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Everything posted by CoolColJ

  1. Hi Fionn Any more places left in this Campaign? ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 01-04-2000).]
  2. Will the gold demo be posted in this time? ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 01-04-2000).]
  3. That looks cool!! ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/
  4. Interesting read I always love it when Steve gives a detailed description of a game he is playing...more fun than actually playing CM JUst turned year 2000 here! The power dimmed for twice a sec, thought my computer was going to crash! ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 12-31-99).]
  5. Most of the stuff -can go onto the CD, like penertration charts etc Are they? ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 12-30-99).]
  6. Gotta add Gran Turismo and Gran Turismo 2 on the Playstation to that list Oh yeah Metal Gear Solid too on PSX ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ Check out my Combat Mission Beta Demo Tweaked Textures
  7. http://www.microsoft.com/directx/homeuser/downloads/default.asp ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ Check out my Combat Mission Beta Demo Tweaked Textures
  8. Get the geforce! Cm runs so butter smooth - it looks freaky on replay - especially the tanks, it looks so surreal.... ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ Check out my Combat Mission Beta Demo Tweaked Textures
  9. I've been doing some tweaking on the Beta demo Textures :0 ANyway -I'vebben working on the uniforms over the last few days...to give them that dirty Saving Private LOok They'll be up on Website when They are finished ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ Check out my Combat Mission Beta Demo Tweaked Textures
  10. Don't you worry Tobruk I'm sure to have a another texture set when the gold game comes out But it'll be huge! ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ Check out my Combat Mission Beta Demo Tweaked Textures
  11. I live in Rabaul for 12 years - I was also born there - then moved to Austrailia ...best childhood memories Let just say the terrain there is pretty damn rough Plenty of Tank relics, bunkers, bullet shells, crashed bombers etc...best view from some of the hills there.. I'm not sure how CM could portray the jungle there ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ Check out my Combat Mission Beta Demo Tweaked Textures
  12. Yeah I was meant to order 3 months ago too But me being the lazy type -- I always leave it to the last moment ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ Check out my Combat Mission Beta Demo Tweaked Textures
  13. Ohhhh all the H2O being used up....brings out the Close Combat 4 in me ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ Check out my Combat Mission Beta Demo Tweaked Textures
  14. Hi Bill Did you guys test these as solo games against the AI? How did it do on the average? ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ Check out my Combat Mission Beta Demo Tweaked Textures
  15. BTS - yeah I just ordered by Credit card - as opposed to money order as I had planned Oh well - should have doen it ages ago ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ Check out my Combat Mission Beta Demo Tweaked Textures
  16. Units can also be deteced by sound contact ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ Check out my Combat Mission Beta Demo Tweaked Textures
  17. Nothing compares to Gran Turismo 2 on the playstation for hugeness! nothing at all ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ Check out my Combat Mission Beta Demo Tweaked Textures
  18. I found Stalingrad a horrible dispressing movie actually and it looks way to bright and colourful - Saving Private Ryan has the right amount of colour fade Plus SPR has better action scenes, the last 30mins is awesome ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ Check out my Combat Mission Beta Demo Tweaked Textures
  19. You know what I just noticed that the building textures get assigned randomly (the small houses) every game. ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/
  20. Well Mr SpielBerg can do any movie he wants He owns his own production house "DreamWorks", he did movies like Schindlers List etc...he doesn't need the money Its all for art Please a Eastern Front movie...I'll email him ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/ [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 12-12-99).]
  21. More requests... donning fire suit I would like to request a running/huff +puff sound effect when units are running ...pretty please ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/
  22. Matt I'm not sure I like the new multi-coloured new page ------------------ ------------------ CCJ BLITZ_Force My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/
  23. boo hoo [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 12-11-99).]
  24. .... [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 12-11-99).]
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