns. I urge that someone should champion this stallions unbridled, if addled passion. Alas, my squires, Croda and PeterNZ seem to have developed some....well, disturbing tendencies since their admission to squire status. Croda has honed a fine aggressiveness into a razor sharp weapon, unfortunately his tactical abilities lag a pace. Peter, well what can we charitably say. A certain fondness for the ladies, have our wooley down under cousins in a blather and distracted him from the efficient dismembering we all endorse.

    So young Marlow in your Journey into the Heart of the 'pool's Darkness, I wish you well, at least until I can slip the knife between your ribs, beware the ides, young Marlow, beware the ides.......

    and on further consideration, let's see if your military abilities are as lame as your literary pretensions, so if you dare, send me a setup at your convenience, say 1500-2000 QB your choice of variables, self select units...


    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My inner Croda says it has a growing fondness for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>-Pawbroom

    *edited to allow dissection opportunity of the interloper*

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-14-2000).]

  4. German Armored Forces Smash Allied Incursion

    Yes, our 3000 pt slugfest with Peterpeterpumkineater is nearing its Raganork. The tally so far. I have lost 2 Panthers, 2 Jagdpanthers, 1 PzIVJ and 2 Lynx's (lynxii ?).Totaling 7 AFV's The Rommel of NZ has lost, 3 M10's, 4 M18's and 6 Easy 8's. For a total of 13. He has at least one more (Easy8?) and perhaps 1-2 others. I have as many as *censored for wartime security* tanks left including *censored for wartime security*! Historical footnote, my forces are without one Panther which due to a placement oversight managed to get setup on a slope and so never got off the start line.

    Of course the bleating of ubertanks will begin shortly. But a look at the stat's is interesting. The Panther's have carried the load. My heavy hitters have not been a factor.

    A PzIV -2 kills; Panthers, 1, 3, and 5 kills respectively; a Tiger 1 kill, and a Lynx-1 kill of a M10 (IIRC)! So 75's have carried the brunt. No my young apprentice it is your tactics that are lacking, not the brave efforts of your dearly departed crews.

    I am afraid that my esteemed colleague and opponent has fallen afoul of his own Peter Principle, which I believe he was the first to set forth in a cogent manner. Of course the original meaning still applies [in a hierarchy you rise to your highest level of incompetency] PP2 states, <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"If the game starts badly, it will probably finish badly."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Truer words were never spoken.


    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My inner Croda says it has a growing foundness for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>-Pawbroom

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-14-2000).]

  5. A search reveals that our Borg has not been seen in these here parts since 10/23. Think of all the assimilations that have been put on back order. Is the CM Borg still extant or has HE been ......assimilated.

    Inquiring minds want to know......


    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My inner Croda says it has a growing foundness for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>-Pawbroom

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

    Now, not that he needs it or I want to do it, I feel compelled to point out a simple fact to jdmorse. In aussie rules, or the other mor cro-magnon forms of footy played in our part of the world<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    My inner Croda is suffering low self esteem I am afraid. First I expressed to my deranged squire, Sheepshagger that as a lawyer, my stock of respect was at a nadir. Then I am mis-attributted not once but twice. What was actually said was <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by Mace: Why can't you guys play real a decent sports game like Rugby or Aussie Rules, where the prime goal is to beat your opponent into the ground, and cause at least one limb breakage or fractured skull during a session?

    Why mace, isn't that what we are playing? Speedbumps in the way of the KT's I believe you called yourself.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Shoot I was agreeing, fer chrisakes...then Mace seems to think I am that jfffffffffff fellow: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally (Hah!) posted by jshandorf: I recall no assertion of privilege, now bring those MBT's (snigger, snort, guffaw, roll on the flow, stop it you are killing me) and let's go mano a mano!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    so the upshod is that I am merely a momentary flicker on the cosmic literaryu conciousness, a mere scintilla of presence that is best forgot.

    Very well, you shall not have me to kick around anymore. If this is the way this forum is going, with such disrect and plagarism without representation then I am OUT OF HERE!

    The lawyer formerly known as jdmorse, esq


    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My inner Croda says it has a growing foundness for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>-Pawbroom

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

    Damned lawyers, you tell them something and they use it against you for perpituity (and no doubt financial reward)!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I recall no assertion of privilege, now bring those MBT's (snigger, snort, guffaw, roll on the flow, stop it you are killing me) and let's go mano a mano!!


