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Everything posted by CoolColJ

  1. I must say - seeing a flat monitor screen for the first time sure shocks the system! Especially after using a 15 inch curved monitor for so long - makes everything look curved - I guess I'll get used to it ...soon.. yeah I'd like a 19inch monitor - but hey I haven't got any room for one I have 3 moniotrs on my desk as it is CCJ
  2. I'd rather not BETA test - it would spoil the game for me I think.....its like knowing what your presents are before you open them CCJ
  3. I paid $470 Australian - which is really cheap - well I bought from it from someone who runs his business from home, so its near cost - he's also selling SOny 400ps (19 inch monitor) for $1300A - extremely cheap - this is a monster monitor with trinitron quality, but 17 inch is about the limit for me, you need plenty of room CCJ
  4. Hey are those burning tanks/flames animated? CCJ
  5. Well I bought a new 17 inch Mitsubishi diamond view 1772ie yesterday - and hey! CM looks even better now!! Woooer, I must say I have been deprieving myself with my old 15 inch monitor! I'd have Cm was one of the reasons why I bought the new monitor, so I can play at 1200x1000 the green ground texture still look yuck to me - the snow scenes look much better, but we can't have everything can we CCJ
  6. Hmmmmmmm this thread has sure expanded.... CCJ
  7. " There are 2 types of people on this beach, the dead and the people who about to die! Let's get the hell out of here!" Ummm I read it somewhere CCJ
  8. Well at the moment I just haven't the tme to spend a hour reading stuff, I've lost my patience Like they say a picture is worth a thousand words, a moving picture is worth a whole lot more...ok granted it doesn't 100% apply to CM....but I've been watching Saving Private Ryan over and over, and want to experience the movement aspect of the AAR , this movie shows so well. Somebody send me a Video tape of the whole battle! CCJ [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 09-13-99).]
  9. I haven't bothered to read the AAR as of turn 20 onwards, I dunno I'm getting bored with them , I just look at the pics.... I need the see the stuff moving! Hey BTS release a replay only engine of CM ! CCJ
  10. Hey That was it how it was with me for the first 2 weeks - but not anymore, I'm just crusing along now
  11. 1 gigaflops I believe, of FPU power Nothing like the Playstation2's 6 GigaFlops though!;0 CCj
  12. Worked fine for me! I ues IE 5 though with win98 SE CCJ
  13. Damn! My name definitely won't go in! My real name that is! Its Colin Chung, yes I'm of chinese descent living in Australia - what's my chances???! CCJ
  14. Hi Steve I assume the Strategic AI has been finished? Rough version I guess Have you played against it? What's it like? CCJ
  15. Well I was watching Secret Weapons of the 3rd Reich, (they have a web site- I'll post it up when I find it) and even before Germany started WW2, they had some guys with jet engines, but Hitler banned all research in this regard and others I might add. A lot of the Scientists and technicians were actually sent to the Eastern front, and served as soldiers. As you can imagine, there was a mad rush to find all the scientists and technicians when the ban was lifted! Some Ally dude in the program was interviewed, saying that the ALlies would had a hell of a harder time winning WW2 if this wasn't the case. I'll try to find that site here it is http//www.secretsofwar.com Awesome research section here - http://www.secretsofwar.com/html/research.html CCJ [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 09-10-99).] [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 09-10-99).]
  16. actually there are rolling greeny hills here, mainly in farmy areas Basicly I think its a shade too dark or something like that. If its just a texture, then maybe I can just tweak the gama a bit on the texture file when I get the game, would this be possible? Ahhh I love having Saving Private Ryan playing continously in the background! Its like meditation music hehh the cacaphony of gunfire makes my day.... CCj [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 09-10-99).]
  17. BTS I'm very happy with how the snow landscape looks! But I'm not sure about the green landscape, the shade of green is extremely pukey looking. Its got that typical PC game green like in the Panzer Elite public beta look about it. I hope you change to a more asthetic shade. Being an artist, it irritates me more I guess CCj
  18. I have to agree - Fion's screen shots from turn 18 onwards look FAB!! I didn't think jpeg compression effected the shots until now, they must look awesome moving! CCJ
  19. Hi BTS if you have a few squads that were depleted by enermy fire etc, can they be combined to form a new composite whole squad? Sort of what happened at Arhem etc... Because it seems to me, a bit unrealistic to have 4 squads of 2 men functioning very poorly as 4 very weak squads, when 8 men is 8 men worth of firepower no matter if they were 4x2 squads or 1x8 squad. Do you understand what I'm getting at here? CCJ
  20. Can you give us a progress report? CCJ
  21. Yeah well if Hitler never imposed the ban on jet proplusion/tech research and developement between 1942-44 , hey the Germans may have won the Battle of Britain, and probably would have had air superiority in the Eastern Front. CCJ
  22. Heheh All the words get jumbled up! Damn Bablefish! I tried re-translating your new sentence and it came up with this - My opinion is that everyone km play here should LOl actually I meant to say - Everybody here should play Combat Mission CCj Jeder hier sollte Kampfmission spielen [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 09-05-99).]
  23. Aren't you going to give the computer a chance? ------------------ Ich denke, daß jeder hier Kampfmission spielen sollte! [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 09-04-99).]
  24. PAK40 Cm does all the AI and calcaltions separately from the movie showing, so it wouldn't make a difference. What it will allow is better and higher quality playback, possible more polygons and better frame rates. But I suspect only with OS support will the graphics be totally independant from the other cpu functions, even now Windows still doesn't do real pre emptive multitasking like my old AMIGA! Which had a separate blitter chip for screen movement etc, Though there is much better hope of this with a MAC, damn, I wished Commodore never went broke CCJ
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