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Wild Bill Wilder

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Everything posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. I just received it. Very unique, to say the least, but I truly love it. Many thanks, my friend. This is very special to me... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  2. You did okay, JMac. Anytime you win you did okay ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  3. Occasionally intelligence and promises are not totally accurate in war. Perhaps I made the unexpected too unexpected. But then in a real battle, who really knows what can turn out. At least is wasn't a platoon of PzIVs Sorry, Bill, if you're upset, perhaps a hint of something extra would have been good, but I hesitate to spell out everything in black and white in a battle. Somehow it seems very ahistorical to me. You may disagree and you have that right. I can tell by your mail that you seem to be upset. I am sure the tank crew was very upset, but a little fortune of war is a good thing sometimes. Of course, with this posting now there is no surprise. I guess you paid the price so that others wouldn't. Another common occurence in war. Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 07-02-2000).]
  4. Not as yet, Pat. I'm personally lobbying for the ability to be able to change certain things, such as # of men in a squad, the ability to pick a squad with a platoon leader attached all the time, adding, removing or changing weapons in a squad or a team. In other words I would like to see more versatility in the editor. I don't know if it can be done in CM2, but let's hope so. Designers could be so much more creative if this were the case. WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  5. Moon is one of the best. You can count on every scenario he does to be a winner. You won't be wasting your time with any of his downloads. I've worked with Moon for months and seen his handiwork close up. Glad to see you did another, Moon. Gotta go get it. I'm outa here... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  6. Thanks Danno, hard to see though in all that fog I did work for quite a while on it. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  7. Saving Private Ryan, one to play just for the fun of playing and remembering the movie, is also one of my own personal favorites, Wako and PawBroon. Thanks. I've played it probably 20 times and still enjoy it. Especially exciting is seeing how long you can stay in Ramelle, holding off the enemy then escape to the "Alamo." Watching the "Angels on our Shoulders" come in and waste that second Tiger is a rush! When it happend in one battle, I had Capt. Miller and his small group crossing the bridge with the 2nd Tiger in hot pursuit I knew the "angels" were available but I kept thinking, "Oh boy, they just ain't gonna make it!" Then I heard that droning noise, saw the shadow and VOOM! Goodbye Tiger! I don't know what Miller, Rieben, Ryan and Upham were shouting. I could not hear them because I was shouting so loud (till my wife mentioned the neighbors and possible jail time). It is fun, and a quick play. Combat is another. Deja vu, the TV series. Simple, quick, easy, well, not that easy (G). By the way, these can be found on CM support sites. From Manx, http://www.combatmissions.co.uk/ For Saving Private Ryan And from Lorak http://www.geocities.com/lrmcgarvey/combat.html (Love that music!) ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 07-01-2000).]
  8. Understood! I just did not want to come over offensively to you. I'm glad to hear what you thinking is on the matter. I enjoy your posts and comments on this forum very much. WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  9. Your stunning defenses kept them at bay, Leland. Not many enjoy running through artillery barrages One remedy for those wanting more aggressive Germans. Open the operation in the editor. Increase their fanaticism by 50%, save it and then get ready for some real hard close in fighting Nice AAR, Leland. Did the crew survive on that Sherman or were they awarded citations posthumously? WB = ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  10. While I have no opposition to scenarios being rated, I wonder about the accuracy of such things. This is not math. It is not an exact science. Ratings are judgment calls. So the ratings depend on the quality of the judges as much as the quality of the scenario. Case in point. Judge A likes BIG scenarios. He plays a small quick play scenario. He does not like it because it is quick play. He gives it a bad review because he does not "like" it. Judge B is a history grognard. He plays a historical scenario. The name of the town is misspelled or there are three Tigers when his sources say there were two. "No good," he cries, and gives a Caesar-like "thumbs down." So if you can find a qualified unbiased group of judges, well and good, but judgment on scenarios is more than a number. It requires a description. So aspects of a scenario should be judged: Accuracy Size Balance Map Text Playability (is it fun?) And so forth. Just some thought for those who are preparing such a system. I DO think that a system of rating scenarios is needed. I'm just unsettled on what that system should be and include. For downloading purposes as you look for the best, the text file can be a good clue. Words misspelled can indicate carelessness, if in the text file then probably in the scenario. Innacuracies historically in the text file could be a sign of innacuracies in the scenario. An incomplete text file could be the forerunner of an incomplete scenario. In my mind, you CAN tell something about the book by the cover. Not always. A guy may be a poor speller but an excellent designer. He may not communicate well in writing, but he may have the "gift" of recreating excellent battles. Ultimately any download is a risk, a roll of the dice. It may look good, but play horribly. It is the chance you take when you start to play a new scenario. One likes green beans. Another likes English peas. I like the scenario. You won't. Good luck with the project, web site folks. It will not be an easy task. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  11. Thanks John. I call this one a "gut gripper," though I guess all CM scenarios and operations could be called that ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  12. In the ones I have done you can see the entire map, but there are some that are longer than that, muuuch longer. There was discussion about whether the player should be allowed to view the entire map, but I can't remember the result of it. Some other designer/tester might be able to help us here. I'll go back to the game and see if this is true or not. Question, the further you go, do you have more new map revealed that you have not seen before? And it depends on the operation setup too. If the missio is to destroy, that is one thing. If it is to advance, then yes, you must reach the other end of the map. But what you want to know is how far is that far? Good suggestion. For those loooong maps that would be a good inclusion in the future. Secretary, make a note of that WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  13. And your point is quite well taken Andy. Not all shoes fit the same feet. Not everyone is "gung ho" over historical recreations. To each his own and that is how it should be. We try to do that on our site with all the games we support. We have hypothetical scenarios (just did one on an American breakout from a Russian blockade of Berlin, 1982 for SP2) to the historically flavored, to the hard core history recreation (Wittmann scenarios in SP). Whoa, before you say it, I know it, guys . No scenario is totally correct historically, but in the ball park is good. So yes, there is a place for little ones, big ones, historical ones, and hypos. Lets do them all and pick our favorites. Shoes do come in all sizes ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 06-30-2000).]
