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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. Hey Loser....err.. Jackarse..errr.... Elvis.

    Since the only game we have played to date was unofficial. I wouldn't mind taking the losss I would have recieved had that one been logged.

    If you are Gamey..err Game Just pick a side and send me the setup.

    By the way. Did you ever get my reply to your e-mail on our other game?

    Lorak the loathed

  2. My God what is the world coming too?

    My co-workers decided to tape the sad Guinness news upon my monitor for me today.

    Lucky for me I did have a couple of pints last night after work.

    Tome update:



    Deke Fentle-win (how can a "whuppn' boy" win?)

    Leeo-loss (oh, that explains it.)

    In other news...... DAMN! I can't think of any other news!

    How damn Wrong is it for Irish Guinness workers to go on stike? ON fecking Easter weekend !!!!

    Cripes! I would rather have my eyes scraped out with Dalem's nasty ingrown toe-nails!

    Sigh... I'll be back later with some more useless rambling

    Lorak the loathed


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

    It very rarely infects across to humans (only a few documented cases), but it is extremely contagious to livestock, and causes a high mortality rate in younger animals.

    btw...I did a search ;)


    Yes Mace,

    Two questions:

    1) Since it isn't really fatal to adult animals, why destory them?

    2) What has a higher mortality rate among young animals? The disease? or being shot reguardless?


  4. Rune,

    You should just come out and say that beta testers are actualy a part of the BTS Illuminati. Ye ole BTS lodge 1939.

    illuminati -- \il-.u:-m*-'na:t-e-\ n [it & NL; It, fr. NL, fr. L, pl. of illuminatus] pl cap 1: any of various groups claiming special enlightenment 2: persons who are or who claim to be unusually enlightened.

    Beta Testers -- \be ta test ers\ [pl. of Beta tester] 1: any of various groups claiming special enlightenment 2: persons who are or who claim to be unusually enlightened.

    Coincidence? I think not.


  5. umm, nice that the forum is getting back to normal, or what passes for normal anyway.

    Small little tome update:





    Yes GiTom and I fought to a long and bitter end. The result being a lousy draw. I should be gratefull considering that until the very last turn my axis boys looked in dire need of help. But alais, Tommies in a corn field don't stand up to well to fire it seems. Thus allowing me to eek out a Draw. As gamey as GiTom's play was it really was the closest game I have been involved in. Lorak-47 and GiTom-48

    The rest of my games are going on as planned (with me losing).

    Iskander... is still blasting away at my infantry with his sherman.

    Moriarty... seems we both decided to just sit and stare at each other this turn.

    Croda... is still hiding, well as much as you can hide armor parked out in open fields.

    Mace...let me make it through a whole turn with out blowing something of mine up.

    Goanna and Hakko... have obviously became bunk mates in that turkish prison.

    I believe that is all for now... if not? who really cares?

    Lorak the loathed

  6. A HAHAHHA You useless wankers!

    My net connection at home is now up and running again! So you can all drop to your knees and beg for mercy like the mangy mutts you are.

    I managed to get all my backlogged game turns sent out today.

    A small update for your viewing pleasure.

    GiTom... Game is on its last turn. It is a sad day indeed when all I have to hope for is a draw. I do find his gamey tactics of shooting my guys and contolling flags highly revolting.

    Iskander... Has decided on the "bum rush" tactic. I wouldn't mind so much if I had anyone left alive to defend against it.

    Croda... Has given me the defense on a map that no one in thier right mind would defend on.

    Mace...Has given me some kind of strange scenario that has me worried. I have a lot of american armor... which means this must be a test scenario of german AT guns.

    Goanna... taking a little time of thinking how gamey he must appear giving me the polish.

    Hakko... still in that turkish prison.

    All in all some nice little games going on right now in the pool. And better still they all appear to be keeping my losing record on the uprise.

    Lorak the loathed

  7. Ahh, so good to be posting again.

    A little Lorak news. ISP is out again at my house, (still trying to fix the storm damage). Hopefully I'll get all my turns out tonight.

    Tome updates:


    Joe Shaw-draw




    Herr Oberst-loss







    Thats about all I have time for now. I be sure to stop back in a little while to bore you all to tears.

    Lorak the loathed

  8. Greetings.

    I have noticed a lot of topics popping up about diffrent tanks and programs.

