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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by nikib

  1. Sounds like a dream come true.
  2. Squad Battles - Korea, Eagles Strike, Vietnam, Tour of Duty Campaign - Wagram, Napolean on Russia, 1776, 1812, Corinth Links 2003 Also just purchased Campaign Ozark - though still waiting for delivery.
  3. I thought I would add my two cents to the discussion - especially so since I am one of the players that is involved in one of the games. The posting is similar to the one I just posted over on the Blitzkreig site. After my intitial misgivings over the last day or so I'm going into bat for Nick. I think it is time to clear the air a bit. By the look of it there has been a mis-understanding on both sides of the fence. I must admit I had my doubts about the whole game. Not so much about the force composition (because I'm not experienced enough to determine what is right), but more to do with prior knowledge of the map. Obviously knowing the layout would give an advantage to a player (at least initially) which is where I felt slightly uncomfortable with. However, I believe his main aim was to get new players involved in the various clubs and I am very grateful for it. As one other person has pointed out he was always very nice - for example he allowed me to set up again after I mucked up my password as well as offering game play advice after the first couple of turns. Also looking at the German side of the map - it also is very open and leaves little room for cover. Using the same file for each player might have been slightly misguided, however, at face value I believe his intentions were not to mislead but to attract new players and as he said, just play the game. I for one am thankful for the approach. Slightly annoyed about the prior knowledge of the map layout, but looking forward to meeting him in hopefully another battle. Nik
  4. This is funny. I'm playing a very similar game. Is your victory point situated reasonably centrally in a forest? Plus are most the the village buildings on the German side? If so I'm playing a very similar game - and I'm getting rogered. Stupid tactics as I rushed forward right from the start (though in my defence it was for cover). First turn whammo with a couple knocked out. By the third or so turn all of my Shermans were knocked out. Uncanny.
  5. Its not PC on someone else's site but...up yours Talonsoft. You really know how to alienate wargamers. I hope you pay the price.
  6. Deanco, Have been meaning to post about the Gunmetal interface - it is the best out there. Could not go back to the standard one now. Keep up the good work...it is appreciated.
  7. Still playing though its now SPWAW for me - spent the weekend and did a massive download.
  8. Ripper - thanks guys, I just had the same problem last night. Nik
  9. I think our Sky Hawks are old enough to have flown over Cassino! Nik
  10. Yeah, well I downloaded the demo and could not get it to go past the install initiation screen. Bit of a waste of time. I have also looked at their forum - it is just a joke. When you see a forum like that you appreciate good moderators (if thats what Matt and the like are called). By the sound of it...it looks like it could be fun if you take it for what it is - a bit like C&C. Sorry, have not been much help. Would be interested to see who has played it and whats it like. Cheers Nik
  11. I tend to go for a small realisable number - though this may change after recon. I tend to use the majority of my attack on single points ie a single focus. I may have a secondary target, especially early on in my attack. This usually poses a diversion and also acts as a recon for later. However, I find it important that this attack is not sucked into an all out brawl. So, to answer the question. I only attack a small number of flags and build up from the initial attack. I do not try to cover all of them, especially early on. Nik
  12. Great idea, wish I had thought of that before. Nik
  13. Fantastic... Hell, all these mods are going to force me to the next upgrade! Nik
  14. Um, well...31 nearly 32, girlfriend/partner (who is expensive), cat (who is bloody expensive), and a horse (who is really really really expensive). A professional who wishes he had more time on his hands - mainly so he could play games...which is a bit sad! Nik
  15. Super, I will download it as soon as I get time. Having trouble deciding which to play at the moment. Both are great games. Nik
  16. 31 but when I'm at work I feel about 70 (or thereabouts). Nik
  17. Well fellas, its now 11pm and I have just got back from the footy club - a big win under our belts and myself, well, I'm a touch under the weather (though the typing isn't going to bad if I say it myself). Finaly received good old CM in the mail on Friday. Yes it was sent to New Caledonia - all is forgiven now I have got it. Though, BTS had better sought there postage out before I order the next one (I wonder if they actually read this?). Good on the posty for clicking that it is Christchurch New Zealand - and not some obscure island out in the Pacific somwhere... Anyway, have only skimmed the surface at the moment. Need to give it a bit more of a bash before I can comment on it. First impressions were OK, though I think it grows on you (after playing a bit this morning). Still think SPWAW is tops, though I can see myself playing both heaps. Work...Girl friend...hm hm...how to juggle..????. Titan, yeah I think I was the LUCKY last. Worth the wait. Catch you guys later. Off to give a new scenario a bash befor "her indoors" gets back. Cheers Nik Great year for war games.
  18. Weta, I would be keen alright, though I have never played a PBEM game. So I really would be a newbie!! Cheers Nik
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