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Everything posted by Lorak

  1. Ahh OGSF, So it is written..so it is done OBSF 2 losses Nijis 2 wins Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  2. I have a quick question to put before the pool. Germanboy and I are playing a game. He upgraded to the beta, I had not. The last turn he sent me was a movie only for me. So when I sent the file back It will not work for him in the beta, and he no longer has 1.05. I do not believe I can save game on a movie only file, and upgrade it to te beta. How can we fix this? Is there someone here who has both that I could send the turn too? Who in turn could get Germanboy's password and move the file from 1.05 to the beta for us? If so that would be great. Just leave a message here f you'd be willing. Thanks Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  3. Wildman, Sadly I expected more from a man who showed a least a small bit of highland knowledge. That you would think The Tuatha De Danann were just random letters, speaks wonders of your intellect. Basically the quick of it is this. The De Danann won Ireland from the Firbogs and ruled there until they were invaded by the Milesians. The De Danann being highly skilled in the arts were reguarded as mighty magicians by the Milesians and even after they were defeated, the Milesians held them in great Honor and almost worshiped those who they had subdued. The Milesians and the De Danann fought a great battle at Taillte and afterward the De Danann were assembled and decided that Bodb Derg son of Dagda would be thier king, and recieving Imortality should distribute themselves in thier sprit land under the hills of Ireland, were ever since they have lived in bliss. Hence this great race of Ireland and thier high skill for art and magic gave birth to the fairys and enchanted folk. God. You would think you people knew nothing of history. Oh and if you look for the book Germanboy mentioned (great by the way.) It is in fact the Tain or the "Tain Bo Cuailgne" Sigh..eventualy I will leran you people something yet! Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX and for Kitty's sake =^..^= [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-04-2001).]
  4. Thanks Germanboy. First it is a pleasure to meet someone who actualy knows something about Irish history. In fact the part I quoted about Fionn and the Fian is from one of the books I have. Not from the Tain. Aurthor is Seumas MacManus. The small section I quoted was just a very brief out take of course. I like stories of Fionn and the Fian. Like out takes from the Agallam na Seanorach. Supposedly Caoilte and Oisin(Fionns son) were converted by St Patrick and travelled with him on his journeys. At which time they would relate the stories of Fionn and the Fian to Patrick who had them written by his scribe Breogan. Lovely stuff really. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  5. I/O error; Personaly I feel a lot of you here are in error. Maybe being a member of the cesspool has tainted my view of things... But why did anyone get upset? Not one to speak for Kitty(she does fine on her own) but I think most of you missed all the humor and just jumped to conclusions. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>by shatter: Are all you guys being so nice to Kitty, because she is one HOT BABE??? TELL THE TRUTH.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Obviously ment in humor, even if bad. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>by I/O error: Considering I do not know her, have no idea where she lives, and only have third-party knowledge saying she is female, I can safely say that I was not simply being nice to get in her pants. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Obviously once again ment in humor, even attached a smilie at the end. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>by Kitty: With a name like "I/O error" your chances of getting anywhere near my "pants" are slim (pun intended) and none. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now this I found really funny! I believe what she was saying is with a name like "I/O error" you must be a geek. Hence you stand no chance with her. Sadly You must really be a geek not to have caught on to that. I should know.. we can smell our own. Sorry I felt I had to post this due to the fact that it seemed like people were getting upset over nothing. Go back and read the post again, I would think you should be able to see the humor in them. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  6. Too add to what Berli said. The computer when picking units on defense can be really bad. In fact they only time I see worse units pick for defense..is if I pick my own. During a meeting engagment, This isn't as bad. As the points are even and The AI picks for both sides (usualy no advantage). During an attack, the AI picking isn't that bad. Due to the fact that any bad choices are usually offset by the extra units you recieve anyway. That being said. I do like to let the AI pick now and again. It is one way to force yourself to play with and learn to use units you might otherwise pass over. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  7. Well... Like the originator said. ( I am in the NC triad also). We are right in the heart of the textile belt. I just say to use Hanes T-shirts or Beefy T's (got to help my stock ) Seriously though. I don't think it would be legal to use anything Official from BTS. Like cover art ect... I think it would be better to have an artist here at the board come up with a nice design and Just pass the image along for download. I have a friend here in winston that designs a lot of T-shirts. I have had him make me several things in the past. Something that may sound cheep, but works really well on a white shirt, is the Tansfer paper you can buy for your computer printer. Just print out the file on to the Paper and Iron it on a white T-shirt. I have several with family Crest I have made. They have made it through a lot of washings and dryings. They also look really well. Ending up by request Making several for family members who liked it. Just My .02 ...thinking of a CMBO t-shirt... the people at the waffle house already think I am insane (maybe because I can read)... Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  8. tomb update: Bauhaus-win Seanachai-loss <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Wildman wrote: LORAK: An obvious fairy with delusions of grandeur.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ahh my good man. For one that claims to have been lurking in the pool for a while.. you still have no concept of how it works do you? Here in the pool, your goal is to belittle people not heap praise upon them. The only way your post resembles the rest of the crap put out by these idiots is that it makes no sense. First you admit that I am a fairy, Hence by your own admission you place me with the 'Tuatha De Danann'. You sir could have bestowed no greater honor upon my person if you would have tried. I thank thee. Second... The rest of your post obviously is in error. Being a fairy and one of the 'Tuatha De Danann' It is a given that I am infact gracefull and full of grandeur. hence there can be no delusion on my part. Lorak the loathed Oh, for the Honor of Kitty =^..^= :edited to post the tomb update: ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-04-2001).]
