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von Lucke

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Everything posted by von Lucke

  1. Sounds mighty close to what I did (only I used a full platoon). That screen shot is from the far west side of the map, actually. My problem was, I needed almost all my boats to assault the peninsula, so had only two to spare, and had to use them to ferry my troops to the islands. If my opponent had been more straight-forward (instead of trying an end-run), he could have had the islands for free, and chopped me up. Yes, it's so viable, there's almost no way to defeat it --- that's the problem. It would have made for a short game. But, as I pointed out, the Sovs have a ford on their end, so even with no bridge, they can still reach the peninsula --- not so, the Germans.
  2. I agree, the fog alone didn't do in this scenario --- it merely exacerbated it's weaknesses. I enjoyed the previous scenario immensely, and that was foggy. It just had more cover to even it out.
  3. Yah, well, I didn't want to point out the obvious to the guy by rubbing it in --- I was beating him so badly I didn't want to add insult to injury by lecturing him. I took the same route he did with an engineer platoon, only it took me almost the entire scenario to island hop my way around the archipelago, because I was paranoid as hell that he'd pull the same number on me, and so scouted every crossing before committing.
  4. Actually, the Recon squads are even at 111, German engineers (with LMG) beat Sov engineers slightly (104 to 100), while Sov infantry have only a 20% advantage over German (180 to 124). In the event, these numbers are pointless, since the heavy fog conditions mean that one man with a pistol can rout a full platoon, if he gets the drop on them (yes, this happened in one of my games!). The sure way to win in fog is to be the one on the tactical defense. Run like hell to a good position, then sit and wait for the enemy --- as long as his troops are moving in clear (or semi-clear) terrain, he hasn't got a chance. It comes down to actual number of squads in scenarios like this --- the more targets you have operational, the greater chance you have of surviving. And I think (last time I checked, anyway), that the Axis player has been pulling slightly higher scores. I would have preferred not to --- but I looked at the map, and thought "gee, what if the other guy is quicker than me, and blows the bridges? Then what?" Better annoyingly safe, then sorry...
  5. Indeed so. You know, Reinald1 / Doggie has posted more swastika images on this board in the last couple days then I think I've seen here in the last few years. That, and his paranoid delusion that everyone around him is some sort of Nazi --- coupled with his odd (for someone who claims to be a crusader for truth and justice, anyway) prejudice against homosexuals --- makes me wonder who exactly the Nazi around here is. Rather clever way to get a little free publicity for the cause, eh Rein-Dog? Goebbels would be proud! Best be goose-stepping yr black-leather-clad arse on out the door now, son, before you really annoy someone --- we're on to yr fascist tricks!
  6. I have to agree with Tanaka: I give this scenario an Average rating, and rather disliked playing it. My reasons: The map didn't seem quite finished, and for what appeared to be an attempt at a "mirror" set-up, there where a couple of glaring problems: 1. The Germans can walk from their starting zone to all the western island VLs, while there is no overland connection from the Sov starting zone. This forces the Sov player to waste some of his assault boats down there if he wants to contest these VL's. Advantage Axis. 2. There is a ford connecting the area N of the bridges to the main spit of land, while there is none from the S. Advantage Sovs. 3. The only cover on this map (other than the factory and it's out-buildings), is brush and light trees. In thick fog conditions, this equates to no cover at all. Which brings me to my next point: 4. Thick fog multiplies damage / negative morale effects something terrible! Every fire-fight results in almost total anhiliation in something like 5 seconds. Here's a little pic: That's one squad, out of command, and it wiped out an entire reinforced company without breaking a sweat. Given how this scenario played out, it would have worked just as well if you'd lined up all the forces 10m away from each other, on a pefectly flat and empty map, and pressed "GO". 