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Everything posted by CoolColJ

  1. Hi JUst bought the Geforce last week Its overpowered for CM ANything that can crank Quake 3 demo test v1.09 at 50+ fps at 1024x768 32 bit colour has a bit of muscle Incidently I'm running the core at 145 mhtz and the memory at 220 mhtz, up from 120/166. With my TNT2 card, the screen would jerk with the arrow keys in Cm, not so with the Geforce silky smooth, average FPS must be over 70+ fps hELL i'M GETTING 140+ fPS in Quake 2! ;0 ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - Just updated, check out my MP3 www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 11-21-99).]
  2. Well Cm will have a random scenario generator - that will keep everygame fresh and the AI will be deadly in this case. Will Cm have a Random campaigin generator? ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - Just updated, check out my MP3 www.geocities.com/coolcolj/
  3. Errrrrrrrr Sorry no music for me! You must be bored There's plenty of music in the game as is, ahhh of the sweet symphony of clanging metal as my opponent's Sherman brew up ;0 ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - Just updated, check out my MP3 www.geocities.com/coolcolj/
  4. I think this sort of thing might be done, in a set piece battle or somthing like thta, but a meeting engagement, I would think that the tankers had other things on their mind ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - Just updated, check out my MP3 www.geocities.com/coolcolj/
  5. errr I don't think just because its a Crack/elite/verteran unit they will automatically angle the frontage of the tank a certain amount, or a green units angle another amount. The heat of battle, the rush of adrenlin etc would influence that a bit. The fuzzy logic Tac AI should make that variable - ie better units would do this most of the time, and greener units would forget more often And I guess being pinned/suppressed/shcocked would definitely make them forget ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  6. I think your missing the point with when playing the AI, it isn't by how much you won or lost, its how much fun you had getting there, that's why I prefer long campaign games. Because you have to think about the next battle, and just about the victory locations. ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  7. You guys ever thought of using the 2 mortars to drop a whole heap of smoke? Makes for a very intense tank battle among the buildings ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  8. How about an option flag/hotkey SHift-H or something Auto unhide on/off ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  9. Errr I can't see what the big deal with is with the FOW?????! It looks like normal FOW practise to me. ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  10. Hi all I had my Stug reversing straight on the main road in the Last Defence scenario, and 50 meteres from cover a Hellcat slammed a shot into the front left of the Stug, that broke up or bounced off. Which also pushed the STug a metre or so to the right, pivoting its front to the right! AMazing The next shot killed it, due to the change in angle of attack BTS, so is this a physics model you guys created, or is it some freaky bug? ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  11. I find smoke a bit of overkill with mortars I had two mortars drop smoke and in 1 min the whole map was almost consumed in smoke! WHich I promptly used to run my troops up to the enemy buildings ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  12. AFter playing the most enjoyable game today against the AI (Last Defence) as the Germans, I really look foward to the Eastern Front! In this game I had burning AFVs littered among the buildings, bringing flash images of a STalingrad battle....sends shivers down my spine. And the graphics should be better right? Eastern front should be more enjoyable, since both sides had armour and guns to match each other. ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  13. What about artillery and mortars and HMGs?? I think a tank would run them over pretty easily, since the squad would just abandon ship. ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  14. Ok I've always loved the look and the emotive feel of WW2 black and white photos and footage. I thought, wouldn't it be cool to allow the player the option to play in black and white, with 16 bit grey scale. What do you think BTS? I would like this a lot It wouldn't be too hard to implement at a guess, just a matter of converting the colour spectrum, with no new textures required. Tell me if I'm wrong here, I'd be interested in hearing your opinion on this matter. It would improve the immersion factor for me!! ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  15. I had one instance where one Hellcat got jammed on the leftside of the bridge, with left side tracks in mid air , and the right side on the bridge! It wouldnt budge , until I told it to reverse, and he then he got moving. ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  16. BTS can we have a view lower than 1 in CM, actually 2, one right on the ground (head level with prone soldiers!) and one level with a standing soldiers head or a kneeling soldier. Actullay since the camera can move freely in a horizonyal plane, why can't the cmaera move freely in a vertical plane? ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448 [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 11-05-99).]
  17. Actually this is a good idea if a squad loses a third in one exchange drop a body there, to show a large casualty loss - so you know immediatley, that it took a bit hit. ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  18. BTS I was wondering if campaign games will retain Ko'ed tanks from game to game on the same map, and also if the editor will allow smoking tanks to be on the map from the start? I don't know about anyone else , but I get a "hard-on" after a few turns when the battle is alive with smoking and ko'ed AFVs. The immersion factor goes up ten fold! Like that scene from Saving Private Ryan, when the camera pans across the village, with the smoking Tiger and Marder - full horn! Instant cure for battlefield blandness ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  19. Ok I recommend a large monitor for cm :0 I sold my 19 inch and bought a 17 inc, missed the size and bought another 19 inch mitsubishi 1995 - and CM tanks looks very very nice at 1200 x960 with antialiasing and trilinear filtering on my tnt2 video card (I'm getting a leadtek Geforce 256 next week, so I can play at 1600x1200!). Almost like airbrushed tank illustrations, but I still hate that green colour. ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  20. Moon Yes I figured that out, about setting up multiple ambushes with one leader. One thing though, is that the leader must have LOS into an ambush zone...is this necessary, I mean the leader could, say - ok set up an ambush there, and go hide behid a tree and not see the ambush area ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  21. Moon Yes I figured that out, about setting up multiple ambushes with one leader. One thing though, is that the leader must have LOS into an ambush zone...is this necessary, I mean the leader could, say - ok set up an ambush there, and go hide behid a tree and not see the ambush area ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  22. How do I go about getting on the Usenet stuff? ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  23. Errr How does one go about oredering your units to save ammo??! ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  24. BTS I was thinking last night a convoy move option would be cool, and save us some elbow grease Where all the units can move down a road all at the same speed - all you have to do is tell the lead unit where to go, and the rest follow. What do you think BTS? ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
  25. Hal yes - I get this too Its a bug I guess - try the top view 5 or 6 to fix when placing order locations ------------------ CCJ aka BLITZ_Force My Homepage - www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Beach/4448
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