  9. LMAO! For those that haven't been around for a while. I thought I'd drag this old picture out of CM in the alpha stages. As you can see at this stage (if you look at the terrain) BTS was in fact using hexigon tiles. I believe they ran into placing problems and decided to go with square later. Enjoy the pic. sorry for the size. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  10. Nathman, Forgive me first because it has been a while and I'm not sure how much of this topic I remember. I believe Time on target was used for large scale operations. It would have been used as a prepatory bombardment of a town or an enemy grouping before a major offensive. In CM the time on target barage would have taken place before you jumped off. The small FO's we have avalible in CM are more of a tacticle support function and the amont of tubes they control are actualy on lend from other sources. The same guns your FO's are controlling are also being used by other FO's in other battles elsewhere. So instead of a real coordianted artillery attack. It is more like we will allocate you these rounds and will provide you with fire support as best as possible. Thats just my take on things. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> by Mark IV As an aside, who would like to see Lorak and Hiram bound together at one wrist, with a knife in the other hand, up to their waists in an alligator pit? I know I wouldn't, but I would relish the account in the Times the morning after.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LOL, That is too funny. Not to belittle Hiram.. But in this contest I would simply use my elven dexterity to not only carve out Hiram's liver..but make my wife some nice luggage at the same time. Yes Mark, It has been a long time since one of these has been seen. But when you are able, I wonder if you are man enough to face up to my falshimgerbils !? Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-03-2001).]
  12. Major Belles, While I appreciate your position I think there are some thinks to keep in mind. First the maker is not a dead body, Second other graphics whould be just as much clutter, Third the Body is not a real hit on BTS, basically it is just a prone person rolled over (easy to render). For a long time (as others said) there was no marker at all. This was ok, but was a big pain in the butt. For one when a unit was eliminated, they were simply gone. There was no way later to click them to find out thier stats, ect... A lot of things were discussed when they first were seen. everything from Helmets on rifles, to white crosses, ect... I believe this was a simple way to meet in the middle. I personaly don't even notice them anymore unless I am actualy searching for a unit looking for a stat. Sadly I just don't understand wanting to play a WWII sim, but not liking the idea of shooting at people. I'm sorry, I just don't understand it. I also am sad if this one issue keeps you from buying the best WWII squad level game ever created. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  13. Ksak, There are plenty of people that feel the way you do. I for one do not. I try to play the game as realistic as possible. For me a win really isn't important as the learning and the fun involved(yes I am one of the few that even can enjoy losing). Personaly I don't have a problem with people that play gamey. I just chose not to play those people. If I do play them and noticed it, I usually mention it to them and see what the deal is. Then based on the discussion I will or won't play them again. The biggest problem is what is gamey at what time. Some things are gamey no matter when they happen. Others that might be gamey are logical depending on situation. Example: using crews in combat is gamey. I would normaly agree. But in one game I had 2 german scout cars and a jagdpanzer IV in the same area. The two scout cars were taken out by a sherman but the crews were ok. Several turns later in the game (this area had no infantry fighting) 1 or 2 bazooka teams started stalking my Jagdpanzer. My crews who were fine and were hiding next to thier burning wrecks were only 20-40 meters away. So I moved my crews to hide in the woods between the approching Zook teams and my panzer. This was not to go on the attack and kill the zooks. but was a defensive move to allow my panzer time to escape. Now some might consider this gamey. I on the other hand see it as two AFV crews moving over to protect one of thier own.(without taking to much risk). What do you guys think? As a side note: you'll notice that the crews were where thier wrecks still were. Normally my crews stay hidden by thier wrecks or retreat off board, depending on safety issues. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  14. Ah yes.. So it twas indeed. Tomb correction then. jshandorf-win Croda-loss Now for more teachings from the Lorak. In my vast collection of knowledge I remember offering you menbers of the pool some teachings requarding "THE TUATHA DE DANANN" or "FIONN AND THE FIAN". I have decided on the latter for now. Since knowing from whince the great Fionn came from, you might actualy read it. **editors note** the following was not written by Lorak. It should be easy to tell because the words are spelled right. **also in the case that Fionn still reads the Forum and the cesspool(laughing), I didn't just pick this because of his name, Irish history is one of my things. If he would like this removed, by all means I will do so.