5. Were the forces supposed to be mirrored (i.e: equal)? Because they're not. A Sov Engineer coy. does not equal a German Engineer coy. The Germans have more squads overall (18 vs 9, which means 36 demo charges to the Sovs 18!), more flamethrowers (9 to the Sov 4 --- and the Germans' have 9 shots ea. to the Sov 4 ea.!). Yes, Sov squads have more men (barely), but almost every German squad has an inherent LMG --- most Sov's don't. Oh, and the BA-10 is a joke (it was taken out by small-arms fire in both my games) compared to the 250/10. Definite advantage Axis. 6. Gratuitous use of assault boats. I hate assault boats! Oooohh, but they suck! (That was indeed evil!) 7. Use of wooden bridges along key reinforcement routes? With a company of engineers per side? As has already been pointed out, that's a scenario breaker right there. Especially in a tournament game. 8. Last, but certainly least: There's a nice chunk of land missing where the northern-most RR bridge crosses over. And the scenario briefing lists the date as July 43 --- yet the GUI gives it as July 42. By the mid-way point of my games, I was almost begging my opponent for a cease fire, as the pointless slaughter was more than I could stand. Oh, and by the way, lest you think these are the whingings of a sore loser: I won both my games by a wide margin --- so call me a sore winner. I just prefer more of a tactical challenge. [ August 19, 2003, 05:58 AM: Message edited by: von Lucke ]
  7. A little boost back to the front page --- because while some may think the fascist hordes have been over-modded, I think they have not been modded enough! (Where's the shiny black leather, I ask you?) Keep it up Andrew.
  8. Sounds like POS got to the top of the ladder by volume alone. Quantity over quality does tend to win out, over time.
  9. Eh, I'll just pretend it was painted on by a semi-literate member of the proletariat.
  10. Actually, I find letting the AI choose forces setting works rather well with points +/- 800. Above that... Well, I hope you like Engineers and half-tracks...
  11. Welcome to the East Front, Herr Major. If the armor is far enough back, and yr entrenched, hide. A lot. The AI don't know 'bout no Area Fire --- can't hit what it can't see. As for the Sov infantry, it'll take the path of most cover to yr lines. Try and cover the potential routes of advance, but save yr fire for 40m --- unless you've got some HMG's. (Just remember though, that HMG's are fire magnets for the AI --- once spotted, they'll be pounded).
  12. Hmmmm --- I'm wondering if that photo is from the East Front at all: Given that details are hard to make out, and the subjects are almost nothing more than silhouettes, the one with the bazooka kinda looks like he's wearing US Army-style pants and boots. It also almost looks like he's wearing one of those little knit caps US troops liked to sport in winter. Wouldn't be the first time somebody miss-ID'd a photo...
  13. Agh --- the weight of yr buildings has crushed the CM Mod Database, or somefink! Least ways, it doesn't seem to be working right now...
  14. In March '45 didn't Eisenhower send a message to Stalin telling him that he had no intention of maching on Berlin, and leaving that for the Russians? The famous "halt at the Elbe" order came out of that agreement. When Monty complained, he was basically told that his job was now to clean up Holland and N Germany, while the Americans were going to drive into SE Germany. Berlin was to be left for the Soviets. Not really much of a race, when the outcome is rigged before-hand.
  15. Tell me a'boat' it! I've been trying to use an assault boat as a ferry (wasting a flamethrower team as crew) in that scenario, and as of turn 25, I've managed to move exactly one squad across a 20m stetch of water, and bring the boat back to the other shore. What a waste of time. Fuhgedabowdit!
  16. I'm playing a PBEM right now where a single ampulomet has KO'd 3 halftracks and a tank --- admittedly, the best I've ever seen.
  17. Call for air support while mounting a withdrawl. Or, failing that, surrender.
  18. Never could understand how Hitler --- who was forever harangueing his generals about not getting involved in a 2-front war --- goes and invades the USSR before England is taken down. And then declares war on the USA! Hello! Wake-up call for Mr. Hitler! Now he has a 3-front war (if you count the Med as third) on his hands.
