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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. Umm, Can't believe this one isn't locked up by now.

    I'll just chime in and give the advice I give to those asking me about buying a home computer. (we use both PC and MAC's at work so I am not biased).

    I basically tell them that if they are looking for a solid machine with no up-keep to do publishing, day to day work. The MAC is the way to go.

    But if they are a gamer, or have a kid that is, then a MAC is pretty much a waste of space.

    Personaly I choose a PC because I am a game-whore.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  2. Foobar !!

    Are you *gasp* looking for order here? Eris will not be pleased.

    "I Tell You: One must

    still have chaos in one

    to give birth to a

    dancing star!"


    Oh and Shaw... It is a given that I am an idiot. The record has been adjusted. Although I really didn't see a problem with it. You got credited for a loss, and that is all that truly matters.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  3. LCM,

    I have found that both sides are pretty even. I can lose just as well no matter what side I play. :0

    Seriously though. The point system used in CM is suppose to only take combat ability into account. So 200 points of German armor should be equal to 200 points of Allied armor.

    The problem comes in both sides used tactical doctrine that fit thier equipment. The hard part is learning about the diffrent units and how they are used most effectivly.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  4. Ahh, things are looking up here in mudville.

    New CD-rom is installed and turns finally made it out today.

    In tome news:

    Mark IV-win

    Joe shaw-loss


    Mark IV-loss

    As for a game update from the Lorak.... well, things are not looking too good. It seems that everyone has resorted to gamey tactics on me. Iskander is using artillery. Moriarty is trying to move into my town by sneeking in on my flanks.GiTom has even went so far is to try and capture VL's ! Croda and Goanna have sent me two obviously gamey setups. Only time will tell how far this gamey trend will go. The only person so far that isn't being gamey is Hakko. But he is still in that turkish prison. I'm sure he come out with all kinds of gamey ideas for the future.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  5. LMAO Joe!

    You'll never get that lucky. They don't mind usless bodies lying around here at work, but they do require them to at least be warm. They would noticed I was dead when I didn't take my on the dot smoke break.

    I am happy that you find my little teachings so enlightning.

    What Joe?

    Oh, that would be no problem at all. How about the Irish kingdom of scotland?

    Wonderful! This one is for you Joe.

    The Irish Kingdom of Scotland

    The terms Scotia and Scot were first applied to Ireland and Irishmen, but later came to be applied to Irelands northeastern neighbour, Alba and its inhabitants.

    Our most ancient poets and seanachies claim that an early name for Eirinn, Scotia, was derived from Scota, queen-mother of the Milesians. The poet Egesippus tells how "Scotia which links itself to no land, trembles at their name" - the term Scotia is, by Continental writers, applied to Ireland more often than any other name. And Scot is the term by these writers most constantly applied to a native of Eirinn. Orosius, the third century geographer, uses "Hibernia the nation of the Scoti". An Irish exile on the continent, the celebrated Marianus Scotus referred to his countrymen as Scots.

    The modern name of Ireland seems to have originated with the Northmen, in about the seventh century - being probably formed from Eire, they called it Ir or Ire, and after that the English called it Ireland, and its natives Irish. For several centuries longer, however, these terms were not adopted by Continental writers, who still continued to speak of Scotia and the Scot, and designated the Irish scholars on the Continent by the term Scotus. The new name Ireland was on the Continent, first used only in the eleventh century (by Adam De Breme).

    To Alba (the present Scotland) was transferred the term Scotia, and to its people the term Scot, because the Scoti of Hibernia, having again and again colonised there, built in it a strong kingdom, which gave the Scotic (Irish) people dominance there, and soon made the Scotic kings the kings of the whole country.

    The Picts naturally jealous of these usurpers on their soil, continued exerting the utmost pressure upon them, in the hope of crushing them out, till Niall of the Nine Hostages, going to their assistance with an army, overcame and drove back the Picts, establishing the Scotic kingdom in Alba on a solid foundation, and, it is said, got the submission of the Picts and the tribute of all Alba. Now that the Scotic people got complete dominance over all or the main part of the country, it began to be called Scotia - at first Scotia Minor, in contradistinction to Eire, which was called Scotia Major - but gradually the title Scotia fell away from Eire, and solely came to signify Alba.

