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Everything posted by howardb

  1. Had my first parachute drop yesterday and what a rush. I was thinking about the airborne troops during WW2 when I looked out the door. Those guys had to have balls of steel considering they didn't have our times safety measures (backup chute etc). Btw I recommend it everyone to try, it's amazing
  2. I don't believe the SAW is more effective compared to the MG-42. In fact countries all over the world (including Norway) has decided to use a modified version (MG3) instead of buying a more modern MG. The SAW looks like it's easier to handle though. What's the rof on the SAW btw?
  3. So in other words your president isn't "real people" ?
  4. That's simple: Das Boot Stalingrad Saving Private Ryan
  5. Yes that Op really did something with my faith in the Tigers. Although I got a slight suspicion that the Tigers might gotten a little unfair treatment by BTS (based on some other posts on the board).
  6. Jochen you need to give the enemy more troops then. Give them more troops and better quality, maybe, just maybe you'll have fun then. Or play someone else
  7. I'm thinking of buying an AMD 999 lightning wolf myself (where do they get these flashy names anyway?).
  8. Personally I see that as a good compromise. Must give Command &.. ehh.. Close Combat kudos for that though. Maybe we'll get something like that later but it's not a must for me.
  9. As long as I get '42-'43 I'm satisfied. The rest is to one sided.
  10. Stupid Tank Commanders? Yes I suppose you have to be a little stupid to participate in a war
  11. Not totally sure (it's been a long time) but I think I heard about CM on Atomic's homepage, link section perhaps? Think Combatsim.com had a pretty early story too.
  12. christ it's hard to (be a nisseman) satisfy grogs
  13. I'm actually one of the guys that's satisfied with the "when it's done" tag (doesn't mean this time next year though). Anyway it's better to have a tcp/ip that doesn't crash than one that does.
  14. Somehow I don't think Adolf would've liked that. "WHAT!!! Does Stalin have a Tank that's bigger than mine". Think this has been discussed before on this forum and personally I would think that bigger isn't necesary better always. Quality vs Quantity will always be a hot topic (it's a little interesting that the Russians seems to have shifted over to the Quality side in recent years. Not that the T-34 or JS2 was bad or anything).
  15. I got a Sauer 200 STR cal. 6,5 (sporting rifle). Only been shot with at ranges between 100 - 450 meters. Bolt action rifles is the way to go if accuracy is your thing, this comes down to the fact that you get the same pressure on the chamber on each shot. I know for a fact that our anti-terror team use this rifle. Saw one of our guys in the paper with one after he'd taken out a terrorist (hijacked a plane several years ago).
  16. Thanks for the replies. Helge: that was the answer I was looking for. It might be in order to tweak a couple of small things in this great game after what I've read in the forum, nothing big just like I said a little <tweaking>.
  17. I'm looking forward to Haussers assault on Kharkov '43. Guess they'll (BTS) have to rewrite some of the houses a bit for the eastern front (Stalingrad to name one scenario). Actually I'm more excited about the Eastern front than I ever was about the western but CM1 will do until then.
  18. I'm having major difficulties with these pesky Fireflies. My Tigers are getting knocked out at 1800 meters. How did the Tiger stand against the Firefly, was the Firefly able to knock out a Tiger at that distance? How common was that? I have to revise my tactics a little Nothing was hull down or anything.
  19. That review should crank out another 100-500 good sales I guess Steve and Charles should really hire some help and expand the series a little, they can afford it now that they're getting millionaires heheh. When I think about it there's nothing that really bugs me about the game, some small issues that's all (guess they'll tweak one or two things as it comes along). Could of course enjoy some more features for high end computers but that's about all.
  20. Wow... women interested in CM that got to be something. No seriously why shouldn't women be interested in tactical wargames? After all we're not that different now anyway are we and history should appeal to all intelligent humans I think it's good that people has fun with whatever they like if it's crossdressing, bowling or wargames who cares as long as it doesn't offend anyone.
  21. I've heard about people having the game crash on them but so far it's never crashed on me. I've had it running for several days in a row without any problems whatsoever. Strange. I got a Geforce though maybe that's why.
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