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von shrad

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Everything posted by von shrad

  1. Sorry I have not been able to return turns. Last Monday my modem was taken out by lightning and I was unable to get on-line. Things are fixed now and I will be returning your turns shortly.
  2. You are probably right but,they could have advanced with the infantry. The tank was taken out already and it could have been surrendering from afar. There are plenty of close pictures of action. I am not doubting you Lee, yet many did risk their life in action. Maybe it was from a telescopic lens
  3. Lewis I think that is a great way to deal with finding hull down if they decided to add that function but, I'm not sure if they should put in such a feature. One of the good aspects of not having a 'seek hull down' command is the realistic aspect of commanders not really knowing if they are hull down to a target or not. You assume you are well placed but you cant be sure. A sneeking infantry unit 'thinks' its being quiet and unseen but it never knows if it really is On the other hand it does not necessarily need to be used just for hull down purposses. It could be used for creeping around a building etc. But again it uses unreal steps to ascertain the desired effect. If your tank shouldnt be able to see a point, you shouldnt be able to command it to seek it out specifically. Hmmmm....I am just not sure. How do others feel? PS. a good idea none the less [This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 07-09-2000).]
  4. I dont think there is any difference between units of the same experiance but, with the fuzzy logic and many different outcomes possible it can appear that way. It does seem like a hot unit stays hot although its probably just luck. VS GO CARDS!
  5. Really Bastables? How did you know that?
  6. I'll kick your ass at 'Bumper Balls' and 'Shy Guy Says'! sorry couldnt resist VS
  7. You know the Rams got new logo's. Have you seen them? It is supposed to look like one bad-ass beast. Instead I think it looks like a pissed off, half-drunk jackass with his head stuck in a bucket.
  8. Queen's 'Another one bites the dust' seems appropriate for my losing ways.
  9. Kind of sad using the name of a power mad king, that messed up and doomed all of his people to live in a nightmare that he created.... suits me to a tee. ------------------------------------------- lol. Now that is funny! or was it not meant to be? Poor Lorak was so scared of outside interferance in Anslon that he thought himself powerful enough to use the Orb to combat the dragons. Boy was he wrong. BTW, you are credited with the first ever CM chat room. I had some great nights there too. That was back in the day where the community was tight and had an almost special feeling to me. Those days are over forever. Now there are so many new people that I cant keep up with them. Thats what happens with a great product I suppose. I have never been to Matts chatroom, which I'm sure is as good as all the things he brings us. I just dont seem to have the time to chat with all these PBEM file transfers. Oh the good ol' days. VS *sniff* getting sentimental
  10. Damn that Lorak is fast! Hey, wasnt that the Elf from Solice or something like that...Silvinesti? Long time ago!
  11. Are you a bad person? Nobody is judging you for this. We have already done that. Seriously it does affect your score because live prisoners are worth more than...um...dead prisoners.
  12. Look at the road in VoT where the Amis start. The road cant be climed fully. Also, in a QB the comp. created a road that could'nt be driven over by anything. It just says 'slope' and is a forbidden move. I can understand that terrain,even open, cant be climbed for certain reasons. But roads? That doesnt make sense to me. BTW, they were dry.
  13. I am curious why some of the roads up hills can't be traversed by AFV's. It does not seem real to have a road that is so sloped it cannot even be climbed by tracked vehicles. Any explinations? Also, it would be nice to have a tile that could be placed flat (read level) no matter what the elevations to either side are. I want to create a road cutting through and wrapping around the side of a hill but cannot get the effect I am looking for. I propose that the tile quickly slope up or down near the edge (or both as needed)to create a road with steep hills on both sides. I tried but only get a) a wide plateau or a slanted to the side road. Just some thoughts Von Shrad
  14. Artois, Just to clearify one thing; when these guys state their order date, keep in mind the game wasnt available yet. It was still a pre-order.In other words it dosnt take months to recieve. I would guess around 7-10 days. VS
  15. I doubt it will be four years in the making. I would guess around a year or so. But it will come in all its glory (read agony) VS
  16. Hey Babra thats a great idea. I could put in some WAV files too. You know 'why dont you cut the grass' ... 'take out the garbage' ... 'you never play with me' ... And then BLAM!!! Excuse me, I'll be back. I need to go pinch them in their sleep to get that great family casualty WAV. von shrad, sicker than ever ps...did I just say 'sicker'?
  17. You got it SS. Well woth the wait. I am yours tommorow...er..you are mine...uh...YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! I took pictures of my wife and daughter and put them on my monitor so I can remember what they look like.
  18. in game click the 'HOTKEYS' button in the interface to bring up a list of options. and remember, there are no stupid questions......only stupid people
  19. Bad Ju Ju becomes Good Ju Ju. Any relation to the other JuJu on the board?
  20. Sam, I think its on your end. The turn you sent wouldnt go through after 20 attempts. So I dont have it yet BTW.
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