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von shrad

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Everything posted by von shrad

  1. Thanks MOS...I dont think that was the name of it' but I could be wrong. In it, does his squad get chosen to shoot "partisans" much to the dismay of one of the soldiers ordered to carry it out? Although it did seem to end similar to All Quiet...I wish I could remember more of it, as you are a great help around these parts. Thanks MOS, try to get back to me for it is driving me crazy.
  2. PLEASE HELP... On the subject of movies, I awoke to see part of an B/W movie that i liked and I was wondering if anyone could tell me it's name. The lead role was a german soilder who fell in love with a girl of jewish desent and he hid her from athorities. He was on the East Front I believe. At the end of the movie he let a russian? civilian go who turned and shot him. He fell and died and it ended... Any ideas?
  3. I was wondering if the unit bases are going to be more attractive? Its not a big deal but I like to play the game as minitures.Also the current bases cover up much of the graphics when prone. I know, I know,dont fret the small stuff, yet it is important to me.
  4. ship it ....although i guess i should place my order first.
  5. I was wondering if you still get the Tiger print for free now that beta is out? It's not that I'm greedy, just strapped.
  6. Can somebody tell me if i can save the action phase to watch it later w/ this DEMO? I tried to save it while in orders phase after ordering units, but when I play it back, the results change..... i think? Is there a way to save JUST the action phase?
  7. BTS, please understand i like the interface very much. Most of the time i have the camera locked on units and it works great. I just wanted to know if you COULD change the lock feature on the cursor AND be able to switch it back to lock on units ( i.e. a command key). Please forgive my ignorance of programming.I don't know if this is feasible or even possible, yet, If it was possible I think it would be a great addition to the best Wargame to date.Thanks for quick reply...P.S. Could it work?
  8. First of all i would like to say how much i like this game. It does so many things well, both understood and things I am discovering. The only thing I have found as of yet that I think needs consideration has to do with changing the cameras views...When I am viewing a paticular area on the map as to see if I want to move a unit there,I cant change cameras to get different perspectives without changing the cursors position on the map. This is more of a problem when tracing LOS. Many times the desired area is no longer seen, or has changed the LOS path drastically. So then you have to re-trace it and if you change cameras again, you have to do it all over....Therefore I propose that you should be able to lock the camera on the cursor as you can for units. This way we can change views while retaining the exact area on the map. Maybe you can already do this, or maybe there is a reason why this can't be done. Please let me know either way....Thanks, and i love CM. I will order monday morning. Great job!!
  9. moved post to ...BTS, please consider [This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 10-30-99).]
  10. sorry, doubled again [This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 10-24-99).]
  11. CM out halloween?...."Sorry kid's, but halloween's been canceled. What do you think of my new game? Here's a tootsie-roll, now run along."
  12. easyred, I found your sight intresting since i have a neighbor who was a platoon leader in 60th reg. Keep up the good work so others may know of their accomplishments. he came ashore on omaha on 8th ? june and fought through the end of the war never leaving his men . He is a good man who has enlightened me many times..... those eyes tell of horror...
  13. I,ve been lurking on these pages for some time now, waiting for the demo to be released. Yet, i am fully prepared to wait patiently for a product that i feel will be far superior than any of its kind to date. I also believe that Pixman is right in that design features are probably set by now. The design input from this forum is unbelievable!And the willingness and insight of BTS to utilise what i would call a great group of people should be applauded. Your imput , i feel, is what is going to make this a well adjusted debut... and sure to make a more advanced sequel.Keep up the great work BTS and gamers.. Sorry so long... LURK MODE ON..
  14. Anyone intrested in Stalingrad should try to get a hold of Enemy at the Gates by William Craig. The book is out of print now so it may be hard to find.It is a fast moving account of the battle in from civilians caught in the middle, to people of all ranks on both sides.
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