    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My inner Croda says it has a growing foundness for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>-Pawbroom

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

    Why can't you guys play real a decent sports game like Rugby or Aussie Rules, where the prime goal is to beat your opponent into the ground, and cause at least one limb breakage or fractured skull during a session?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Why mace, isn't that what we are playing? Speedbumps in the way of the KT's I beleive you called yourself.

    Croda does not equal GiT by any stretch of the imagination, unless your Jungian unconscious is manifesting some sort of puerile confession perhaps? Hmmmmmmmmm?


    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My inner Croda says it has a growing foundness for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>-Pawbroom

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-13-2000).]

  9. GiT!

    Seems that I have seen you out there at Rugged Defense spreading a few wild oats about, letting your seed fall on other ground so to speak. You talk of faithfulness yet you expend your precious bodily fluids on other harlots....where are your loyalties, you cad!


    Kniggit of the Old Pool, Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-13-2000).]

  10. Since Mr SenilesponsorofHiramchai has been too forgetful (or else I missed it) our pax de deux in the Winter hinterlands has come to a wheezing gasping exhalation of decaying putrescence akin to swap gas.

    As two old geezers manage to fall face down, carried by the inertia of our on swing so we have exhausted all possibilities, thus a ceasefire.....So in a word. DRAW...ack!

    True it was 50 -45 my favor, and I am specializing in being buggered by the victory calculations. Seems that a squad who have been panicked, pinned and otherwise beat about the head and softer external body parts decided to stick their heads up, and cancelled out my squads presence, backed up by a Tiger tank and made the Flag "?". The horror indeed, since I offered the ceasefire as away to end the endless machine gunning of his panicked men. Little did I realize I was about to lose the major VL points. *sigh*.

    So Lorak put us down for one sisterly kiss each

    Putzter is being paid back for my earlier defeat. Our 3000 point armor cage death match proceeds apace with his appallingly regular loss of tanks on turn after turn. A Rommel this boy ain't.

    Chumpchange finally reappears and promptly loses the Hellcat from hell, and a royal pain in the arse to my lowly Puma and to bogging in! He has tried a most interesting tactic. He has abandoned the defensive positions of the games to swing around to my rear (sit down Blowmaus) in some sort of envelope action. So now, he is going to have to take back the positions his "strategy" gave away. Chuppie, generous to a fault.

    Meek/Hamster has reappeared and has found a platoon of Panthers are now roaming in his rear areas (Blousemouse!, not again mind you) His tanks die a lot™ is fixed positions are overwhelmed by infantry, his trademark™ artillery barrages still do falleth as gently as the dew......

    Cruddite has been instructed in what VT can do to troops in the open, not pretty. My Desert Rat AC's are rushing to salvage what can only be termed as his selling his soul to pure evil (one guess) I mean a Skfzd 7?... you know the 20mm's mounted on a truck have managed to be quite the Blitzkrieg boys....I mean what are the odds of actually taking out a tank or two, let alone dodging mortars, close assaulting infantry and Piats! Well it's time to close him down. I am no longer amused by his prattling.

    Lessarty and I have started a fear in the fog clone, at least I think we are playing the same game, I know he is here somewhere, here boy, come and get it.

    Hirambootlicker seems to be displaying wild mood fluctuations. Not sure if his meds are working. His inner conflicts keeps leaking out. I whupped up on him orig and he begged me to do it again. So he proposes an evilness produced by rune, VOT2. We start, Hiram forgets to move and asks to start again. We start again, and after setups and ready for the first turn he claims to have cramps and a headache and can we play something else, so we start again, I send him his turn.....and am waiting, and waiting, his weekend postings, nada, yet I find him here splashing in the kiddie pool. True, he may not have gotten it, but do you think he'd ask? Nooooo. Methinks a little approach-avoidance is going on. Embrace the darkness my little one, give yourself over, manifest your inner Croda, you'll be so much happier.


    Kniggit of the Old Pool, Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-13-2000).]

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

    While the world is watching, where/how/what who is my damn Kinigit Challenge?! JD Morse! Where are you to champion my cause as someone who can kick your booty and as a worthy wretch etc<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Sheepshagger my young apprentice, you appear before me and demand a boon from me, your liege and lord? Well let's see if you are ready. We do have standards you know.