    In the eleventh century a number of leading English families who fled or were driven from the south, flocked into southeastern Scotland and came into favour at court. When, at the end of the eleventh century, Malcolm’s son, Edgar, English both by name and nature, was crowned king - the Gaelicism of royalty and of the court waned more rapidly, till in the thirteenth century it went out altogether; and the last of the Irish royal line became extinct with Alexander the Third, who died without heir in 1287.

    So, though the greater portion of the country was, and still is, Gaelic - with Gaelic manners, customs, dress and language, still holding in the Highlands and the Islands - the end of the thirteenth century saw the end of the Scotic (Irish) rule in Alba.

    I do hope you enjoy it. Although I'm really surprised that you can read.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  6. Well...

    Due to lack of activity here at work I am forced to post some more rambleings.

    A bored Lorak is a dangerous Lorak...


    "Those days when Conor MacNessa sat on the throne of Ulster were brilliant days in Ireland’s history. Then was the sun of glory in the zenith of Eire’s Heroic period - the period of chivalry, chiefly created by the famous Royal or Red Branch Knights of Emania. Though, two other famous bands of Irish warriors gave added lustre to the period- the Gamanraide of the West (who were the Firbolgs) and the Clanna Deaghaid of Mulster led by Curoi MacDaire. All three warrior bands had their poets and the seanachies, who chanted their deeds in imperishable song and story which, down the dim ages, have since held spell bound the clan of the Gael. But the greatest, the most belauded, and the most dazzling of all the heroes of the heroic age was undoubtedly Cuchullain, of whose life and wondrous deeds, real and imaginary, hundreds of stories still exist.

    CUCHULLAIN was a foster son of King Conor. "I am little Setanta, son to Sualtim, and Dectaire your sister" he told the questioning King, when, as a boy, in whose breast the fame of the Red Branch warriors had awaked the thirst for glory, he came up to the court of Emania. When he arrived there and the youths in training were playing caman upon the green. Having taken with him from home, his red bronze hurl and his silver ball, the little stranger, going in among them, so outplayed all the others, that the attention of the court was drawn to him. And it was then that the little stranger gave the above reply to the question of the admiring king. The eager attention of the warriors of the Red Branch was drawn to the lad and they foresaw great things for him, when they heard him express himself nobly and wonderfully, on the day that, in Emania, in the Hall of Heroes, he took arms. He stood before the Druids in the Hall of Heroes and exclaimed "I care not whether I die tomorrow or next year, if only my deeds live after me". The greatest, most exciting portion of this hero’s stories is the account of his fight with his friend, Ferdiad, at the ford, where , single handed, he is holding at bay the forces of Connaught. Ferdiad is the great Connaught champion, chief, of the Connaught knights of the Sword, the Fir Domniann and a dear friend and comrade of CUCHULLAIN, since, in their youth, they were training for the profession of arms. And it is now sore for CUCHULLAIN to fight the soul friend whom the Connaught host has pitted against them. He would dissuade Ferdiad from fighting, by reminding him of their comradeship, when they were together learning the art of war from the female champion, Scathach, in Alba.

    "We were heart companions,

    We were companions in the woods,

    We were fellows of the same bed,

    Where we used to sleep the balmy sleep.

    After mortal battles abroad,

    In countries many and far distant,

    Together we used to practice, and go

    Through each forest, learning with Scathach".

    But Ferdiad had not the tenderness of CUCHULLAIN, and would not let fond memories turn him from his purpose. Indeed lest he might yield to the weakness of temptation, he forced himself to answer Cuchullain’s tenderness with taunts, so as to provoke the Compat. An fight they finally did. They fought for four days. On the fourth day, CUCHULLAIN rallies to the fight more fiercely, more terribly, more overpoweringly than ever, and at length gives to his friend, Ferdiad, the coup de grace. CUCHULLAIN laid Ferdiad down then, and a trance, and a faint, and a weakness fell on CUCHULLAIN over Ferdiad there.

    CUCHULLAIN died as a hero should - on a battlefield, with his back to a rock and his face to the foe, buckler on arm, and spear in hand. He died standing, and in that defiant attitude (supported by the rock) was many days dead ere the enemy dared venture near enough to reassure themselves of his exit - which they only did when they saw the vultures alight upon him, and undisturbed, peck at his flesh."

