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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

    All despise Lorak........oops.....hang on... .that's the case already isn't it....sorry......er.....wellll.......

    All despise Lorak even more, 'cos he thinks he knows what colour undies you're wearing!

    [ 06-27-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Me know undies? You must be joking.....

    but if your not.

    I'd say your good for a 1610.

    Thats a nice just my size selection, most likely you take it in a size 14.

    Of course you secretly wish for the day you can drop down to one of the regular womens:

    1620's bikini

    1630's Hi-cut

    1640's regular(granny)

    Maybe you even have a fetish for some 1386ba's? a nice little girls barbie panty?

    Underware? nope haven't a clue.

    Lorak the loathed

  2. LMAO Mouse

    Know whats sad?

    I threw together that page as a joke one night here at work. Just to post to the cesspool. I had planed on deleating it the next day after the pool had a laugh. Sadly they actualy liked it and ask me to keep it.

    So yes, it looks like crap. But does the pool really need better? Everyone in the pool knows that the win/loss record means nothing. But we sort of wanted to keep track.


    [ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: Lorak ]

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Detroit Guy:

    My comment is only 50% "flash" based. Yes the visuals of the site are a total joke, something as pathetic as a FrontPage web wizard would come up with a slicker site. (back to my janitor comment) BUT.. the Resources are non-existant as well. (have a look for yourself) Strategy guides? Well known site links? Dev Team update area? Tourney Board? Squad Encouragement? Unit Statistics Breakdowns? Force Selection concepts? Point Value Rationals? (yes the FAQ in the Support area is better than nothing) Im sure its got a lot to do with Priorities, the website being low on the list. Which its not for me to say how they juggle their workload, except to say that "Customer Service" and "Image" are high up on most Dev teams lists. And at the top of Image and CS would be the phrase "work on the site". smile.gif

    Detroit Guy

    P.S. er.. damnit, i got sucked into this conversation again.. LOL.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hey Detroit guy,

    Glad your enjoying the game. Since your new I'll offer a few tid bits that most people that have been here for a while take for granite.

    BattleFront is the publisher. They offer several other titles that are not Combat Mission. So going for a total CM site is not an option. You also have to realize that CM is the coding of one guy. So a page devoted to a development team doesn't make sense either. Charles and Steve are also really good about asking questions, listening to responses and advising of us progress right here in this forum.

    This Forum is not just for idle banter. This forum acts and functions as all the above pages you have ask for.

    Granted this site could use an overall change. Just to make it a little more polished. But you also have to realize that this isn't a big gaming house.

    This game started with two People, Steve and Charles. Steve runs battlefront and Charles as the sole programer for Combat mission. After the game was out and was on its way they picked up two more people. Madmatt and Kwazydog. Kwazydog for doing models and textures, Matt for running this site and also for his great work at http://www.combatmission.com which has always been the offical unoffical site for Combat Mission. But since this still brings the total employment count to 4. I am sure there is some cross over between them all (other than Charles).

    I don't know if you knew this or not. But when you go making suggestions (I call asking for the firing of someone or calling them a janitor just piss poor bad taste).

    Remember that everything you see here is provided by 4 guys. Maybe that will help you put things in prospective.


  4. Foobar...

    Oh how your words wound me.

    In the great tenets of discordia drink is among the better things in life.

    I should know. I am the Lorak.


    Watch for the sign. In the coming days look towards the east. At 33 degrees above the horizon I shall show you a star. This star shall be called Lorak. Fear all who understand these words and know the message of death and truth he shall bring. He is the wind that kills in storms. He is mothers arms that welcome you home. He is all things, and yet he is nothing. Fear the face of the Lorak. It is neither good nor evil. It is simply that of truth and justice. The Lorak is a scribe of the ages. He does not judge what he sees. He does not take pity on the babe lost, nor seek vengence on its killer. He watches. He watches and records these deeds. No instance, no matter how small or trivial,escapes his gaze.

    In the end will come a time of great horror. Rocks will be torn asunder, releasing the ancent soul of the earth. Trees will wail in the wind,harking the downfall of man and the coming of the Lorak. Take heed my fellow man. The day will come when the earth strikes back for your impurity. The blood of the mother will no longer seek to feed you. It will seek only your distruction in its depths. These are the days when you must watch and seek out the Lorak. His vision is justice, yet he does not judge. His vision is truth. His vision is unclouded.

