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Posts posted by Lorak

  1. Herr Poolers,

    To show that I kan kut and paste as well as the next.

    so for a more german feel... 99luftballons{sheesh}

    I give you Rammstein:

    Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erden

    wird nach dem Tod ein Engel werden

    den Blick gen Himmel fragst Du dann

    warum man sie nicht sehen kann

    Erst wenn die Wolken schlafen gehen

    kann man uns am Himmel sehen

    wir haben angst und sind allein

    Gott wieb ich will kein Engel sein

    Sie leben hinterm Sonneschein

    getrennt von uns unendlich weit

    sie müssen sich an Sterne krallen

    damit sie nicht vom Himmel fallen

    Erst wenn die Wolken schlafen gehen

    kann man uns am Himmel sehen

    wir haben angst und sind allein

    Gott wieb ich will kein Engel sein

    Erst wenn die Wolken schlafen gehen

    kann man uns am Himmel sehen

    wir haben angst und sind allein

    Gott wieb ich will kein Engel sein



  2. Herr Poolers,

    Tome updates:

    Mark IV-draw


    Mensch-2 vins

    Meeks-2 loses



    The draw between meeks/hiram was rekorded earlier.

    Mace's rekord has been korected


    Got mittens

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 02-07-2001).]

  3. **********************************************************************

    POOL Announcment

    We are approching Page 20.

    The Bald one ask us to Fill in the pit and dig another one at the point from now on.

    So We have one page to go in this one.

    Just reminding everyone.



    [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 02-07-2001).]

  4. Ok, Yahoo is still a piece of crap.

    But I think I was able to upload the changes.

    Tome Updates:

    New Pictures of Moriarty and Wildman &son.



    Mark IV-win








    Berli's address on the knights page is now fixed.

    Game updates:

    Moriarty,Germanboy,Hakko,and GiTom- winning


    About sums it up.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  5. Ahh, losers.

    Just to advise you that I have been writing the game updates down. Sadly Yahoo in thier great wisdom is not allowing me to update anything this evening... so don't bug me.

    Busy weekend, but I finally got all my turns out today. I hope the ugliness that are my tactics found you all well.

    Now... quick question.

    Since I am so into grog porn I bought a web cam today. Does anyone else here use one?

    If so I could post a conference list on my site too.

    Lorak the loathed.


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  6. Cripies,

    Leave for a day, come back, get hit with a brick.

    First point:

    I really hope no hard feelings are shared by any in this latest fiasco.

    Second Point:

    I think both parties in this incident and several others in incidents in the past have gone a little overboard. Due to the spoty moderating of this thread ,(no offense to Matt or the others, just a lot of postings for them to monitor), I think this was a classic case of the second player throwing the punch getting caught. I even believe Kitty would admit to going way graphicaly overboard lately.

    Third point:

    Really I have none. I guess we just need to continue being civil.

    As you all know Croda has started a forum up. I am wondering If it might be better to actualy move the Peng thread there?

    I was thinking that the cesspool has evolved into a gaming club more than anything.

    So We could look at Croda's More as the

    "cesspool gaming forum"

    Where...egads... there could be more than one thread.

    We could have a taunting thread of course.

    But also talk about other games, maybe even fight in some of those like steel Beasts, Have a squire thread for people wantig to join... ect..

    Turn the Cesspool into something more than just taunting. I'd obviously link to it from my page.

    This would also allow us to self moderate ourselves. Something we lack the ability to do here. But even if things get out of hand, It will not be on BTS's private forum.

    You know we all have each others e-mail, so we could take this private, but i wanted to post my thoughts on the matter.

    I'm not saying abandon this forum, just that it might be better to rearrange our posting habits.

    Lorak the loathed.

    ps. in case you missed it.

    Croda's forum is here.


  7. Cripes!

    Just went to that thread...

    Hell he even has Fionn posting in that thing now.

    I wonder if talonsoft knows the horror they have unleashed upon themselves...

    Ahh,, yes Peng thread has gone global...

    Lorak the loathed..


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  8. Trooper,

    I find it kind of historicaly funny that Ireland still has females in Front line positions.

    I have several books on Irish history, and all of them expound the ability of Irish women in combat over the centuries. In fact when people came to invade them they made it a point to explain how dangerous the Irish women were. Haven't dug far enough back on The Celts in general, but have found several entrees of Celtic women swordmasters that run schools for training the men.

    Just a bit of rambeling....


  9. Ahh... Moriarty,

    I haven't even begun to show you how bad I can lose. You'll have futher proof shortly, as soon as the first movie, most likely.

    Tome update:



    Tis sad being the Lorak.. Seems I can not escape being hounded by Meeks on Matts chat server everynight before bed.

    So I have agreed to give him a TCP/IP game this evening.

    As a side bet...we have the following.