    1) Diplomacy....In the first game I granted you, to test your mettle, you had the audacity to both beat me and crow about it. Not wise my boy, not wise. At least Croda has the sense to lie down and die under my VT barrages after realizing that if he went any further he might win.

    2) Generalship....in our second game you are proving yourself a tank commander non paraeil...at losing your own tanks. Your tactics are abysmal and if you'd stop chasing the local fauna and apply yourself perhaps you might improve, but alas you are addicted to those "little woolies" aren't you?

    3) Aucumen...you appeal to me to assist your cause. Apparently you seem to think that I have some authority or repect in this pool..fer chrissakes man I am a lawyer! So your ability to discern the shifting centers of power and hierachy are sadly lacking. Your pathetic attempt to call Croda out, since that relation is incestous and already taboo by the tribal council of elder kniggits demonstrates a certain lack between the old earlobes if you know what I mean.

    4) Perspicasity....Well here you at least show some merit. Gawd, you do go on. However, you fail further (see 1 and 3 above) in thinking that we'd want anyone that would actually want to be such as ourselves, to join us. Your desire to be a kniggit proves your unsatisfactory and unsavory nature and forever will disqualify you. You cannot find or demand greatness, it is thrust upon you unwillingly, much as a poor woolie finds you. The Old One of the North and the Evil one must decide your fate.

    Nonetheless, keep at it boy, after all our amusements and divertisments are important to us.


    Kniggit of the Old Pool, Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-13-2000).]

  12. In reading the above I was struck by all the bandying about of the terms free speech, censorship etc, without reference to the source. Ethan hits it right on the head. Free speech flows out of the Constituition that gov't shall not infringe the right to speech. Yet we are social animals and from Hobbes on through Locke and other political thinkers there has been symbiosis between natural rights and obligations to the body politic.

    Most always missed is the context that the founding fathers viewd speech and communication vs government. You cannot take them and ignore how the concepts arose. Democracy/republican gov't cannot exist without the free flow of ideas and thoughts, but you are not guaranteed a forum. But gov't cannot, as it is representative and owes a fiduciary duty to the people's consent of the goverened, impose restrictions. Nor can or should Gov't interfere with the rights of people to share and to know. But this does not apply to private individuals. I owe you no duty save that of not causing harm and to the rights generally as a member of a social community

    Most of the free speech arguements are only dealing with one half or the other of these. It is also my free speech not to listen to you. It is BTS's right to say these are the rules for the use of this space. You are free to go to some place else and advocate your views. Set out your soap box in a cyber Hyde park, and know we will defend to the death your right to say whatever, however, the is not a concommitant obliagation to listen. It is a market place of ideas, the concept is to let those ideas be exposed and be viewed in clear day.

    Secrecy, deception and censorship FROM GOVERNMENTAL bodies is the truest threat to freedom. A closed mind does not encourage diversity, yet it is not required that I have to listen, read consider or care about any particular point of view. In fact to require such, even in the subtlest of ways is tyranny of another kid. This highlights why securing an education (not necessarily as is taught in schools) is the highest resp of a citizen.

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-10-2000).]

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

    The weak sink to the bottom to provide food for the bottom dwellers (yes you JDmorose, and all of your slicked back tort wielding kind).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Huh? what the the..harumph, well yes what have we here? (adjusting bifocals) Marlow if your name be such please tell me you didn't intend to attempt the old scum sucking bottom dwelling gambit. For the love of [fill in your own personal deity here] don't you realize that that old saw is a Badge of freakin Honor amongest my fellow members of the bar. You can hardly expect to wade in here and compliment someone and get a game. Hell man you managed all of 24 words directed at a personal "taunt" which you buggered up. As for the general "I taunt you all, give me a game", I am afraid you ceberal cortex will be unable to handle the depth of our ennui as far as you are concerned. As Gertrude Stein observed about Oakland that there is no there, there applies equally well to you.

    I have fondness for youngsters such as your self, and as a simple country lawyer, let me give you some advice. Pick out a victim as a pride of lions does, concentrating on the weak, except Hiram, he doesn't count. Then wade in as a berserker, a rampage of invectitude and bilious spew that splatter the walls and on lookers. Use some interesting language. The lingua franca of the pool is transcendant in it's vitupertude, allusion and if possible alliteration. [no sing songs though]

    Like a zen penitent seeking admission to the temple thru the ordeal of tangaryo, so you must be driven from the pool and we shall judge your mettle.