  7. Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

    clock. Gustav debated insulting Phillies again, but decided against it, mostly because Phillies wouldn't understand what was wrong with having his thumb in his mouth and his fingers in his nose. Instead, Gustav decided to take Phillies fishing. "Bwuhahaha! We'll see how Phillies likes those 120 hour weeks, the constant smell of fish, and not being able to...

    ...attend school where you don't have to hide out and the "meat" they serve isn't in the form of worms in your salad. Phan found this quite amusing since he was already putting himself through hell by choosing to back Philidelphia teams and not good ones from over in Pittsburgh like the....

  8. Hamsters you dolt!

    Squires do not come with a return policy, extended warranty, or scotch guard.

    You can not just return him. I run a squire bartering service, not a pawn shop.

    He is yours! Beat him, drown him, rent him out to grogs for thier evening pleasure, but I will not take him back.

    As for gamey players... I have a list. You see being the Lorak and thus unbeatable by normal means.. If I lose a game it muct be because the other is gamey.

    So Gamey people or those I've lost too.

    (best I can remember)


    Nuetral party






    That is the best my memory will allow right now. If anyone else remembers being gamey and beating me, just refresh my memory.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  9. Ahh, another week in the cess....

    Tome update:















    In other interesting news...

    I installed my new drive this morning so I should get turns/setups out to all those I owe them too. I also downloaded the software to place CM on my harddrive. So no more of that damned disk swaping or no drive=no CM bullcrap.

    I'll now return you back to your pitiful little lives.

    The Lorak has retuned and hell follows...

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  10. Originally posted by Kitty:

    Will someone please tell me what the hell "Woot!" means?

    Thank you in advance for all the wonderful responses I'm bound to get.



    While Mace tries to help out by overloading his brain trying to be clever. Let me tell you the real story.

    Once upon a time on the BTS forum. An idiot named Maximus2k stopped by. Being a total creep he was banned in a day? same day?

    Anywho... His watchword was "WOOT". I assume it means great or cool or some such other tripe.

    In the end he is gone.. but WOOT remains.

    Much like that other idiot GAZ_NZ who started "Somefink".

    Hope this helps

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  11. Bah! Your all gamey wrethces!!


    My cd-rom drive is still hosed. Looks like it might be a couple days before I can get turns out. Sucks to be me.

    Tome update:



    Leeo has been granted a squireship under Sir Stuka.

    (Croda "keeping an eye on him" and watching his bum does not your squire make him.)

    Now I am off for some more CM-less self loathing......

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  12. By Mace:

    Lorak, most unholiest of scribes, scribe this:

    With this blow to the back of his head with a cricket bat, I will release Armornut from serfdom and claim him as my squire.

    He will learn my secret ways: how to flee from a loosing fight while casting aspersions about the playing ability of one’s opponent; how to gloat about one’s tactical brilliance when winning; and of most import, how to sneak up on a flock of sheep without spooking them.


    So it is bleated, so it is done.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  13. A little tome update for the wretches.












    Major tom-loss (including this one because Tom was listed when battle was started)

    For the rest of you gits, my dvd-rom has died. I picked up a new one and hope to have it in tomarrow. So no turns went out today.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  14. Ahh Leeo..

    So you have noticed the first rule of the Pool. Records mean nothing. Your status is solely based on your time and effort of post.

    Granted Matt was made a knight before he became the man. But that is neither here nor there. Rune...well, he makes scenarios and has a thing for porcupines. GiJim... haven't seen him in ages, have no idea on that one. Dalem.. a earless dog?! who doesn't need one of those.

    Even Hiram and Croda, while horrible at actualy playing the game, made for two good knights. They bring the one thing that is a must. A distinct personality and small amount of wit to the pool.

    Anyone can be a member of the Forum proper. But to develop and grow a personality that shines in the pool is something rare indeed. Many have came in here and tried, many of those have failed and dissapeared. Thus the truly insane and "diffrent" have carved out these halls. It is a great honor indeed to be mentioned in the same breath with the "poolers".

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  15. Oh my God! er.. self.

    Kitty has called me a loser! I try so hard to hide that fact until I actualy play someone.

    Leeo... I'll go ahead and add you as a pissboy. Since we actualy have that area now.

    Meeks/Hamsters I will infact send you a setup in the morning. I also have noted that you are Roborats sire.

    Now sod of all you sniffers of other peoples bottoms!

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  16. Ok Marlow,

    Wildman is your squire.

