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Everything posted by Ted

  1. Great stuff. Exactly what I was looking for. After a rocket attack on a large factory complex many factory hexes were left with one or two asterisks and several rubble hexes. I’ll move into the rubble and try lure Jerry into hexes with the two asterisks and grenade the heck out of him. On the reverse side I’ll have to beware of his Engineers and their satchels while in a damaged factory hex. This adds a new complexity to Stalingrad I didn’t appreciate before. Thanks!
  2. In a previous thread I wondered whether factory or factory rubble was better cover (rubble won by 6% less exposure). But the general consensus was rubble can’t collapse so it’s a better place to be. This led me to think as I find myself moving from factory hex (tile?) to factory hex, some with one asterisks and some with two, wondering if small arms and hand grenades can cause a factory hex with one or two asterisks to turn to rubble. What about a satchel charge? I’ve never seen this myself and I was wondering if anyone has?
  3. Jeff that would be great. I'll email you and firm up a date and time. I'm looking forward to it. (like a kid on Christmas Eve ) Ted
  4. What about from incoming fire. I’m not sure if I should move troops from an intact factory to the rubble. I tried reading the manual but it isn’t very specific.
  5. I'll be in Calabash on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct 21 and 22. Any chance of a weekday show?
  6. I’m playing a scenario that consists of mostly factories. There is an initial barrage of rockets that cause several areas (hexes in the old school) of rubble. Which is better cover or protection from incoming fire, factory hex or rubble?
  7. Congratulations to Steve and Charles and the rest at Battlefront for putting together the best WWII squad level computer simulation on the market. How long ago was it that Steve and Charles started the 1st web site discussing with forum members what should or shouldn’t go into CM? (it’s been a long time since Steve has been around discussing aspects of the game.) (Steve, did you ever get that door fixed on you house?) And what year was it when CM went from a computerized version of a certain board game to a combat simulation of it’s own? What a foolish move on the new parent company of that game to drop the development team of Steve and Charles. Seems like it’s been 5 years or more. I think I had a blazing fast 28.8 modem at the time. Ah, a trip down memory lane. Now back to my PBEM.
  8. An update: Wade cannot finish The High Road and I haven't heard from Bimmer (The Petroskov Bridge) Looks as though The Koltov Corridor will be the only one I finish. [ September 14, 2003, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: Ted ]
  9. Just want to add that I’m well into all three scenarios. (not that it counts for anything) The problem here is how to say something without giving anything away. In The High Road I think we have about 13 minutes left. I’m the Germans and it still raining. My men are quite soggy by now. Sometimes while making my move I turn the ambient sound off and it gets real quiet. Later when I press go I see everybody moving but I don’t here anything so I turn up the volume on my speakers….still nothing……a little louder…..still nothing….louder… then an ear splitting SCHNELL!! or somfink and it scares the bajeezus out of me. So now I just leave the white noise sound of the rain on. I maybe wrong (what a surprise) but I think I’m doing OK, but of course Ivan still may have something left up his sleeve (and what a baggy sleeve he has) I like this scenario. Interesting site and movement lines. The Kolkov Corridor (or something like that) I’m the Jerry’s again. Nice to be able to sit and wait. In other words, look, see nothing, just press “go”. Especially after moving in the rain (see above) There’s 12 or 13 minutes left. What can I say without giving anything away…at least it’s not raining. Petrokov. This one gives me the willys. I’m winning…I’m loosing… I’m winning…I’m loosing… A sign of a well balanced scenario. Although I’d like to end that line with “I’m winning” When did they say CMAK is coming out? It’s a long High Road.
  10. Thanks all. Fuerte, good point on the old movies. It would be especially usefull for those who are in mid-tournament and want to go back and view movies for making AAR's
  11. If I want to have both V1.02 and V1.03, correct me if I’m wrong, all I have to do is copy the V1.02 executable to a temp directory – upgrade the V1.02 executable in the CMBB directory to V1.03 – then move the V1.02 executable back to the CMBB folder from the temp folder. I should now have two executables I can make short cuts for and put on my desktop? Did that make sense and will it work?
  12. It does seem to be a drive problem. I took the CD out of my CD R/W drive and put it into my DVD/CD drive it's quiet as a mouse. Thanks for the prompt help.
  13. With the Combat Mission CD in the CD drive, it keeps spinning and spinning. Even when I’m out of the game doing other things (surfing, typing documents) the drive keeps spinning constantly. I have to open the drawer to quiet the thing. Is this normal?
  14. That's probably mine. [ May 18, 2003, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: Ted ]
  15. Happy birthday ya ‘ol geezer. I’m right behind you. I’m playing in something close to what you’re looking for over at the Band of Brothers website. It’s fictionalized campaign of Operation Blue called the Ukrainian Campaign. We have an amazing guy (Crapgame) who runs the campaign. He put together a large scale map where units range from company to battalion size. Both sides give orders simultaneously and hand them off to Crapgame who decides where and what type of combats occur. He then creates a CMBB map, if there wasn’t one created already for that hex, and setup zones for each side. The battle is then played TCP so a turn can be finished within a week. Great stuff. Check it out at: http://www.hulldown.org/kilroy/campaigns.htm
  16. What's that I see? Why it's the light at the end of the tunnel. :eek: just bumping up.
  17. Had to look way to far back for this. Hey Sergio how about an update? Are people still playing? Any near the end?
  18. TA-DAH! Finished. Thanks to one and all. It was a long strange trip. :cool:
  19. Just three more minutes left in the Christmas battle to complete the set. Looking forward to joining the ROW BBS. I guess ROW XXII will be using the new engine.
  20. Andreas, I thought I’d point out, I went over to the Depot but you can’t download Gorodok. The file has a red circle with a line through it
  21. What a bummer. I'm going to miss the "Byte" battles most of all. I kept checking in but Andreas was right, I never saw anything about CMBB. Der Kessel, you will be missed.
  22. Will the setting/rising sun have an effect? I think longer or larger maps may be needed for N.Africa. Can’t you see from Algeria to Libya or all the way to the Suez if your standing on a k-ratio can. I wonder what it’ll be like to be on the defense and see all that dust and have no clue as to what’s making it. Didn’t they tie a lot of brush to the backs of trucks to create a lot of dust to fool the enemy into thinking it was a whole tank brigade out there. I wonder if CMAK will include special “Dust Trucks” And the sixty four thousand dollar question is…..what will CMx2 encompass?
  23. This may sound dumb but the Russian word for tank sounds like “Tank”?
  24. Kingfish, "The Beast" score is on it's way. Only Christmas left [ April 02, 2003, 09:11 AM: Message edited by: Ted ]
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