  19. What, somebody talkin' smack about Hans? Yah, it's not full of blazing fire-fights, but if war-porn of the Kurowski-style is more to yr liking, I can see how von Luck's low-key autobiography might not be to yr taste. Personally, when compared to the bluster of most WW2 German officers self-aggrandizing, I found his self-deprecating style rather refreshing --- especially considering his less-than-stereotypical career. Right now I'm reading the auto-bio of another less-than-stereotypical officer: Popski's Private Army. Don't know who Vladimir Peniakoff is? For shame!
  20. How timely --- I just happen to be playing a Hungarian scenario, even now. The Hussar boots on the cav officers are a nice touch, BTW.
  21. Was very favorably impressed by this scenario --- as has been mentioned, it allows for a lot of flexibility on the part of both attacker and defender. Matter of fact, it demands it. As the Sovs, I agonized over how to defend all three hills --- and then finally gave up and concentrated everything on Hill 198, leaving only a series of strategically placed minefields, barbed wire, snipers, and tank hunter teams to slow down the German advance elsewhere. Actually, my "Fire Base" defense worked rather well, since my opponent went with the One-Company-per-Hill attack strategy: I wiped out his initial attack on Hill 198 to the man, and a single tank hunter team stalled an entire company at Hill 204 for 2-3 turns (I think losing that first company made him a bit gun-shy). He eventually moved his other two companies within range of my mortars, MG's, and field guns, and I kept him pinned down for the rest of the game, as he couldn't cross all that open ground under fire. (Though he did try, and ended up loosing almost all of another company in the attempt --- and did loose all of his Recon Platoon to an ambush that I sprung right in the middle of his movement across my position: Very ugly). I ended up with a 71% win, even though he controlled two VL's, just on casualties inflicted. Playing as the Sovs gave me a big appreciation for the defenders advantage in this scenario. If the German isn't cautiously methodical, it'll cost him. As I found out: As the German, I decided on a "rolling attack", where I would attack Hill 204 with two Companies, then move across to Hill 202 with the survivors, while the third Company would join in with an oblique that would hopefully catch the defenders aimed at Hill 204. Then everybody would try and swing around from Hill 202 and hit Hill 198 --- while my Recon platoon snuck up on them from the rear. I spread the Engineers and StuG's out evenly among the Companies, and the 37mm I just ignored. The panzerjaeger teams I spread out on the perimeter to act as scouts, and to react to wherever the T60's might be. As it worked out, I took Hill 204 without much trouble --- mostly because I used an 81mm barrage to keep the defenders heads down, and then Snuck my troops up from two different directions, and then used my engineers and flamethrowers to good effect. Hill 202 turned out to be a tougher nut to crack --- especially since my opponent had seeded the ground between the two hills with troops, mortars, and MG's! Took me almost the entire game to slog my way from Hill 204 to 202. And then I made the mistake of Assaulting his positions there (instead of Sneaking) and was repulsed with heavy losses. By the time I moved up reinforcements (and my StuG's) to take him on again, game was almost over. This also forced me to try and take the last VL (on Hill 198) with just my Recon platoon. Thought the hill was almost undefended, since I'd seen a platoon of Sovs moving from there to reinforce Hill 204. Wrong! My Recon boys (what was left of 'em) fell back into the woods with heavy casualties. Final result was one VL for each of us, and one contested. I ended up with a win, at 58% - 42%, but it was a hard fought thing. My opponent, Majic, is to be commended for a very well thought out defense --- he had my axes of advance pegged, and had a reverse-slope defense set up just about everywhere I needed to go. (Though, I did take out both of his T60's with a single panzerjaeger team, heheh). As I said at the beginning, very well done scenario, especially for two equally matched players --- I was white-knuckling it as the attacker, right up to the end. (Speaking of which, why no Variable Ending?) [ May 20, 2003, 05:00 AM: Message edited by: von Lucke ]
  22. I think you can find a copy of each of them at the Miskatonic University Library Regards, A. </font>
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