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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Mikeydz

  1. Well, hopefully my package will get here soon, though isn't a chance in hell that I was in the 1st 50, so I'm probably stuck until Monday or Tuesday at the earliest. Houston TX here also, BTW.
  2. Does USPS Priority mail service time include weekends? If my package goes out on Friday for example, should I expect it on Monday or Tuesday?
  3. Murx About the tank crews taking thier SMG/MGs... http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/003853.html To sum that thread up, while SMGs were carried in tanks usually, they were generally used when a tank crew left the vehicle for other duties. Most crews wouldn't take the time to unstow those weapons from storage in the tank if the tank just had a nice 88mm hole ripped into the side and might blow up any second. About the scavenging of ammo, grenades, ect. Several old threads cover this. Grenades, p-faust, zook rounds, tank main gun rounds, and artillery rounds are done for the battle once they are used up. MG and infantry weapon ammo scavenging in loosely abstracted by the fact that these units do not run out of ammo. Once these units get a "low" ammo indication, thier firepower is curtailed quite abit, but they still can fire. Not sure what your complain is with the Pfaust unit you had that killed the Sherman. If your thinking was that they probably should have been dead after the first short, then your right. Pretty much lucky that they got off a second shot, much less a third. If your point was that they should have hit from that range on the 1st or 2nd shot, then I doubt it. Considering that they were only normal experiance troops, fireing at a target at the extreme limit of the weapons range, then thier hit chance would understandably be low. If your argument is that they should have been able to fire off all 3 shots that they took in 5-10 seconds, then I doubt that too. Maybe 1 shot every 10 seconds, but considering they were under fire from 2 tanks, then even that would be pretty good on thier part. Mikey
  4. I'd say I average about 5-6 visits per day.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Maximum size for scenarios is 8 square kilometers. However, no map side can be longer than 4000m. Maximum size for operations is 15 square kilometers. However, no map side can be longer then 5000m. You will usually play only on a smaller portion of the operational map during a battle, and only that portion will be visible. (I say usually because there can be operations which use the whole map.) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This quote was from Moon on 05/20 on this thread... http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/004779.html BTW, if you'll notice the date of the original message, and the BTS reply, this message is a little old. At the time of the BTS reply, they may not have settled on a hard limit for the map sizes. That would explain the cryptic response. [This message has been edited by Mikeydz (edited 06-09-2000).]
  6. Actually, nope, you won't be enjoying the Full Version of CM this weekend. The last word from BTS is that preorders will begin shipping sometime next week. The message you got is an automated reply message. It only would apply for in stock, currently released items. The only other stipulation on how long it will take for you to get the game is your "place in line". Orders are going to be shipped out to people in the order that thier pre-orders were placed. So if your pre-ordered back in November, your order will ship from the warehouse before someone who pre-ordered 2 weeks ago. I doubt that this will add more than a couple of days though. I'm pretty sure, if you live in the US, your late pre-order will arrive at your door before an early pre-order placed by our friends across the big pond. Mikey
  7. 1. Yep, CM is quite a bit different than most other games out there. It's not turn based the way other turn based games are. And it's not real time the way RTS games are. It's a unique system, that's for sure. 2. If there is anything that drives S & C nuts, it's tweaking the targeting priority codes to where everyone is happy. I'm sure they are not done working on making this as work as well as they can make it work. 3. Tough call. Using AP, at the right angle, the M4A3(75) can take out out the Panther out to 2000m (AP ammo at 0 deg at 2km is 62, vs front lower hull thickness of 60 for the Panther, according to in game stat boxes) I'm assuming it would have changed to Ap because in game stats indicate that HE would be totally ineffective against a Panther front armor at any range, so I would doubt it would have even wasted the ammo. Hard to say without knowing what part of the front (upper, lower, or turret) took the hit, but it is possible looking at the stats. Over all, I would say bad luck though. Considering I played that scenario once with the Allies at 150% forces, my Panther probably had 20+ ricochets against the front armor in a hull down position before the final death shot hit. 4. Suffice to say, that Veteran units are very nice units to have. I'm sure some of the older regulars might recall the little test I ran comparing the rate of fire of the Shermans vs the Stugs in CE. The important point as it applies to your message is that the Veteran tanks had a significant advantage over the Regular ones. And that was just in ROF. I can't wait to see the elite units. I wouldn't say that a Veteran unit is worth 3 Regular, but I can understand your point. Link to my "reseach" data. Page 2 of the thread... http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/002688.html Mikey
  8. Considering your just starting to get into the game, 30 min is not unheard of to get your setup done. Your setup and 1st turn orders will take more time than any other phase of the game. After all, you have to position all your troops (unless you want to live with the default position), check LOS, the give orders to all those units. Most of the other turns, you'll be tweaking orders here, adjusting fire there, ect. I figure that I'll be able to get a setup done on a new blind scenario in about 15 minutes.
