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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. Ahh,

    Grettings Oh Bastards of the pool. (and our ladies if they happen to stop by)

    Tome updates:



    Joe Shaw-win






    Iskander has been promoted to a knight of the pool. He has met the requirments yada yada yada.... more bs.

    My Game updates:

    Iskander... although now a full knight. He is dying in droves. This should be over soon, and I don't think either side will even have enough men left for burial detail.

    Elvis... This Meeks creation has really gotten out of control. I have resorted to buring buildings in the snow just to stay warm. Sadly all my men around that building have not the need for warmth any longer.

    Goanna... The gamey one is still hiding. As gamey as he is I figure he has done something horrible like claiming the VL flags.

    Moriarty...and I are still runing around in Berli's twisted vision of hell...nough said.

    Croda the llama... unlike myself, he can't handle two diffrent games at once. I'll be sure to point out that he sucks at tribes as bad as CM once I find him on-line. All his base will belong to me. WOOT.

    Tribes 2... although not a CM game, I am in a battle of addiction for my very soul. Lucky for me I have already sold it to CM. So it can only have the leftovers... or what Berli dumps in the trash.

    Lorak the loathed

    [ 04-26-2001: Message edited by: Lorak ]

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat:

    So the chaff is slowly being sifted from the wheat?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    Unlike you Mr.Rat I can infact keep track of two games installed at the same time. I am a game whore. Thats why I bought a PC and not a Mac (no flame wars please).

    Tome update:


    Mark IV-draw

    My games....

    I am either dying, fixing to die, or trying to pull off a draw.

    Lorak the loathed

  3. Took a little vacation (fishing).

    Fishing sucked. But there was a nice Irish pub serving all the corned beef and guinness you could eat/drink.

    Tome updates:









    Joe Shaw-draw


    CRODA... I was thinking that you were totally usless. Well... you still are. But at least you have the great taste to play Tribes 2. While Tribes was one of the most addictive on-line experiences I have ever had. Tribes 2 has grabbed me by the Balls also. I'll be sure to add Croda to my buddy list. I play under Lorak obviously. You can find me whoring around on some public servers (usually day time). I look forward to beating you in the head with a shocklance!

    (Edit): Croda, Since our game was just starting turn 2 I think. If you want to kill that one, thats fine by me. Either way doesn't matter.

    Lorak the loathed

    [ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: Lorak ]

  4. Ahh for a little tome update.

    Haven't been posting a whole lot because I've became addicted to "Tribes 2"... I know it is sacralege. But at least I do still get all my PBEM turns sent back on time. Actualy all it really menas is I waste more time playing games than normal.

    Meeks picture added top-right photo page 4.















    As for Auga becoming a knight...... not yet.

    I am a finiky bitch and my rules are well..made up mostly. But one that I find works well, (even though some thought it was stupid when I made it up), is a minimum of 5 games in the pool to become a knight. In lew of a Squire match.

    Now sod off you gits.

    Lorak the loathed

  5. Hey Mace,

    Being a big Rogue Spear player myself I understand how addicting that is also.

    Tribes is umm... diffrent. It really is hard to explain but for team play I have yet to find anything that comes close to it.

    Granted it is sci-fi and not reality based. But the capture the flag modes, sieg, defending your base, ect...

    Takes some good statagey thoughts along with a quick eye and trigger. One of the few FPS's (like rogue spear) that is not just a click fest. Not to mention the flying vehicles, ground cars ect..

    You really should check it out.


  6. Ahh, another damn monday.

    Tome update:











    Sigh.. What a boring week at the McGarvey household. Through some strange twist of fate I wasn't brought up as Catholic. Oh No! I am one of those Irish-Moravians. What the hell is that you ask? No one knows. some strange Bastard thought it would be funny to grow up Irish and go to a German based church. What it means to me is this. Getting up in the middle of the night and wandering around the graveyard until sun-rise. Sadly all this does is remind me of how poorly I am doing in all my PBEm games. Fate is indeed a fickle bitch and she does in deed hate me.

    For my sad little Game updates.

    Moriarty and I are still playing this Bastard scenario designed by Berli. I can imagine the twinkle in his eye as Moriarty fills him in on the details at work. My take on it. After about 20 turns, (out of 60), I am as lost as I was when it started.

    Elvis threw a nice little Meeks made nightmare my way. Lessons learned. German assault troops are damn deadly at close range (even without ammo). I suck, it shows.

    Iskander has found out that when I dig in...I dig in. I'm dying, he is too. He has more men.

    Mace has decided to wait for me to blunder into him before he starts blowing my guys all to hell. Sounds like a good plan. One I'm sure I'll help him out with very soon.

    Croda has taken a small vacation. Thats fine by me. Longer he takes... the longer I can hold out hopes that I don't embarass myself.....again.

    Hakko and Goanna are still in prison it seems.

    I believe the rest of my games are with non-poolers. So they don't count. Lucky for me ! Because I am just as bad playing them as I am playing you.

    Remember with us people of Irish blood, Death is not just a obsession or a hobby, it is our genepools passtime !

    Lorak the loathed

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

    ...take my sheep back away from you and then bitch-slap you with your fish!" Stunned, Gustav then recovered and said, "Well if that isnt the ****? I get a business going with your sorry ass and you get all upset about some silly thing about something called a '100th post'. That'll be the last time I do anything with you, unless...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Can at least work out some kind of Time-share for the sheep and fish. That wool really came in handy as I was hiding from The RA so I wouldn't have to eat worm salad here at school. Hell with out the sheep I'll be forced to ...

  8. Speaking of Fords I thought I would throw out a little information.

    In one of the Tank books I have it list Fording as one of the Specs.