    I thought I would remind people of the great article that Fionn wrote a while back. While I'm sure a lot of people have read it.

    I doubt many of the new people that join our board know about it our the other great articles that are on CMHQ.

    Title is : "Soviet Tank Development"

    You can find it under the articles link at CMHQ http://www.combatmission.com



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  9. I would have to say yes.

    I tend to play with what ever is given, weather or unit wise. Of course I am kind of strange in that I don't care if I lose or not. Trying to do the best with whatever I have in what ever conditions is all I try to do.

    So Yes I like playing in Mud, rain, snow, night, fog, ect.

    The same way I like being given odd ball units that I might not normal pick for myself.

    Sure it might be a lot harder to win, or maybe even impossible, but thats not the point. The point is trying and learning new things... and having a lot of fun doing it.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  10. Tome Update,



    Ahh and now for another boring update from me...The Lorak.

    Moriarty...Umm, I have just ran out of things to say about this lovely Berli map. Basically we just run around and shoot at anything that moves.

    Iskander... I have never seen a more gamey use of artillery in my life. Like the allies really ever used it.

    GiTom... One turn to go, and I believe I'll have to add another loss to my record. I will add it in protest since he used the gamey tactic of holding the flags.

    Mace... Just started a lovely little wild bill scenario called "watch Lorak weep". Should be exciting!

    Croda... We haven't really started, but I am defending indefensive terrain. Obviously Gamey as I can feel my inner Croda sending out spy reports when I sleep.

    Hakko... still in prison....

    Thats about all you unwashed wretches.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  11. Wilhammer,

    Thank you for bringing this thread to my attention. I haven't tried the battle yet, and I have never really played with the flak trucks either. I really need to check this out.

    Thanks again for the heads up



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  12. Oh Goody!

    A scottish pommie thread. I think you should stop discussing David's shoe collection. Instead you should focus on why he insist on wearing a mini-kilt. Nice little mid-thigh number with argyle fishnets. Lovely piece of work that is.

    In other news. My power is back on and I believe I got turns out to everyone that should recieve one.

    Happy Birthday Pawbroon

    and welcome back Kitty

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  13. Greetings you unwashed wretches.

    Duty First....

    Tome update.



    Herr Oberst-win


    Mark IV-draw















    Sadly I have none. It seems that fate has once again looked upon me and spat. We had some bad storms here this weekend... and what happened? Let me tell you. I live in a area where all of our lines are buried. Storm safe, or so it would seem. But no! I am the Lorak and thus forced to live in a world that hates me and all I stand for. A nice oak decided to shed some limbs during our nice 60 mph winds and hail. What are the chances that that large arsed limb would fall on the junction box in my back yard? You see, thats just it. It doesn't matter. Because fate will quide events like that to however they can cause me the most grief.

    So after these nice storms, hail, and trees uprooted. In my whole area, My house (and the horse stable next door), are the only places with no power.

    So... Did I get to play CM this weekend? NO!

    Watch TV? NO

    Do anything? NO

    My life truly sucks. I did have plently of time to think upon my life and I have decided that I infact am a lot more boring than Shaw or Seanachai.

    Needless to say that I did spend a few moments this weekend at the pub. The only port with light in the storm of my life. Oh, But I learned. I leaned I am a loser. That I truly do suck at almost everything I try my hand at.

    Oh, and that a shot of rasberry liquor in your guinness taste pretty good.

    Truly I am loathed.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  14. Ok, a quick Tome update:





    Lawyer has been added as "Consigliori"

    Game progress...

    Moriarty... Map is still pure hell. But I find I don't get as nervous if I can't see my guys dying.

    Iskander... Still being an artillery dropping, gamey ,SOB.

    GiTom... Few turns to go, Flags are all in the open no-mans land. We are now recreating a famous Civil war charge it seems.

    Croda and Goanna...

    I got a stange error when sending the turns to you today. Could you reply if you recieved them? If not I'll re-send them when I get home.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  15. Leeo,

    While a nice try and all...

    The Mad Bald one has decreed that this is the new thread.

    "..and the essence of Peng did screech down from the heavens, leaving behind it a multitude of huddled masses where they fell. Eyes locked forever in a death stare so intense, and there bodies froze in a gize so horrible, that they all looked like croda."

    ---From the "Book of Peng. King Loraks translation"

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