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Everything posted by Cueball

  1. I've seen it happen only once. I had a Stug moving "fast" from cover to cover in Chance Encounter. Suddenly, a Sherman wandered into line of sight, a couple hundred meters directly in front of the Stug. Instead of stopping and firing, the Stug's gun adjusted a little and it fired on the run, disabling the Sherman. Never seen it happen since.
  2. >>What no AVRE!!! No 280mm gun!!! Nooooo! So >>we can't take the front off a building in one shot!!! >>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ah well just hafta do it with something else If the Brummbar made it in, it's 15cm gun will do wonders. You could also park a Hummel in front of said building as well. Personally, I'd rather have the Brummbar. Better armor protection. [This message has been edited by Cueball (edited 12-17-99).]
  3. I ordered right after I played the first scenario in the demo. I think a better thread might be, "How many other people did you get to pre-order?" (two for me)
  4. I've noticed that AFV's also have the "Hide" command available to them. I've never used it. Has anyone else? Does it represent backing up behind a stand of trees and turning off the engine to reduce visual and sound contact? Does it reduce hit probability by enemy direct fire?
  5. Many of the German armored cars could go in reverse as easily as forward. They even had two steering positions. In CM, will we have an option of "REVERSE FAST" so we can get out of trouble as fast as we get into it?
  6. 10,000,000 : 1 shots do happen however. About 20 years ago a hunter shot at a duck on a lake. He missed, and the bullet hit the water just right and ricocheted. 1/2 mile or so away a car was traveling down the freeway. The bullet entered the passenger window (which was open) and killed the driver, piercing her temple. They figured had the window been closed, the bullet wouldn't have had enough power to penetrate the glass and kill her.
  7. It was the custom of some German tank crews to mark the number of kills by painting rings on the barrel. Anyone remember the famous picture of the Tiger I with the 88 kill markings on it's 88? If I spotted a Panther with 25 rings on the gun barrel, I would assume "Veteran" status. Perhaps, the troops were counting the rings
  8. I am assuming that various AAA vehicles and mounts are modeled (M16, Ostwind, Flakveirling(sp), etc). If a scenario allows one side a JABO strike, is it possible to deter it by shooting down one or two of the represented aircraft? Also, did the Wirbelwind make the final cut in CM?
  9. Hmmm. I find the sounds to be one of the best things about CM. I don't know what kind of speakers you have hooked up, but it really rocks if you have a subwoofer. Also try using headphones. They made the effort to make sounds directional, and it's easier to discern direction with headphones.
  10. I read a first hand account somewhere where a bazooka team fired and penetrated the side of a PZIV. The hatches were blown open, but the crew closed them and the tank scooted away.
  11. I would think that victory points should be given only for objectives achieved and enemy destroyed. If you have arty rounds left, so much the better for later in a campaign.
  12. I'm a little new here, so please excuse me if this has been covered in a previous thread. When playing against another human, will it be possible to somehow choose your units without the other player knowing what's been chosen? If one person designs the scenario, then that one will have an advantage. To preserve FOW, it would be great if I had little clue what I was up against. BTW - I downloaded the demo. It's by far the best tactical WWII simulation I've played! My copy's on pre-order.
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