  9. Let me know the target location, and I'll call it in to the CAF B17 that's parked down the road from me.
  10. IIRC, you can area fire to a spot on the map that is out of LOS with FOs, but the accuracy with which your shells will land is worse than if they had LOS. but at least they are protected from thier target.
  11. In game, there won't be any resupply. No unit will run out of the small arm stuff, though tanks and artillery type units will run out of thier main ammo. When the squads and MG units "run out" the will actually have a low ammo status. They will from then on fire infrequently, and without great effect. This loosely simulated scavaging ammo, ect. In operations (campaign games) you will receive (IIRC) limited resupply and reinforcements in between the battles of the operation, but you won't ever find a cache of ammo in the heat of combat.
  12. Well, Pretty good odds that the targeted stg is dead meat. Only chance is if it can get a shot off 1st, or the unpanicked squad in the church takes it out first. But I don't see much hope for that Sherman. I'll wager it's going down 1 Stug for 1 Sherman
  13. I'm sure that a minor factor was also pirating... Sure all the pirates would have to do is scan the sucker and make some type doc file out of it, but why help the scum in any way.... Biggest thing is that a printed manual is so much better in my opinion. I can understand a file based manual for A. a simple game, B. freeware/shareware stuff. or C. online distribution only software. But with a game with this much depth, they have to have a printed manual.
  14. It could also be possible (didn't fire up VoT to check the LOS for the terrain area your refering to) that your troops were spotted while on the move, so while they are now hidden out of LOS, the AI has a good idea where they might have gone. It's something I do all the time. If I spot troops entering an area, I'll try and make an educated guess on where they might have moved to and hunkered down, and drop some rounds in the area.
  15. Well, if your playing against Fionn, then air cover would be your best bet...
  16. Word of mouth is probably going to be the single biggest source of buyer. And considering the limited ad budget BTS can put up for this, that's not a small issue. Heck, that's how I found this place. (Dunedain from SFC on Mplayer... If your still out there, thanks a bunch for mentioning this site!) Mikey
  17. Doubt that just because the LOS was blocked that they would leave. The fire itself probably spooked them.
  18. Jury rigging ICQ for LAN??? Why not make a "game turns" directory on a shared drive on the LAN and have the players put thier turns in that directory, once they have renamed thier file. Example directory tree.. C:LAN-PARTY-HOST-DRIVE \CombatMissionTurns \Game-1-Fionn-vs-Mikey Turns saved in here \Game-2-MadMatt-vs-Moon ect... ect... ect... It's nice and clean, and you don't have to worry about fiddling with ICQ
  19. Looking forward to defeating Fionn in the final game. I beat Moon already when the beta demo came out, so the other half of the famed Alpha AAR should be a piece of cake. Mikey
  20. I know that BTS has previously stated that preorders will be shipped out on a first in/first out, basis, but what I would like to know it if they have any idea how long before they have all the preorders out the door. So if I ordered 2 weeks ago, and you begin shipping on the 5th, what's the delay before my copies get moved out the door?
  21. A troll in a nutshell is someone who posts a message with the sole intent of trying to generate an argument (not a debate, mind you).
  22. I wouldn't directly consider this a breach of FOW, because as was pointed out, it's not made clear why he is looking for this. If he said he's looking for this because he wants to know what he's up against, then obviously he'd be German, but since his reasons for wanting this info is unclear, that hides which side he's on. You can assume if you want, that because he's asking for US OOBs, he must be German, that doesn't make it true, so there is no breach that I see. On a related note, should the GM's already have contacted us with a detailed breakdown of what unit we should have? I know the general type of unit I'm commanding, but not a detailed unit composition list. Mikey
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