    So in the words of another immortal, BUGGER OFF

    JD, scum sucking esq.


    Kniggit of the Old Pool, Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-10-2000).]

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

    Hear ye! Hear ye! The Court of CM Assizes -- Trial Part 13 is now in session...

    In the matter of jdmorse & other protohominids, P.C. vs. Hakko Ichiu, I now pronounce sentence....

    Mr. Morse, you have plead guilty to complete tactical incompetence and negligent waste of digital lifeforms. etc etc......


    Your honor, If I may approach the bench? However, on perceiving a vile and malodorous fragrance emanating and wafting from same I shall address the court from back here.

    May it please the court. Now I am just a simple country law-yer, not so well versed in the niceties of the big city ways of my esteemed opponent, Mr Ethan Hakko Ichiu, esquire. Mr Ichiu would have this court believe that his "victory" if that label of opprobrium you care to use, was a product of his assorted, nefarious and infamous planning. Sir I say nay to that! You shall not nail this victory on that some shining cross of gold, sir. You are a catamount and have betrayed all that is holy and good.

    I am accused, nay convicted of tactical incompetence. I stand before you guilty by my own admission. The choices were mine. Unfortunately, the plans so well thought out in solitude are then expected to be executed by others. If I am guilty, sir, it is of misplaced trust and responsibility in those, my men, selected by me to carry out the orders given. Their craven action upon commitment to battle is a stain, a vicious calumny that wounds me grievously.

    For this the shame I have to live with shall remain with me all my days. Yet sir, we are not beaten. This my cause, my sacred obligation perhaps done in by a Dolchstosslegende of fifth columnists (who shall be exposed for the vermin they are) We were not defeated. Yet I shall prevail. Shoot if you must this old grey head but I shall not bow down before your graven image or bow down in supplication to your golden calf of Nike.

    I have this date filed motions for vacation of sentence, arrest of judgment and judgment on the verdict n.o.v.In addition, this court of Assizes sits in law not equity and thus jurisdiction in personanum does not lie.Your patent attempt to assert a Bill of Attainder shall be exposed at the highest levels. to that end, a Petition for Writ Certiorari and Mandamus has been filed with the Court of Appeals and I serve upon you this date an injunction and stay forbidding further imposition of judgment. Bond was waived by the way.

    As the true victim here, I have graciously and munificently offered a re-match to either allow purgation of the doubts and veil of suspicion that has fallen on Mr Ichiu's "alleged" victory or to right the scales of chivalry and prove that this "victory was not the product of consorting with evil and baleful powers. Consider the numerous irregularities that occurred in the mysterious inability of my tanks to strike home at the demons heart time after time, shots going awry. Or that my veteran crews cannot see the TD 10m's infront of them, or that allow mere Halftracks to shrug and prance as 120mm mortars explode immediately adjacent, with out the barest whiff, nay total insouciance to prattle about and not abandon the field, while my 251/8 abandons the struggle upon a puffy pistol shot. There is trickery afoot. Bargains with dark powers have been struck. The Victory sir, is tainted.

    I close, with the understanding that my esteemed brethren may not have the wherewithal to summons and master the demons in a FAIR fight. That is his choice, to slink back into the darkness whence spawned him. If that is my fate so be it. But heaven and hell be my witness that even as I must master the path between Scylla and Charybdis, and Charon must transport my soul to the Elysian fields, I shall be avenged, I shall reclaim my day.


    Kniggit of the Old Pool, Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

  15. fdevassy:

    Welcome to about the coolest place on earth. Unsure what experience you have with the game. if you are wondering about whether CM is fluff or steel go to http://www.battlefront.com/products/worldwar/cm/cm_rev.html and read the reviews of MAJOR reviewers.

    If you haven't got the demo go to http://www.battlefront.com/cmdemo.html right now and play it. See for yourself. Also read the Manifesto and about BTS at http://www.battlefront.com/about/index.html to learn where this game is coming from and why it is as it is.

    Based on my experience with "grognard" types is once they delve into CM they are hooked. We are talking serious reality modelling here. Actually, the graphics have been criticized as not enough eye candy. As noted above, with the plethora of mods out there (see CMHQ http://combathq.thegamers.net/ . If that doesn't convince you , hang around this forum. You will find sinners and saints, personality disordered and obssevive. You want grognard, see the Long 88 thread. You want insanity, go to the Peng challange thread....it's all here, and a great bunch of people as well.