    Look upon his visage with fear. For in him you shall see yourself.

    His face twisted in pain, as your soul is twisted with guilt. His aura dark as night, as your past deeds have blinded you to right.

    Know that the path your on is your choosing. The glass does not sweat. It weeps for the small piece of your soul you have deemed unnessasary in its drinking.

    Drink is like a paved road in which grows a tree. During this time the rocks will sing and the sun will beckon. Look for these signs! For they fortail the end of days. The Lorak will walk upon the earth, and the pizza delivery guy will forget your soda.

    Know this and be judged

    Lorak the loathed

  5. Leeo,

    You to sorry to even be considred a loser.

    Yes, I will admit to having drunk my share of Malt Liquor when I was young( read to young to buy , so would settle for anything). I have indeed spent many a teenage weekend hung over on some cheep King Cobra and its ilk. But, when I grew old enough to buy for myself. I also had gotten old enough to know the diffrence between good and paint thinner. A diffrence you have yet to learn or accept.

    So while most of us will admit drinking ****e when we were young. No one but a complete moron whould admit to choosing to buy and drink that ****e.

    Hell even our homless winos around here have better taste than you are admitting.

    Lorak the loathed

  6. Ahh what a wonderfull thread this has turned out to be.

    A nice Gin has its place. But a single-malt in my opionion beats gin hands down.

    I do happen to have a really nice clear beverage chilling at home. Not sure exactly what you would call it.... but when done right it is very smooth.

    (**note**: make sure you know who your buying from, blindness is to steep a price)

    I think I'll have to go home and open a pint when I get home tonight.

    Now for my duty.







    Later Gits

    Lorak the loathed

  7. My, What an interesting development we have had.

    Tome updats:





    I have to admit that I really love creativity. MrSpkr's plot on the outer boards was very well done. He was also weaving a decent little tail in the pool also. It seems this one has the makings of a fine pooligan. Notice that not only did he provide us with an interesting story... (which I might add had Mouse get beat. But he was sly and deveant enough to include YK2 , Speedbump and Leeo in its telling.

    YK2 (because every good story needs a strong female)

    BUT! His most cunning move was drawing attention to three male characters. All of whom had reached thier limits for promotion to knighthood. He was sutle that he did this without even mentioning it. A true spawn that should make even Berli grin.

    So it is with great loathing that I scribe:

    Sir MrSpkr

    Sir Leeo

    Sir Speedbump

    onto the Knights page in the sacred tome.

    Now for some personal info. I have been long overdue in returning turns to Moriarty and Mace.( Funny that I have like 12 games going and these are the only people that have sent me turns...).

    Things here at work have just sucked as of late. But I do see some light at the end of this tunnel. I will do my best to have turns sent out this weekend(monday morning at the latest).

    I'll also send the latest turn I have to the people I have not heard from. They can decide whether or not they wish to continue.

    ** Here it is, 20:30 on a saturday night, and I am still at work. Damn I know our headquarters is in Hell(chicago). But damned if I knew Berli(satan) wouldn't even make exceptions for CM play**

    Lorak the loathed

  8. Sigh...

    I'v been slaving in this living hell that I didn't even think Berli could imagine. This so called invention called work is about to drive me past the breaking point today. But I could not let this vile nonsense of declairing the great literary device, that is the "GOR" series, a joke. Tarl Cabot of Ko-Ro-Ba was a God compaired to you little priest kings. Bah! I say! and Feh!

    Lorak the loathed


    I also have a confession for father Peng. As I was standing outside watching the latest group of people carry thier boxes out. Never to return. I had a moment of sadness for them and thiers. Then I just pictured them all as Mouse and it did quickly turn into a "sucks to be you" state of mind. But I need forgivness for that moment of weakness.

    [ 06-20-2001: Message edited by: Lorak ]

  9. ..a lone figure gallops up to the door...

    Lorak "You called for me imp?"

    eritee "Yes master, I have recieved several messages in your absense."

