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von shrad

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Everything posted by von shrad

  1. Well the action is ready to begin. The list below is final and there is no room for any more players this time around. Throughout the process of compiling these players there have been problems contacting a few of those who signed up early on. I posted on the forum that I needed confirmation and we couldn't touch base. I am truly sorry for anybody that tried to contact me and could not make it in, I was running out of time and took the first to e-mail me. We will be using version 1.04 to start now instead of 1.03. I have not used it yet so I am unsure to how it has changed. If you are still using 1.03 in ongoing games you can just swap the exe. files between tourney and established ones. We all should start around the same time(Early Sept.) and plan to have our games finished no longer than 2 months, although many games will be much shorter. Please keep in mind that Labor Day is Sept. 4th for us Americans and some will be out of town. If you have to leave make sure your opponents know beforehand to minimize confusion. But here are the match-ups; Note that the * denotes the initiating player All sides were determined with a flip of the coin. Allies= (al) Axis= (ax) _________________________________________ Group A: gaffertape tss Pawbroon Jadayne A1*gaffertape(al) vs. tss(ax) A2 *gaffertape(ax) vs. Pawboon(al) A3 *gaffertape(al) vs. Jadayne(ax) A4 *Pawbroon(ax) vs. tss(al) A5 *Jadayne(ax) vs. Pawbroon(al) A6 *Jadayne(al) vs. tss(ax) ___________________________________________ Group B: Allan BasilD Peter Von Brizee B1 *Allan(al) vs. BasilD(ax) B2 *Allan(ax) vs. Peter(al) B3 *Allan(al) vs. Von Brizee(ax) B4 *BasilD(al) vs. Peter(ax) B5 *BasilD(al) vs. Von Brizee(ax) B6 *Peter(ax) vs. Von Brizee(al) ___________________________________________ Group C: Mensch Stuka von lucke Sledge C1 *Mensch(ax) vs. Stuka(al) C2 *Mensch(al) vs. von lucke(ax) C3 *Mensch(ax) vs. Sledge(al) C4 *Stuka(ax) vs. von lucke(al) C5 *Sledge(ax) vs. Stuka(al) C6 *Sledge(al) vs. von lucke(ax) ___________________________________________ Group D: Cubes Preacher Melloj Pvt. Pike D1 *Cubes(ax) vs. Preacher(al) D2 *Cubes(ax) vs. Melloj(al) D3 *Cubes(al) vs. Pvt.Pike(ax) D4 *Melloj(ax) vs. Preacher(al) D5 *Melloj(ax) vs. Pvt.Pike(al) D6 *Preacher(ax) vs. Pvt.Pike(al) ___________________________________________ Group E: Blue Macs Ted Sneaky THumpre E1 *Blue Macs(ax) vs. Ted(al) E2 *Blue Macs(al) vs. Sneaky(ax) E3 *Blue Macs(al) vs. THumpre(ax) E4 *Sneaky(ax) vs. Ted(al) E5 *Sneaky(al) vs. THumpre(ax) E6 *Ted(ax) vs. THumpre(al) __________________________________________ Group F: Lorak CrossBar DefBungis von shrad F1 *CrossBar(al) vs. Lorak(ax) F2 *DefBungis(al) vs. Lorak(ax) F3 *Lorak(al) vs. von shrad(ax) F4 *CrossBar(al) vs. DefBungis(ax) F5 *CrossBar(ax) vs. von shrad(al) F6 *DefBungis(al) vs. von shrad(ax) __________________________________________ For this round the map will be set to; Farmland Moderate Tree Coverage Modest Hills Also, in this first round players can choose what branch or nationality(or no restriction if surrise is desired) within a given side. The initiating player should send 1 e-mail to their opponent before the game begins, as per rules, stating his nationality/branch (or no restriction) and ask their opponent the same. They should also ask in this e-mail if they want to pick their own forces or let the computer do it for them. ***Remember to check the rules to set the paremeters of this round.*** Below is an Updated E-mail list. Please tell me if your addy has changed. Any Questions? ____________________________________________ 1) von shrad stuka@jcn1.com 2) Lorak lrmcgarvey@yahoo.com 3) Stuka glenna@fan.net.au 4) Preacher regray@mindspring.com 5) Allan allanp@flash.net 6) mensch gregory.mudry@mailcity.com 7) gaffertape shaun_sayer@hotmail.com 8) Sledge sledge@mediaone.net 9) tss tommi.syrjanen@hut.fi 10) Melloj adam-66@home.com 11) BasilD bdavis@abstract-art.com. 12) Peter pzima@bigpond.net.au 13) Def Bungis DEFBUNGIS@aol.com 14) PawBroon marcel.vie@wanadoo.fr 15) Cubes justdoit44@bigpond.com.au 16) CrossBar cjh131@psu.edu 17) sneaky thfamily@sprynet.com 18) Ted tramos@fnol.net 19) Jadayne dougk@volny.cz 20) Blue Macs rich.t@btinternet.com 21) Private Pike private_pike_da@yahoo.co.uk 22) Von Brizee HerrLeutnant@yahoo.com 23) THumpre aewert@Home.com 24) von Lucke blane2@flash.net [This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 08-25-2000).] [This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 08-25-2000).]