  14. Excellent idea, though by the time I got it done, you'd know the game better than me. Still it is a good thought and I will see what I can do. I think there will be more new folks coming along with the creative urge and it might be a help to avoid stepping in the same holes I did Thanks, Martyr! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  15. Certainly not taken as one, but I'm not sure how to answer, because I am not sure I understand the question. Perhaps another example, ...I'm just not sure of how to reply, Scott. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  16. Yes, Rob, need some more details, sides chosen, type of battle, and Kwazy is correct. Fill us in a bit and maybe we can help ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  17. To those who did not make it to battle two, I just went back and replayed the operation, battle one. I made it through to the end and am now in battle #2. So it will take you on to battle #2 IF you do as you should. To say more would be a spoiler, and I won't be guilty of that. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  18. Sergeant! I know you don't salute non-coms, but may I salute you anyway! Good of you to write! Yes, I have been actively involved in producing a number of scenarios on the subject of Vietnam for about four years in a couple of Wargames. I did do a scenario once on the first battle, but never the second. Let me say right off what an honor to write you. I was a tad too old to go to Vietnam and had four kids to boot. Now I'm too old for anything (G). Not really, but I'm getting there. I do remember the war, and I remember all of you. I remember wishing I could go. I guess now I am glad that I couldn't. Some of my friends only went, never to return. That is one reason I focus some of the scenarios on Vietnam. I want people to remember our heroes in green and olive drab. You were and ARE heroes. I am not doing anything with Vietnam currently but on World War II. We are going to get back to it very soon and I would love to have your expertise avaialable. Would that be possible? When I get something going, I'd like to be able to write and get your opinions. I hope that is acceptable to you. Thank you for writing. Thank you for serving our country and my family. Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  19. Hey Jgdpzr, Thank you very much. Those are much appreciated thoughts. Okay, you guys have convinced me to go back and play it myself. But that's okay, because I enjoy the battle anyway. Promise, I'll tell the truth, if it does it to me too (G)...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  20. Pathfinder, there was no insuation that your work or the work of any other who has offered a scenario here is less than quality. That was not my intention. I encourage scenario design. Most of the Raiders who do scenario design will tell you that they got into it to a degree because I encouraged them to do so, and helped them along in the learning process. That is why I have written tutorials on scenario design. I applaud your efforts, those of Lorak, Jaguar, and all the others who are having "a go" at it. By all means do it. That is why the game has an editor. I just wanted to remind those just starting out on this great adventure of the importance of good testing. I receive scenarios every day with people asking me to look at them, to play them. A quick look usually tells me whether the person who sent it has even tested it himself. And in many cases he has not. Units left on the edge of the map, roads not complete, incorrect spelling in the text, very one-sided play, etc. So my advice is positive, not negative. Let me say it plainly. Please do design scenarios if you have the urge to try. Post them. Let other folks play them. Just be sure when you do that it is a well-tested piece of work, something you can be very proud of and will stand the test. Need I say that many times the harshest critics are our peers, especially in wargaming? But you all know that. No malicious intent here, just trying to help...and also to thank the testers publicly for what they do for the gaming community and for us who design. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 06-29-2000).]
  21. On the way, Jaguar..WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  22. Soliloquy brought up an interesting point in the thread about scenario ranking. indeed, there will be a plethora of scenarios soon to pour out onto the CM gaming scene, due to (as he said) ease of use of the editor. A word of caution, however, if I may. Designing a scenario is not necessarily a guarantee of a good scenarios. There are intangibles involved, the main one being adequate testing and good balance. Those don't have a button in the editor. They require perception and imrove with experience. For all first timers, test your scenarios and have them tested before you publish them. Your name is on them. You want something of which you can be duly proud. For that matter, all scenarios should be tested, by at least two different people, no matter how good the designer. The designer is not the ideal tester because he knows the scenario. He made it. Just as you have beta testers for a new game, you need scenario testers for all new scenarios. Another problem is that there will be many more designers than testers. Testing is like being a lineman on the football team. Not much glory, but some down and dirty hard work. While I am on the subject, let me say that a large part of any limited success I have had has been due in great part to the fine testers that were on the CM Beta team. There was a core group of testers who were right on top of the situation, upon whom I could always count on to do a good and thorough job. They were kind, but honest. They burst my bubble more than once. So kudos to the testers. You guys deserve a lot of credit! Thank you! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  23. Working on two recently published games, I may not have time to test it, but I'll look it over for you, Evil Twin. Send it on. bwilder@thegamers.net I'd like to see your handiwork...
  24. I don't. Some people have said that some video cards have a fog emulater capability that might be turned off. How to access it, I could not say. You might want to post your dilemma in the Tips-Suggestions section of this forum. Good luck. Wish I could help. It is a great feature. I can't get it on my older computer either...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester/Designer Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
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