    Sorry for ya.


    OH and Kitty and Mensch. You have been around long enough to know that the battle has to be finished before a result is posted. It also needs to be a given as to who the winner was...


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  17. Ok you unwashed wretches..

    Tome update:





    Iskander now has JD as his sponsor.

    New catagory added on the squires page for the serfs and pissboys.

    unclaimed pissboys

    Von Shrad






    Since robarat is in a squire challenge with Foobar I am sure he had a knight at one time. If someone can remember please let me know.

    Game Updates

    Moriarty.. still going, still dark

    Iskander... Game is fun, if getting your arse kicked is fun.

    Mace... Has sent a setup, I shall return it and start dying soon.

    Hakko... still in that turkish prison.

    GiTom... Interesting little Draw we have going here.

    Goanna...waiting for a rune setup.

    Croda... should be sending something my way, lord I might even win this one!

    If I have forgotten anyone... don't care.

    Elvis Your question is a good one. If the scenario is bad and your hating it.. You could offer a surrender or a cease fire but you would be obliged to offer a re-match asap. Also, if the other person insist on finishing, that would be prudent also.

    As for those waiting for games from you... I understand compleatly. I just make myself a waiting list and use it. Thats why I offered Hamsters, Seanachai, and Mace first crack at the openings I have now. After them I several others waiting, some outside the pool. but not forgotten.

    Why so many insist on waiting to play someone as bad as I is beyond me. I'd really look forward to playing you again, as our last game wasn't official, and I got my arse kicked.. but I think both of us are going to be really tied up shortly.

    Thats about all from the Lorak, the rest of you can go back to sniffing each others butts.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  18. I tend to go for Wretches.

    I would consider you all wenches, but that would imply that you could serve some task.

    Of course this comes from a self-proclaimed idiot, so make of it what you will.

    Croda.. I might just consider marking your games. Lord knows it was funny marking those Peng beat... but unlike you Peng actualy knows how to play. Losing to you is like losing to the AI, only worse.

    Lorak the loathed.


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  19. Ahh, what a wonderful day to be back in the pool.

    After spending the weekend getting in touch with my Irish roots (and a lot of guinness)... I am back to record the misdeeds of you useless wretches.

    Long tome update:





















    *note: how the hell did Croda win a game?*

    Mace Recieved your setup. will get it back to you shortly.

    Meeks will send you something shortly. What are you looking for points? units? ect..

    Goanna since I haven't heard from Seanachai, you can jump into his spot. Just send me a setup. I'm cool with anything.


    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  20. I really don't see what the problem is.

    But I can understand why people would like an easy way to achieve hull down (because it is so usefull in an AFV battle).

    Easiest way to achieve hull down status, and once you take this step it is natural from then on.

    Go into the editor and set up a map with hills and several AFV's. (I chose ones that really had a hard time taking each other out).

    Use the "hunt" command to achive hull down status in a lot of places on diffrent size slopes.

    Then look at where it is. Remember it.

    I can move about any AFV into Hull down status to an area without using the hunt command. Just a matter of seeing it a couple of times. Better yet is to just wait right below Hull down until enemy AFV's come into view and then hunt forward the last 5 meters or so to pop them.

    Yes it is a little work setting up the scenario at first. But with one practice battle your have a much better grasp of where you need to be.

    **make sure you use realistic scale oing this**



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  21. ahh,

    I have no tome updates...that I know of.

    If I've overlooked something just let me know.

    As for myself. I have a couple openings in my schedule. I can take on about three games at the moment.

    People that I think I owe games too.




    If any of you are free to play just send a setup, anything will do. I have learned how to lose with anything and on any map. It really is depressing to be as bad as I am... but I'm so damn good at it.

    Now if any of you guys are full just let me know. Same for the other slack arsed bastages here in the pool. If you see a reply from one of these soon to be victors that state they can't play. I'll take the first person to accept in thier place.

    Hey, playing the Lorak isn't just an adventure... It is a nice way to pad your win column.

    Beannachtai na Feile Padraig Oraibh !

    Happy St. Patricks Day to you all !

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  22. For an ambush to be effective you have to have your units target the marker.

    To have your units cancel the ambush just have them not target the marker.

    Ambush markers will dissapear by themselves if they are left non-targeted for a turn.

    Hope that helps.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


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