    Finally, BTS, Steve, Charles and now our resident Mad one, Madmatt CARE what we think. and the CARE about getting it right. Overthe last 9 months I've been around I have seen them incorporate suggestions, make modifications etc that came out of people voicing their thoughts, research and feelings. NO OTHER company that I have seen does that, both in development AND after the game is done.

    So dive in, have fun, it is a game ya know, but as has been said in other places, kiss your spouse/significant other good bye, make sure the dog has lots of food, prepay the mortgage and utilities and load up on chips,pretzels and drink of choice, because it WILL take you over, as will the CM borg.



  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

    All Squirejousts™ should be on the Cesspool Challenge Map that can be obtained by performing upon the person of Germanboy certain acts that are best left unmentioned in a family Cesspool such as this.


    Well there you have it then. If you boys wish to squabble.......BUT first there must be the approriate taunting abuse and ritual mucking about. Ancient protoccol must be served. As well as for our amusement. Then once the ceremonial plummage displays have ceased you may approach his most excellent and fine purveyor of maps to the squires above referenced and beseech him on bowed knees (damn rickets) to grant you a boon and create such a map as would make Calpurnia blush.


    Kniggit of the Old Pool, Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

  17. SheeploverNZ Kniggithood is conferred by besting another on the field of battle, another squire that is. Up to now, geriatric hamster-gerbil battles, set up by others has been the norm. Comes before us Croda of the overhanging brow and overpowering stench (really boy I do not know what yer mum sees in ya) and in essence offers his throat.....hmmm an incestous [hasn't stopped Croda yet] battle royal between two squires of the same kniggit for glory and recognition as the favored son. Hmmmmm we are talking Cain and Able, Jacob and Esau....Yes a struggle of biblical porportions......I like it!

    So assuming that the other kniggits will sanction this perversion, I propose Sheepshagger and Cruda, square off. The prize, kniggithood and a father's pride (but keeps yer hands of mum, ya hear?)What say you boys, are ye men enough?

    Talk amongests yourselves......and decide, yon Croda's megajoust or one lovenly created by say, ...........Berli?


    Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-06-2000).]

  18. This just in....(dit dit dit)

    In an effort to quell his proto messianic tendencies with a bit of neo-liberal revanchism I have convinced PeterPutzsheepshagger to express some of his latent aggressions and testosterone overdose to a mega death cage match.

    To assuage the jaded tendencies and bourgoise decadent effeteness and ennui that sets in after a certain level of 1500 combined arms,meeting engagement, we have agreed to a mano a mano lead slinging pure armor slugfest. No VL's, only the last to survive armeggedon is the victor. No more Varius and the IX legion slaughter of the innocence, we are to experience pillagingand ravaging on a scale not seen before.

    We are talking a 3000 pt meeting engagement on a large (and I do mean LARGEmap. Hell you can't even see end to end at level 8 view! We are talking Panzerblitz, we are talking steel behemonths stalking the primeval landscape searching for prey, we are taking manly stuff here folks.Pure unadulterated alpha male, drum circle, chanting in the pale moonlight, smearing your self with blood dominance. You may want to try this your self.

    Let's get it on..........I call blood hamster on you Sheepshagger!!!!!!



    Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-06-2000).]

  19. Lorak I call upon you to scrive in the book of ages that Hiram son of Seanachai, squire apparent, knigget wannabe, toonicethathemakesitaninsult, has been royally buggered. I flung his head out back on the midden, as it would only bring dishonor if impaled out by the front door. Anyway, Total victory is Total Victory 89-11.

    in other news what do we here of Sasquatchpoo? recently overheard from the front.

    "Sar major!"( firmly glasping swagger stick)

    Left-tenant SIR! (heels clomping into attention)

    Roight then! We just received word that that bloody Morse fellow has parked his Tiger tank within lawn bowling distance of the crucial location. Send Smythe's squad and roust him out.

    Begging the Left-tenant's pardon sir, but Smythe's squad is dead sir.

    Williamson-Jones then, he'll do.

    Dead Sir.

    Tommy Thompkins'?

    Not Dead, sir, but gibbering like a mad fool, sir.

    Well then Sar major, who can we find to send jerry back where he came from?