    If I win: Meeks sends in a picture of him and his girl.

    If Meeks wins: I have to place a war section on the cesspool site saying how much we hate the Krew and all the stupid gits that might end up there.

    Seemed decent to me. But as I am an idiot... what do I know?

    For my games....

    Germanboy... Is still Dying, but he is doing it with style. In fact I may even decide to lose this one.

    Moriarty... It seems that both of us are out to prove how bad we really are... How low can a Draw score be? 1-1?

    Hakko....I'm really looking forward to this little map made by Germanboy. Oh, I'm sure I'll lose. But nice sceanery helps.

    GiTom... Thanks just because I cheated and moved the flags, that I might win. Hogwash. I can lose no matter what.

    Wilhammer... Not of the pool.. But he is beating my arse so bad, I just had to post it. Does Moriartys ego some good.


    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  10. Originally posted by The Commissar:

    ...pranced out of the room and into the nearby screening of the Jerry Springer show. Once there, under the approving hollers of the trailer trash audience, it proceeded to trounce a buck-toothed hillbilly for sleeping with its sister - the previously never-revealed Uber-tank which had the amazing ability to...

    Play Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" while puffing smoke out of its hatch. It also had a secondary abilty that was.....

  11. Slappy,

    yep you just submit the cease fire order alnog with your move. Then the opposing player either accepts or declines. If he also hits ceasefire the battle ends. If he doesn't... Oh well.

    One thing to remember is that the Ceasefire hot key works as a toggle switch. So if you hit it again later, it actualy turns it off.

    Best to let your foe know that you have entered a ceasefire request and let him write back stating that he accepted it or not.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    and for Kitty's sake


  12. *** Service announcment ***

    Someone needs to consider starting a New Peng Thread soon. Seems we start causing the Forum problems now if we get over about 25-30 pages.

    Figure we could take it upon ourselves to be our own moderators instead of waiting for the Mad one to lock us down.

    Just a thought.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    Lorak's FTX

    and for Kitty's sake


  13. Quick little update until I can waste more time later.

    There is a new group pic on page 4.

    Peng, Elvis, and Hiram during a night of drinking... and um...you can guess.

    The picture sent in was good. sadly it loses some detail in the cutting and re-sizing.

    For My games:

    Germanboy.... this game is still ugly, I believe it was a Rune creation, so what do you expect.

    Hakko... Just getting started on this nice little map by Germanboy.Seems like it will be hell soon enough though.

    GiTom... Due to a clerical error by his intelligence staff, has started his attack well short of the objectives.

    Moriarty... Berli is just a low down sack of pig ****e. This has to be one of the most screwed up maps I have ever seen. It is so bad... that I might move Moriarty's and My Name back to the squire list.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    Lorak's FTX

    and for Kitty's sake


  14. I really have nothing important to say.

    I just finished doing my set up for a nice game with Moriarty.

    Now taken that this map was created by Berli.... I just had to pop in and tell Berli how much I hate him.

    This is the damn, darkest, dankest, jigzaw map I've seen in a long long time.



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    Lorak's FTX

    and for Kitty's sake


  15. Ahh So true Joe,

    We accept pretty much everyone... Providing they understand what the are trying to join.

    We enjoy taunting first and foremost. But it has to be clever and well done. It also needs to be at least in good taste. Well, as good as you would expect when telling someone what a low life git thier parents raised.

    Obscure also works wonders, making crazy links to obscue poetry, literature, and or historical events is also a plus.

    You see we get our kicks above the waistline sunshine.

    Lorak the loathed


    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    Lorak's FTX

    and for Kitty's sake


  16. Maj Bosco,

    As for Tungsten use.. I really have no problem with the way it is modeled now. BTS has made tungsten a little less deadly, but has programed the units to use it more. It only makes sense for units to use what they have.

    The whole point argument started with Players upset at the seemingly lopsided armor points avalible to the two sides when playing a combined force quick battle.

    I'm a long time supporter of using what you have to the best of your ability. What most people wanted was just for both sides to be totally even.

    After BTS chimed in and gave thier reasons for the what they did, and how they designed it. I really didn't mind to much. Just a matter of knowing what you are going to have to work with and changing tactics acordingly.

    As for side and battle preference. I prefer the Germans, but I am usually the allies in 75% of my games. I play almost soley PBEM games, but plan on playing TCP/IP when time premits. I prefer double blind scenarioes. But QB's are the norm.

    I hope this topic doesn't degrade to a flame fest. I honestly believe that it hard at first because the change hit people flat footed. Personaly, while at first hitting the german player where he notices it most (in the armor). I think with the added infantry it balances out. In my games as the Germans, it has forced me to play diffrent and learn to really use infantry forces correctly.

    Just my .02



    "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



    Lorak's FTX

    and for Kitty's sake


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