  2. I am trying 1 to organize a 2 long 3 post for 4 the NSSB 5
  3. Hey Von Brizee, E-mail me please. Having a problem sending you mail. VS
  4. Andre, This is an old thread. Thats why it appears that I was asking again.
  5. We have almost everybody in place now. There were a couple of cancellations and I have to respond to a couple of people who wanted to join. BTW, I think it should be 1.04 and hopefully we will have TCP soon. It will start at the beginning of Sept. for sure. Preacher, I was wondering where you were. Did you receive the rules? [This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 08-20-2000).]
  6. Mr. NC, Oh how wrong you are. That little 'virgin sacrifice of your half-track revealed no more than a certain death from my well trained Free French gunners. Bring on that little roving casket that has been polluting my forest with its fumes of confusion. Also, that is not hiding...it is stealth. Of course someone with a JP wouldn't understand the concept of movement and cover. My men are well entrenched and will welcome a little fireworks from a FO who hasn't the guts to map out his line of fire. Firing into the great unknown huh? Better to just place it on your tank because that is where my troops will be swarming very soon! BTW, I do feel sorry for the cargo of that HT. Stuck out there on my hill with no friends. Just raise your arms, drop your never-been-fired weapons and we will show you a little French hospitality.
  7. DO NOT HELP THIS PERSON!!!! This guy has kicked my butt in our last game and now he is blasting all of my Sher...er...pershings off of *MY* hill. Let him get some more tactics and our game won't last past the 8th turn! I say no more lessons for you NC! Why don't you watch the Food Channel instead. VS
  8. Nothing quite captures the horror of it all like William Craig's Enemy at the Gate did. A most excellent read.
  9. They will all be meeting engagements *unless* both sides agree to something else beforehand, although it is not recomended. 100 e-mails...damn...does it really take that many. That cant be per side. Seems more like around 50 or so but I have never counted.
  10. Good news Steve. If thats your real name.
  11. ooops, not the first time King Lorak has beaten me to the punch. May I interest you in some Orbs?
  12. Ted, in the rules it states that in the first round it is optional. That is why the initiating player sends a e-mail asking his opponent this and what side they prefer. In the second round it is set to automatically. Must make do with what you get. The final round between the last 2 players will be 1 game of each.
  13. I suggest using a good lubricant, at least that is what I hear.
  14. I would say lets trust the other players. Most of the E-mails I have received from players state that they don't believe cheating will be a problem. As to the map layout, I just forgot about those settings. I think it best to have all maps in a round the same kind so that the initiating player does not have an unfair advantage. I will send an updated rules set including these so just save the new set. Also, there is still a few players I can't get a hold of. We should give them some more time I think though. What kind of time limit do you think we should set for the first round. I don't want to rush you guys but at the same time it should'nt last too long. VS
  15. You don't think that maybe he got scared do you? I will give everybody a few more days then we need to drum up some new players or drop some.
  16. I have yet to receive notice from the following players. If you signed up for the comp. and have not received an E-mail containing the rules, please mail me. Also, I am getting a couple of undelivered mail errors sent back to me. If you see your name here please contact me so we can continue with or without you. These players I have not heard from; Preacher PoisonKitchen Sledge Melloj Ceebee Stefan PawBroon Private Pike Andre76 Thanks, VS
  17. 1) Yes I do. The Alpha AAR was the first thing I saw on CM and I was hooked ever since. I still remember that feeling of discovery and the anticipation for the next turn to be posted! 2) I read them more for the story and then for the tactics. Reading a AAR from Fionn is as good to me or better than a new mystery novel. Not quite sure what will happen in the next chapter (turn). I would write one but I dont think people would like to read how the 'big gun took out the thingy with tracks'. 3)An AAR in which I was that one thing....that winner thing I hear about. VS
  18. I want players to be able to play whatever side they can agree upon. I left it open hoping people can go with what they like. As posted in the rules, if players cant agree upon the nationalities I will choose sides for them randomly. One problem I am seeing in returned e-mails is that several people are on vacation now and others are about to take theirs. We need to find a date that all will be around for a while. Also, I have yet to receive answers from a few participants. Everybody should send an e-mail to me stating their understanding of the rules.
  19. Sorry its been a while. I have been very busy as of late. The rules to this tourney are done and I will be e-mailing them to all participants tonight. Please read through them and let me know through e-mail what your thoughts are. BTW, I have a nifty suprise for the winner. Details to be revealed at a later date. VS
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