** FIONN AND THE FIAN: 'The man Fionn lived and died in the third century of the Christian Era. It was in the reign of Conn, at the very end of the second century, that was founded the Fian - a great standing army of picked and specially trained, daring warriors, whose duty was to carry out the mandates of the high kin - "To uphold justice and put down injustice, on the part of the kings and lords of Ireland - and to guard the harbors from foreign invaders". From this latter we might conjecture that an expected Roman invasion first called the Fian into existence. They prevented robberies, exacted fines and tributes, put down public enemies and every kind of evil that might afflict the country. Moreover they moved about from place to place all over the island. Fionn, being a chieftain himself in his own right, had a residence on the hill of Allen in Kildare. The Fianna (bodies of the Fian) recruited at Tara, Uisnech and Taillte fairs. The greatest discrimination was used in choosing the eligible ones from amongst the candidate throng - which throng included in plenty sons of chieftains and princes. Many and hard were the tests for him who sought to be one of this noble body. One of the first tests was literary for no candidate was possible who had not mastered the twelve books of poetry. So skilful must he be in wood running, and so agile, that in the flight no single braid of his hair is losed by a hanging branch. His step must be so light that underfoot he breaks no withered branch. In facing the greatest odds the weapon must not shake in his hand . When a candidate had passed these tests and was approved as fit for his heroic band, there were also vows to be taken as the final condition of his admission. There were three cathas (battalions) of the Fian - three thousand in each catha. This was in time of peace. In time of war the quota was seven cathas. Although the Fianna were supposed to uphold the power of the Ard Righ, their oath of fealty was not to him, but to their own chief, Fionn. ' I would have posted the author, but no name was found. As an obair a thagann an fhoghlaim. Learning comes through work. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-03-2001).]
  15. Tomb updates: jdmorse-win Croda-loss Game updates for myself: Germanboy... not much to say. We will start shooting and he will continue dying soon. OGSF... His men are hiding and shaking as my valient doughboys surround and eliminate him. Berli... taking a break, Fine by me... He is kicking my Arse. ************* Sadly it still pains me to see that you heathens are still not grasping the teaching that I offer. So once again I step down from my place on high to offer unto you knowledge. When you are truly one with Lorak, your every act will be wise and true and you will have no need to prove yourself in the eyes of others. 'The wise person embraces the Lorak and sets an example for all. Not putting on a show, He shines; not justifying himself, he is distinguished; not boasting, he is acknowledged. The Lorak does not quarrel, so no one quarrels with him.' Lorak the loathed omnipresent authority figure ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  16. by Guy w/ gun: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yeah I agree with you...If you want deep intellectual gaming, neither RTS or FPS are for you. But I can't help but find it funny when you say there's no time for thought...thats exactly right...these games are supposed to be this way. Your second thought is your last.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Which leads us to my biggest gripe. If there is suppose to be no thinking in an RTS... Then where in the hell do they get the "stratagy" from? Kitty, Loved your rogue spear examples. Have to say I agree with all of them too.... funny how after a while stuff like that just gets taken for granted. Also, I don't mean that as a bad word against Rogue spear. I think it is by far one of the best team based FPS's out there. Right up there with Tribes. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  17. Umm, choices, choices. Tribes is a good choice if you like team based FPS's. Older game and you should be able to find it pretty cheep. Or If you like something more Modern Rogue Spear is a good beat. I'd also have to second Balders Gate 2 if you like role playing games. Great story line,and a real life stealer. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  18. Mr Clark, Please don't get me started on tribes. That game was like crack to me for a long time. God I loved it so. No matter... Tribes 2 shouldn't be too much longer in coming. and now with ground vehicles, water ect... sigh... too many nice games..not enough time. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  19. Mr Clark. The on-line version of the D&D world is going to be Neverwinter Nights. Made by the same people as Balder's gate ect.. Looks absolutly amazing. You can play single player or one person in an on-line world. Totally allows Human DM'ing also. They are also packing the bulding tool with it also. So..Everyone will be able to custom build D&D modules to run on there own systems. Each system(PC) allows upto 64 players on it at the same time. Also as many system as you like can be combined through Portals to form as big a world as you like. For example you are playing on my machine and you want to travel t another city(module) you will Portal to someone else's machine that is running it. They system sounds pretty damn cool. I'll give a couple links for it. Neverwinter Nights offical site. Planet Neverwinter. Check it out, I think you will be pleased. