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Posts posted by Phoenix

  1. Better save your dough up then, it'll need the newest and shiniest piece of hardware available to run that puppy by the time it's released.

    Won't be a problem. I'm using a P866 with a NVIDIA 32mb GeForce2 GTS card, 128 MB ram.

    The demo runs beautifully. The night missions are spectacular. The game really gives me a feeling of chaos and terror in a combat situation. (So far as I know) Keeping track of your buddies etc, getting lost, it's very cool.

  2. Yep, I admit it. Im burned out.

    Been about a month or so since I really just stopped playing. Im finishing up a PBEM right now. Im not even into it at all, and it shows as I'm getting beaten badly and I don't care.


    When it's over that's gonna be it for me and CM until Fall I imagine. Maybe CM2 will be out then. Im definitly getting that! With CM2 I'm sure Ill be hooked for awhile again.

    I think 8 months of playing CM almost every night finally took it's toll.

    As a side note, I am really looking forward to Operation Flashpoint.

  3. >1. Did anyone make a hi res street mod yet.

    I have no idea.

    >2. Is CM2 a rumor or is it in the works.

    In the works. "Due" out late this year.

    That is per BTS. Not a rumor.

    >3. Is Russian Front mod a rumor.

    You can't mod any vehicles in CM other than changing the colors they are painted. There is no way to make a T34.

    There is a desert "mod" out. But again, it's only textures that can be changed. It looks very pretty.

  4. OK - DONT want to start any flames here or nothing, but is there any truth behind this? It would certaintly be more interesting to have my sniper fight off attackers rather then sit there and stare dumbly at the enemy at close range.

    I think this is easily answered.

    There are no snipers in CM. They are sharpshooters.

    The difference has been explained in the past, and it's pretty simple. Snipers are *highly trained* individuals who operated in pairs or by themselves behind enemy lines. Not in the field that CM represents.

    The sharpshooters in CM are just that. Really good shots. They are given a scoped rifle and told, "Shoot valuable targets".

    Other than that, they have no special training.

  5. Okay, I'm a newbie and have probably missed discussions on this before, but...

    Learn the ways of the SEARCH Luke.... smile.gif

    What I want to know is:

    Will the CM(II) engine be used for modern day warfare?

    No chance.

    Also, you should realize that while BTS said they MIGHT do a modern CM in the future, it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the line.

    They are booked solid for several years with their first love, WWII.

    I would think modern war games present all sorts of headaches for a CM arena. Helicopters have to be factored in, and in a MAJOR way. Dropping troops, attacking, etc etc. Not likely CMII will be designed to model missles or helo's.

    [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 03-16-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 03-16-2001).]

  6. Originally posted by Windopaene:

    And on a related note...

    How long does an ambush marker stay "on the map"? The reason I ask is because on several occassions I've placed an AM, (using an HQ). Then I have had a squad target said AM. Next turn rolls around, and I find the athe squad is no longer targeting the AM, and the AM itself has disappeared. Any ideas as to what's going on with that?

    The marker remains on the map so long as someone targets it. No one targets it, it goes away.

  7. Originally posted by illo:

    It's not about FOV on or OFF. AI seems to allways know where your units are.

    I was having Artillery bombardment at night in operation few hundred meters rear of my main defence. Targets were clearly 4 halftracks in middle of village. I hadn't yet seen any enemy units even get to my main line.

    So the AI is cheating then. This is in essence what you're saying. Despite the fact that Charles has repeatedly explained that the AI doesn't cheat, and doesn't get to see

    your units that it hasn't spotted.

    I find it hillarious every time someone posts a story where they got whacked, and the only possible reason it could have happened was because the AI did something unfair.

    Of course the AI couldn't possibly have targetted the village for bombardment for any other reason.....

  8. the game is total luck, and some tactical involvement when you try to figure out when to rush the flags on certain turns. thats just about it.

    Uh huh. So if it's total luck, why are you

    always getting you ass handed to you? If was total luck, you'd win sometimes regardless of

    how bad you are.

    Tank battles are merely who can get hit first.

    Actually that's a very astute observation.

    I think you could ask any tanker if they want to get the first shot off or not and the answer would be a "hell yes". Tanks don't live long in tank battles.

    so please, kill some points off allied infantry

    Yeah right. BTS is already hard at work on your demands. I'm sure a patch is forthcoming!

    LOL and -


    [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 02-25-2001).]

  9. Was at the local drug store and happened to walk down the plastic model aisle. Ah, the memories came back!! smile.gif

    Though the price of today's plastic models, holy crap!! frown.gif

    Anyway, I picked up one box and was baffled. I've seen the Sherman with the rocket tubes on it, the "Calliope" I think? But this one was different. It was outfitted with just two

    60 pound rockets that hung from each side of the turret. Bunker busters perhaps? I dunno.

    Couldn't find any reference to it here in a search, so I was just wondering of anyone knew what it was.


  10. Many of us have suffered FAR longer than you ever will. So excuse me (us) if no one feels for ya. wink.gif

    Demo? What's a demo? We sat around for MONTHS

    (some over a YEAR!) waiting for screen shots to keep just to keep us happy. When the beta came out we played it 10, 20, 30, 40, FIFTY plus times.

    So, just sit back, relax, and play the demo some 50 times before you start complaining.

    Hmmm...I think I'll fire up a 1000 point Quick Battle now. smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 02-12-2001).]

  11. Originally posted by Maximus:

    Huh? How could that be? How's printing a new manuel aid in software pirating?

    I, for one, wouldn't mind in ordering/buying a new manual with the latest functions of the game. Besides, I liked reading the little editorial comments out to the side of a questionable rule or function. Brings back Forum memories. wink.giftongue.gif

    I think he was referring to this -

    OR a RULES web site hosted by BTS that is like an online manual?

    Not gonna happen.

    [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 02-09-2001).]

  12. I set up a firing range. 6 Sextons against one poor Panther A.

    DIdn't get any frontal kills, but occasionally it the Panther would turn slightly and I'd get a side turret, and one side lower hull.

    What really baffled me though was these Elite Sexton crew members firing HE at the Panther, even though they had plenty of AP. They would fire some AP, then switch to HE. Didn't keep close track of it but all of them at some point fired HE.

    Whazzzup wiff dat?

    [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 02-08-2001).]

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