    In WWII it looks like the majority of tanks had a fording of about 1 meter or less (around 3.25 feet).Some even down around .7 meters(2.5 feet) or less.

    Some exceptions are:


    Jagdpanther: 1.7 meters (5.57 feet)

    Panther: 1.7 meters (5.57 feet)

    Tiger: 1.56 meters (5.1 feet)

    Tiger II: 1.63 meters (5.24 feet)


    Centurion: 1.45 meters (4.75 feet)

    Comet: 1.21 meters (4 feet)

    Cromwell: 1.21 meters (4 feet)

    Challenger: 1.21 meters (4 feet)


    M26 Pershing: 1.21 meters (4 feet)


    BT7: 1.56 meters (5.1 feet)

    T-34/76: 1.37 meters (4.5 feet)

    T-34/85: 1.3 meters (4.28 feet)

    All the rest (after a quick search) fall into the 3 feet or under.

    Maybe some of you guys in Europe who are around some Fords can put the fording dephts listed to some use.


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:


    Gamey!?! It is an abstract rendition of the vagaries of war, dammit. Gamey? GAMEY?!?! What the bloody freaking hell is this limited vocabulary you have? It's desperate, it's chaotic, it's bloody, it's war, you mook, there's a thousand adjectives that describe it and 'gamey' isn't one of them.

    Oh and 'The Universe of Battle' isn't some kind of hokie sci-fi name for it, rather it's a phrase from the American Civil War referring to the period during which there was constant fighting with no let up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    LMAO Meeks.

    So nice of you to get so worked up before the week end.

    Maybe Gamey was to harsh of a word. Insane.. Yes I think Insane would work better. For the life of me I can't see why you would even bother putting some units on the map. Some units that obviously are there for no other purpose than to be shot to hell with no way to defend themselves. I would go into more detail, but several are playing and I am not going to spoil anything.

    Looks like it will be fun, but some things only a rabid Hamster could have thought of.

    As for the "TTFN". I thought it ment "Take That F*cking Numbskull"

    and I am pretty damn sure I am not english. Over here we can still eat steak. We have enough grass that we don't need to feed our cattle dead cow milkshakes.

    Lorak the loathed

  10. Having recieved and processed a turn of Meek's nightmare (playing against Elvis)... I will have to say it looks interesting.

    Looks really gamey, really bloody, but also looks like it will be a lot of fun. Much like riding around in a john boat beating catfish with baseball bats.

    TTFN Bastards

    Lorak the loathed

    P.S. Am I the only unlucky SOB that had to work today? I hate you all, almost as much as myself.

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

    As I remember it the last time I played Lorak I left him twitching in a pool of shame.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Really? I am not one to say someone is full of ****... But, either your full of **** or I was too drunk to remember a turn of the game played.

    Now. In an odd and obviusly ill concieved idea on my part. I will admit that man for man in our last game your guys kicked my guys arse's. But, (and a big but it is), played to conclusion with no thought of casualties or the press of time. I am pretty sure (80%) that I would have won.

    I would label the result as a draw. We both had some people chewed up ,(myself more, but as attacker that is a given), and we both accomplished what we wanted.

    Now as for the game we just started. I'll lose. Not for lack of trying though. More due to the fact that Lady Luck is a bitch and hates me.

    Lorak the loathed

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

    ...of getting a coldie from a fridge, served at the temperature that beer should be kept and served...ice cold!

    Sheesh, if we wanted to drink something at room temperature, we would be drinking water from the tap, and we all know what fish do in water, don't we?

    Besides, the only thing dingos are good for are...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    getting rid of the evidence when one of Mace's wives escapes. At that moment Lorak realized that he agreed with Mace that even Guinness is better served in a frost covered mug. Sometimes even with a shot of raseberry liquor mixed in. This caused Lorak great stress and he ran to his shrink to...

  13. Ahhh.

    So Herr Declan the file has indeed arrived. I look forward to crushing your pathetic little attempts at tactics.

    Imagine having someone taking a grinding tool to your teeth. Then when you have only broken nubs left... that same person pulling your nerves out with needle nose pliars and pouring lemon juice in the empty pits.

    That sir is the pain you will feel while playing the Lorak !!!

    {at least thats how I feel watching my troops blunder into ambush after ambush}

    Lorak the loathed

    [ 04-12-2001: Message edited by: Lorak ]

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

    ...in far off Australia, Mace retched all over his keyboard, the thought of that vulgar brew being drank by a discerning drinker beyond comprehension.

    But then again we are talking about MrSpkr, who's taste is in his...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Stout is obviously a hell of a lot better than Mace's. But aussies, used to drinking warm dingo piss, were still way ahead of Mace who thought a good drink consisted of .....

    [ 04-12-2001: Message edited by: Lorak ]

  15. I agree mostly with the Flag comment.

    Defense isn't really too bad. The problem is that the random flag placment often times forces you to defend an area that no one would normally defend.

    Only way around this is to really have your maps built by a third party. At least thats what I do.

    Other trap that I notice a lot of new people falling into is trying to defend everything. The game often gives out a lot of flags based on points. As a defender if you try to defend all the flags you have already lost. Try to pick out the higest total value of flags that are close enough together for you to actualy defend. If it means leaving a small flag or two open, so be it.

    The other biggest factor in defending is the time limit of the games. The longer the time limit, the bigger the benifit to the attacker. I find that on most normal Defensive maps 20-30 turns should be the max(for 1000-1500 points). Anything longer than that gives the attacker too much time to coordinate his attack and after a while you just will not have enough men left to hold enough positions to win reguardless.

    Just my .02


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