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Everything posted by JeffRaider

  1. Part-time Video ("No, your reservation ain't in. Go **** yourself.") Clerk, full-time student. Moonlight as Scotch and Bourbon consumer/cigar smoker at nights.
  2. Hmmm... Maybe you should get rid of the Commodore 64...
  3. I know exactly what you mean. I've had similar problems with shifting arty fires. I want to adjust fire to the most extreme extent possible, and accidentally click just outside it, cancelling the strike and forcing me to wait two minutes for my arty to continue, instead of 30 seconds or so. Not a big deal, but it'd be nice. . .
  4. Know how you feel. . . http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/002040.html
  5. Is this possible in the Gold Demo or Full Version? I read it was, but I'm not sure how to do it in Gold Demo....
  6. Has anyone had ANY of the MG bunkers last more than five minutes? In every game of VoT I've played, those Sherman 105s just destroy them. Once I had a bunker that was out of initial LOS to the Shermans, and it lasted long enough to be arty-bitch-slapped out of existence.
  7. Wow, Ash. You would think someone calling two great guys idiots wouldn't put something like (sp) in your post. Ballsy. Stupid, but ballsy.
  8. You're the ****, OBG, rock on. (Smiley added to ensure friendly tone. ) [This message has been edited by JeffRaider (edited 05-18-2000).]
  9. Hey, your name is in VoT. LT Tankersly lead one of my most brilliant infantry charges in the scenario...
  10. For your help getting my graphics straightened out. As an interesting result of your help, I managed to win CE with NO casualties. I wanted to see some smoke and that sort of thing, so I just raced my Shermans, all five of them, at top speed over Stug Hill. Wham! Three dead stugs and over 150 infantry later, without taking a single hit or putting any of my infantry into play, I had won. Talk about luck!
  11. Thanks, Fionn! I hate having my pretty (WOOPS, SPOILER BELOW) MG bunkers and PBs wiped out by Sherms before they even get a good shot at infantry. . .
  12. I'm with Demangel. I love reading AARs and anecdotes, and I like writing them. HAIL KING FIONN, O' MASTER OF THE AAR!!
  13. Wow. Does it occur to anyone else that KIA is a lunatic? "I don't like what you're saying, so prepare to be 'visited'?" I mean, come on, people, you can't take one or two assholes in a crowd of so many good people? Sheesh. . .
  14. First off, I love the beta demo. Currently attempting to hold off the Kraut hordes in CE(I've got them at 150), with some success. The game looks beautiful, except for four things. . . 1) Can't see Unit Bases or Starting Zones. 2) Can't see tracer fire. 3) Can't see boxes around selected units. 4) When the camera's outside the map edge, the map edge blurs, kind of like flying inside a wall in half-life. Any ideas? I've got a PII 350mhz, 96MBs RAM, Riva 128ZX vid card... I've also tried in 640, 800 and 1024 resolutions. . . [This message has been edited by JeffRaider (edited 05-15-2000).]
  15. Just got my ass wiped on CE as US. Set Germs to +150. "SIR! THERE'S TOO MANY OF THEM!!! AGHHH!!! I'M BUGGING OUT!!!!" LOL.
  16. I'm with you, Fionn. You don't need to take **** from every retard who's got time on his hands.
  17. I've played it twice, once as each side. As the Americans, I rolled them over in about ten minutes. Lots of arty and a couple lucky Sherm105 rounds allowed me to walk through the defenses. I lost one man to mines. I had a Sherm75, Sherm76 and a Sherm105 on the far hill, 209(?) when the Jerry reinforcments showed up. The Panther lasted about 20 seconds, taking three direct hits before brewing up. As the Jerries, I spent nearly an hour setting up my pillboxes, cackling the whole time, ready to slaughter. I had a platoon set up on the left, one in Plomville and one on the front face of 209. ****!!! After brewing up both Sherm105s with my beautifully placed 75 Pillbox, the artillery started landing. The platoon on the left and platoon on 209 were wiped out within two minutes. One man survived on the left, two on 209. After that the Ami infantry made short work of me, and I was wiped out before turn 15. D'oh. Gonna have another go as Jerries keeping Ami arty power in mind.
  18. Jeff's my first name, and I used to use the nick Raider6 when online. Of course, that was a long time ago, and all of my Raider6 accounts scattered about fell into disuse. I picked up the name of Raider6 during a wargame with the Army cadets. I was a Sea Cadet back then, and the army dogs asked us to play opfor for them on the defense. I was asked to command the force, around 90 cadets, and was given the radio call sign "Raider Six". Been Raider6 ever since.... BTW, we trounced the army slobs. I infiltrated two of my three platoons inside their perimeter before the exercise even started. Raider Five, my best bud and 2IC had the last platoon, who were assigned to harrass their forward positions. Exactly one minute after the exercise began, I blew my whistle, WW1 style, and my two platoons rushed the defensive perimeter from the inside, wiping most of them out. Only another twenty minutes of mop up, and we called it a day. The army dogs were pissed, and their CO threatened to bring us up on charges, but the O/Cs called it fair. LOL. Hey, Rick614, is that the Greenling?
  19. From a marketing POV, let's not use the word "Beyond" in any other CM titles. I like: CM2: Russian Peasant Babes CM3: Italian Beach Kittens CM4: French Oo-La-La Chicks
  20. I tried to find a copy, looked all over the place, finally tried amazon. They searched for a used copy for me, found one, asked for $129 US for it! I battered paperback, from the description!! Looks like I'll never read it.
  21. What are these, anyway? Read the term a few times. Seems to mostly apply to armor... Just curious...
  22. How are mines represented visually? I know that the mine-laying side sees minefield signs, but what are the graphical effects of them detonating? Shown? And what about the opposing force. Do they get some graphic to show possible minefields, once they pop a few? Just curious...
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