    Lorak"lets see them"

    eritee hands over a stack of notes

    Lorak "Bahh! You called me back from evermeet for this!"

    eritee cowers as Lorak backhands him accross the face with his mailed glove

    Lorak " <laughing> So Seanachai wishes me to inscribe a game against an infidale? Seems His brain has still not thawed from this past winter... Humm a missive from Moriarty, written in blood, no doubt his own. Who has he lost to this time... ahh Aitken, no surprise there. Two more...by the slime I assume they have the Pods name upon them.. yes, so it is. A win against Elvis amd a loss vs Mark IV..."

    Lorak "god how i wish just once I would get some news that is mildly suprising! A win by Phan! A short post by Seanachai. Hell even a note stating that Berli was seen wearing ear muffs."

    Lorak raises up and rakes his spurs accross eritee's face for good measure

    Lorak "Go fetch my book fool! So I can be done with this and away."

    eritee "right away Lord, here it is Lord, oh, and one more missive has came in."

    Lorak "Damn! Another?! OK, lets see.... <laughing> So that fool Seanachai is going to take over sponsership for panzer leader.. Hell maybe this wasn't a wasted trip at all."

    Lorak sits down to inscribe the runis. This is done mindlessly as he thinks upon greater pleasures, like seeing all those below him(everyone) flayed alive with rusty toe-nail clippers.....

    Lorak the loathed

    [ 06-18-2001: Message edited by: Lorak ]

  10. Umm, very well and interesting.

    Why is it that the old ones go away to some crapy area to hold thier talks? Makes me damn happy that I go to evermeet to hold mine, of couse my conversations are with myself. That is, when I have them. Sometimes I just grab a bite to eat and take a nap. Yep you remember that time you treked out accross those hills to the tower of Helm and had a picninc. Why of course I do. Lovely day it was, remember it like yesterday... maybe it was yesterday? Or was yesterday special because they served blue jello in the cafe? No... Jello was orange yesterday, I do remember that much.... I must think on this then.....

    Tome updates:

    Shandorf-win by Forfit






    OH, by the by.

    While I was on my trip (the one without my laptop, grrr).

    I did manage to read a pretty good book. "the bear and the dragon" by Tom Clancy.

    Took me a while to realize it, but he based his chacters on the cesspool!!!

    It took place all over the world(like the pool)

    There was a general Peng with china, (Peng)

    A Col. Garvey with the Americans (me, obviously)

    and some american named Dick (the rest of you guys)

    Pretty amazing isn't it?

    Lorak the loathed

  11. Oh my. Oh my.

    This is almost funny.

    First Panzerleader says that I can't be nominated as a punishment. Umm,whatever. That is actualy a blessing!

    To set aside several months or playing grog after grog with no sense of humors? No thank you! Only one listed so far I have played that actualy made the game fun was Fionn, and hell you'd only play him on time.

    No actualy I would have to follow Elvis's lead and cast my vote for Shandorf.

    Hearing about Fionn shoving rockets up his arse last game was funny as hell. Hopefully this would be an opertunity to read more of the same.

    The other reasons are obvious.

    4) He is the only knight who has ask to play.

    X) He states it as a case of wanting revenge(always a good reason)

    &^%) Who the hell really cares?

    The only problem I detected was in the way he ask for our blessing. The boasting and record thing were just too much. Would have been much better simple stated

    "I want another shot at Fionn and plan to kick some major arse to get there!"

    That would have came accross much better. But considering where he lives we shouldn't have expected any better.

    Lorak the loathed

  12. Ok, so the bard wants some kind of crap poetry...I'll see what I can come up with quick.

    Welcome to the Pool my friends,

    waltz into our humble abode.

    I realize it is called the cesspool,

    but it really is not a comode.

    The Pool to us is a metaphore,

    it's suface reflects our lives.

    Although we like to live in it,

    only a fool would take a dive.

    It's Dark depths mirror our conscience,

    instead of algae, here we grow wit.

    The main boarders think we are crazy,

    and we think thier full of ****e.

    Ok, hopefully that will get the bard off my back...for a day or so.

    Tomb updates:

    Mark IV-win








    and what damn tourney do I keep hearing about? Why pray tell do we in the pool even give a rats arse? Everone of us knows that wins/loses don't mean ****e, god forbid we care what the outer boardies think.

    Lorak the loathed

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