    Beggin the Left-tenant's pardon sir, there's only your 'eadquarter's unit, Sir.

    Oh, Bugger it all, join me in a spot o tea then Sar-major.


    Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

  20. and in the interest of fair reporting the score was 53-47 not in Meeks favor. sqeeks lost a Jackson TD, a Sherman and two halftracks. I lost... well, nothing. Oh excuse me I lost a track on a Hetzer in one of the mad bomders fit of pique and random shelling. I also held 2 of 3 VL's. Had the game gone beyond the designated 32 (?) rounds it would have been more akin to a turkey shoot.

    Give the mad monk his credit..in dark stygian fetid combat he is a force to be reckoned with with. As an armor commander.....pfffht! In the light of day...well he won't go there.

    Oh yes, one last thing...I still haven't lost to Peng. As have you.!


    Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

  21. Battle Updates:

    I have proof positive that my squire Croda has made a Faustian pact with the dark one, prince of darkness, the fallen one.... not not Berli, well maybe Berli. This consorting with Mephisto is apparent in our Oedipal struggle for his Mums affection...... The game proceded apace. High ground secured, check. Secure VL's or control approaches, check. Isolate and divide his forces from mutual support, check. Destroy armor, a couple of PzIv's, several Marders and SPW, check. All in all things well in hand (sit down Blowmaus) by the third turn.

    I wish I could report that the disasters that shortly befell me are the results of a great tactician, but sadly, this IS croda we are talking of....He then merrily drives up on to the crest of the hill a SPW 250/8. The kind if you go boo they scramble, or shoot popgun in it's direction they abandion the vehicle. Well he advances on my PLATOON of tanks, two Cromwells, 2 Sherman III's and manages to kill one. The next turn my guys, who have at long distance in previous turns torn the heart from his armored forces, can't hit anybody. So I send 1 tank to support my left flank where his main attack is coming, and advance 2 towards this pest. Boom, Boom, two tanks destroyed and he merrily backing up!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!! Meanwhile on my left he is using 3 Sdzkw's 7/2!! Who uses those!!. Lightly armed they are just sitting there, arse backwards, unless of course I target them for artillery and of course the targeted ones move, the untargeted don't. Obviously some metaphysical fix is in.

    I suppose I should be proud of my squires efforts.....Here Croda let me give you a fatherly embrace (now where's my shiv)

    As to other news...

    Hiramsquiretothestars is experiencing an internal struggle between his ego and super ego as to whether to surrender. The poor tyke is caught in a dilemmna as he is fearful of the potential taunts he may have to endure. So shhhhhh I am trying to entice him out of his burrow......with lovely blandishments

    Meeks is hiding , no word from Mr Sanity. Sheepshagger has fallen for for my ploy and accepted a return, my revenge shall be complete. Sasquatch has asked me to park my Tiger, so in the spirit on gentlemenly ways, I have acquiesed and done so , right next to the VL.Othergames of course carry on with general smashing about the head and groin.

    Whizzerboy Welcome.... oh, and Bugger off.... this putrid pool, this Turgid pool, this demented band of seething dysfunction has it's standards ya know, and so far we are terribly unimpressed...oh did I say Bugger off.


    Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

  22. Best to consolidate these threads..... posted else where

    There has been a bit of chat from time to time on the nature of Meeting Engagements, dash

    to flags, not realism, disguised attack/defense etc. I have been playing a pbem that by the nature of the set up seems to have created a more true chance encounter rather than the standard CM style.

    In a bit of fancy the board is set at around 2-3000 pts, and we chose a large map. What

    this did was make a LARGE map. The net result is that as we moved our forces, a series of

    firefights, flanking movements and general uncertainity have prevailed, esp as it unfolds. As the game progresses forces then start to coalesce and become more coherent in having an objective.

    The fun of this is that due to the size you cannot just grab the flag. Due to the size you

    have to keep your forces relatively whole, yet spread out enough to avoid flanking actions. It has been a most enjoyable battle of movement and scattered contact. Just a thought if you want to give it a try and see if it works for you


    And further....Good thoughts but there does need to be some sort of goal to point forces in the right direction. Like instructions to proceed east until contact, or proceed to general middle of map to set up defensive positions .....otherwise you might need a number of extra turns just to find each other. Something a little more definite than just meandering and less clear than that flag

    [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-01-2000).]

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