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Posts posted by Phoenix

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DukeMonty:

    ....can you imagine having to play your large but inexperienced army against a very few highly expereinced well equiped German Panzer units?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    The game already supports this.

    I don't want to run this into the ground as it's been discussed ad naseum over the last two years, but BTS has explained their position on the player "adopting units" or something similar. Their position makes sense to me anyway.

    For more info on their POV just search with the word "campaign" and the author "Big Time Software". Lots of good discussion on the topic. You may be able to see their point.


    [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 01-05-2001).]

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DukeMonty:

    ....can you imagine having to play your large but inexperienced army against a very few highly expereinced well equiped German Panzer units?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    The game already supports this.

    I don't want to run this into the ground as it's been discussed ad naseum over the last two years, but BTS has explained their position on the player "adopting units" or something similar. Their position makes sense to me anyway.

    For more info on their POV just search with the word "campaign" and the author "Big Time Software". Lots of good discussion on the topic. You may be able to see their point.


    [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 01-05-2001).]

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

    I'm really wondering if they're worth the money since their ammo is severly limited also. It seems they are only good for shooting tank commanders and nothing else.


    I have used them with *awesome* effect. An elite sharpshooter can absolutely wreck havoc on an approachin enemy. Waxing TC's, mortars, FO's. You name it. I always use a couple in defensive scenerios. They rarely let me down.

  4. A bulletin board like this has no way of knowing who's actually "on the board". While IP addresses can be logged, there's no way to relate those to users who are just looking around. It's not like ICQ or

    a "chat room".

    [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 01-05-2001).]

  5. I have never seen a unit with a 'Crawl' order pause in the middle to fire, let alone do so at 400m, what your describing sounds unreal.

    I hear ya. I've never seen it either. That's

    why I was so shocked when it happened.

    I can post more screen shots tonight.

    From your screenshot they are too close to the woods edge already, they would be better off farther back and still have LOS,

    Not sure what you mean by that. Too close? Too close for what?

    where are they crawling to after that? And yes I would have used Sneak instead.

    As I stated above, they were to crawl another few meters and turn right to go to the woods edge on the right. Which is exactly what they they did afterwards getting off a few rounds at those guys.

  6. hmmm... very strange. No offense, but are you sure that your order wasn't short by that 20m,

    Very sure. And, as I noted above, after they took some shots and got fired on they went back on their merry way following the original path. That is until they got whacked by the Sherman then got up and ran.

    there is no way to see if you gave the right order only by watching the replay movie, you will have to load the auto-save and see if you gave the orders correctly.

    No offense, but I know what the hell orders I gave them. If I can find the order file I can take a screen shot of that since you seem to think I'm making this up simply for the sake of argument.

    I was thinking that your units completed the move, went into hide and then pop up to fire at a 400m target...

    No, the move was NOT completed. They were ordered to crawl a bit past the point you see, then turn right and keep crawling, and then hide. All three units and the HQ had the same orders.

  7. Head, here's a link to a screenshot of what happened. As you can see the unit is merrily crawling away and the red line is indicating they have targeted the hapless fleeing squad that is 401 meters away. Right after this they stand up and start shooting. Then all hell breaks loose because of it.


    Prior to this they had been happily crawling along for a good 20 meters. After they get off some shots at those guys, they go back to crawling towards their final destination.

    [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 01-02-2001).]

  8. I'm sorry Phoenix, I'd have to see it to believe it. Not that I don't believe it happened, (the 400m attack for no reason that is) I'd just still have to see it. Perhaps they reached the end of their crawl command and you did not have them set to "hide". By the way, what version where you running?

    It happened. Believe me. And they were in the MIDDLE of their crawling pattern. Still had a good 20 meters to go.

    I watched it over and over again. Maybe I'll watch it again tonight. If I can stand it!! mad.gif Im using the latest Beta. 24.

    So to answer the question I say crawling IS stealthy. See for yourself.

    I don't disagree with you at all. In the past that has always been my experience. Until this time.

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wolf^:

    I use crawl when I want to be invisible and sneak when moving in forest and I expect enemy be near. At least crawling has almost always worked as I've wanted. Crawling in wheat or scattered trees is working well.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    And this is exactly why I was crawling my guys there. I wanted them to stay the hell down and crawl up to the edge of the woods area in preparation to storm a few buildings.

    I have never had a crawling unit "pop up" and attack on their own. Especially at this range.

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