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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Cueball

  1. Nope. Per my first post, the problem's with a Mac running System 8.6
  2. I did that last night and sent it to you. I included the errorlog file, a .jpeg of the error and the bug report form all zipped up. It would be from "wolfhere@aubcom.com". Did you receive it?
  3. No, it's not that. For some reason, CM does not recognize that my machine has TCP/IP installed. I never get to the host screen.
  4. Does anyone know if OpenPlay requires MacOS 9? I'm running MacOS 8.6. Is anyone else working with 8.6?
  5. I am not behind a firewall. I am using a cable modem with a static IP address. Numerous other games work via IP. I tried running as a host by creating the game. I get so far as entering the password and then the error message occurs. I never even get to enter the TCP/IP address.
  6. Macintosh B&W G3/350 I put the three files (OpenPlayLib, TCP/IP, and Appletalk) in the CM folder per instructions. Every time I create a TCP/IP game I get the following error message after entering my password -- ERROR: Cannot open connection on TCP/IP network I know TCP/IP is just fine. After all, I'm entering this message! Any suggestions?
  7. Does anyone know why this would make a difference?
  8. I would be interested. Having all the mods in one place would be great!
  9. I lost a scenario because of an airstrike. &*#$ plane made half a dozen passes, killed 5 halftrack by strafing them, and pinned a Company HQ unit I needed to move. Yes, they can be effective....
  10. "He who defends everything defends nothing" I'm pretty sure that's Sun Tzu, but I may be mistaken Words I live by though.
  11. I was "q-ball", adjutant Gruppe I of JG3. Due to lack of time I departed the squad this past Spring. I still play now and then though.
  12. I like it the way it is. Almost always have the computer choose. It's more fun for me to have to "make do" with what's given to me, just like a real commander.
  13. There actually is a game related advantage. The movement delay is smaller!
  14. Thanks for the update! Can you give us a hint of how the basic mechanics work? Simultaneous plotting?
  15. Well, one advantage is does provide is greater gun depression. That allows you to sit on a steep reverse slope with only the business end facing the enemy.
  16. Take all three Stugs, and carefully crest the hill with the "Hunt Command" next to the large forest on your right. Chances are, all three Stugs will have LOS to a couple of Shermans. Hull down Stugs are very difficult to hit, and at that range there is the possibility, albeit small that the Shermans may bounce a few. On top of that, you are firing down at them, which minimizes the slope of their armor. In tank battles, it is important to have your vehicles operate as a team. If you can routinely engage one or two of the enemy with three or more of yours, you should pick them off piecemeal, as you will be trading shots 3 to 1. [This message has been edited by Cueball (edited 10-03-2000).]
  17. Hey Pham, I'm in Auburn, NY, about 25 miles SW of Syracuse.
  18. TCP/IP has not been implemented yet. When the game was close to release, Steve and Charles asked the community if we wanted released sooner (with TCP/IP coming as a patch) or later, when it was complete. Most voted sooner. With the current system, a player does his turn, then emails a file to his opponent. The opponent loads the file, does his turn and a movie is generated. This movie is then forwarded to the player, who looks at it, and sends it back to his opponent. His opponent views the movie, then does his next turn. It may sound troublesome, but it works very well. I've played numerous PBEM games now, and I'm not sure I would ever go to network play. I can take upwards of 20 minutes to do a move, especially on a large game. Viewing the movies from different angles, plotting lines of sight, and coordinating troops can take time. With PBEM, I feel comfortable taking time to plan my strategy carefully. With a LAN game, there are some situations, particularly attacker/defender, where one player is moving all his troops, and the other player is only moving a few. You would have to sit there and wait every turn for your opponent to finish. With PBEM, I can take my turn, go have dinner, and come back to the computer later. I average 1-2 turns per day. Now if they introduce simultaneous plotting, that could be interesting for a rainy Saturday....
  19. Wouldn't it be easier to agree before-hand to not allow any individual unit (platoons and companies are composed on several small units) whose cost at "regular" experience level exceed 200? If I'm playing Axis, let my opponent take a Jackson. It's just as dangerous to my PZIV as an M10. Firefly? PZIV can take it out too. If Allies want to take a Jumbo, they're stuck with the more common 75 variety. It's a tough kill but so is a Tiger I. It seems to balance out pretty well. If you do that, people will find that a Sherman 75 or a PZIV is just fine without the super heavies roaming about.
  20. The weather in Operations is variable. It's general inclination can be defined, but like real life, it's somewhat random.
  21. I'm guessing it won't work. CM uses RAVE for it's 3D rendering on the Mac, and IIRC, OS X does not support RAVE.
  22. I was playing a QB the other night as Axis. A 50mm AT gun I had hidden in the woods spotted two vehicles, one labeled as "Tank Destroyer?", the other as "Tank?" When I put the LOS marker on the "Tank?", it came up with the hit % and a kill chance of "Rare". Shouldn't it be "Unknown"?
  23. There are 1.609344 Kilometers per mile. Each mile if 5280 feet. You should be able to figure out what you need from that
  24. Nope. Battle #2 never "ended" (went the 15 turns), so it seems to be redoing it with whatever forces are left. On the summary screen, it said "1 battle completed out of 5". With the Cease Fire, I would have thought it would have said "2 battles completed out of 5" as we were on the 2nd battle. It's not giving reinforcements again, it's just not advancing to battle #3. I'm just curious whether this was on purpose or not. Lines have been re-adjusted based on troop positions. Perhaps the cease fire is considered to have lasted only an hour or so, thus it is considered the same time of day for operational purposes.
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