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  20. LoL at your sig Maximus. So...just for you. Never mess with a man and his Hamster! By the way... (off topic). You plan on getting neverwinter nights? Was thinking of letting my computer stay on-line 24/7 with a module when it comes out. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  21. Umm, understnadable question. Personaly as I myself play a little bit of all games. FPS(tribes,rogue spear), RTS (close combat,starcraft), CMBO and several other inbetween catagories. I agree FPS's do take some skill. Much like Pac man takes skill. There really aren't any "tactics" involved. Just a big frag fest. Unless of couse you migrate towards the team based FPS's, such as the examples I play. I find those interesting. RTS... what can I say? I really enjoyed CC2. CC3 and CC4 umm.. stunk. There is some tactics involved in your RTS's but really it boils down to learning a "trick" that works. Also seems to become more of a click fest than a stratagy game in the later stages. A lot of the swings taken at the RTS crowd. Stem from peoples beliefs. You have those that claim that only Real-time is realistic, and others that argue that with real-time there is no deep thinking involved. Personaly I find myself in the turn based group. But I will acknoledge a good RTS game when I see it. My bigest problem with RTS games (such as the CC series) is the amount of give and take to realisum to make it playable. To really make a great WW2 sim you need lots of units and the ability to fight decent sized battles. In CC this just isn't possible. You physically can not hope to real time control 50 or 60 units, (CC allows 15). I much perfer going turn-based or hybrid(like CMBO) and being able to actualy manage all my units with some form of intelligence. Just my .02 Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  22. Wilhammer, Nice to see another from North Carolina here. Just picked up road runner myself not to long ago. This seems to surpirse people who don't even thing we have paved roads **To the rest of you** Thanks very much for a great discussion and for keeping it civil. Truly it is one of the best things I like about this forum. There are a lot of those (like myself) who basicaly lurk duing these topics, reading and learning,for those of us. I just wanted to say thanks. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  23. Ok, tomb updates: Croda-win Dalem-loss Marlow-win Jdmorse-loss Ahh...Seanachai, So nice to see they finally let you out..er. your back. Nice to see someone who understands the power of the Lorak and the insane uses it can be put to. Sadly you seem to be upset with my snow barage. For someone claiming to be a celt, I just can't understand your lack of wonder at the joy that is nature. Sad, sad, sad... seems the heathens that reside here need another lesson in culture. Excerpt from "The Celts": 'Long, long ago beyond the misty space Of twice a thousand years, In Erin old there dwelt a mighty race, Taller than Roman spears; Like oaks and towers they had a giant grace, were fleet as deers With winds and waves they made their 'biding place, These western shepherd seers. The Druid's altar and the Druid's creed We scarce can trace, There is not left an undisputed deed Of all your race, Save your majestic song, which hath thier speed, And strength, and grace; In that sole song, they live and love and bleed- It bears them on thro' space. Oh,inspired giant! shall we e'er behold, In our own time, One fit to speak your spirt on the wold, Or seize your rhyme? One pupil of the past, as mighty souled As in the prime, Were the fond, fair, and the beautiful and bold- They, of your song sublime! Ahh, So nice to bring knowledge to idiots. Perhaps in my next lesson I futher expand upon the "Tuatha De Danann" or maybe "Fionn and his Fian" Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-02-2001).]
  24. Just figure I'd help Pillar out and give this one a bump. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
  25. Tomb update: Moriarty-win Lorak-loss Babra-win Hiram-loss OGSF-win Nijis-loss jdmorse-draw rune-draw Ahh, yes what a wonderful new years day. Hung over and at work. Couldn't ask for anything more. Moriarty did in fact hit me upside the head with his jackboots for a tac victory. He resorted to the gamey tactic of owning the buildings with flags on them. Please ! how damn gamey can you get? OGSF... ahh tis nice to actualy turn the tables for a while and make his men run around bleeding. I might have a chance in this one... unless he decides to use that gamey flag holding tactic too. Berli... I have no chance in hell. Of couse being in hell, berli has home field advantage. Berli has shonn himself to be a gamey cheat also.. Using larger artillery? That is almost as Gamey as capturing flags. Germanboy... Still drunk and singing sound of music show tunes. All and All things are pretty much going as I thought they would. My students are coming along nicely, learning how to cheat,be gamey, and win at all cost.. I'm a bit proud of them. Now if you will excuse me, someone at work is in need of my greatness. back later. Lorak the loathed. ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub Lorak's FTX
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