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Simon Fox

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Everything posted by Simon Fox

  1. Onya Ron, Now I realise why our games were hard fought draws How about 12. The ***** are no bloody good when I use them to ****** they get killed by *****, that shouldn't happen.....2 days later.....oh um I didn't see that there, I guess that explains it.
  2. Leaving aside Fionn visiting his perversions upon us again and the red faces of the self appointed forum police it is without fanfare that I present the product of a short and simple search. Yes, a miniscule amount of effort was required to recover the very thread where gebirgsjager were first discussed for inclusion. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/000335.html All connection with the searchonauts and their FAQless task is denied.
  3. shhhhh pvt_ryan no sarcasm allowed around that teach guy. I actuality the driver would seldom have his head exposed in combat, only the commander would have his head out. IIRC the drivers head graphic when unbuttoned in CM is there merely as a visual aid to make it easy to see the tank is unbuttoned. AFAIK small arms or shrapnel injuries to the driver when unbuttoned are not modelled only the commander. Personally I would like to see only the commanders head out as that is more realistic.
  4. Fatang! What was that? Ohhh! It looks like an american robin. It smells like one.. And further more... [tasting noises] ...it tastes like an american robin! Let me try a slice. Hummm, Bil! This robin is beautifully cooked. Yes, we've made it in the oven all night! Well, Bil, ahahahaha, this is the end of your nefarious career! ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
  5. What was that? Banking? Sounded like something else. Your gonna have to do a lot better than that Titan. You must really be a lackey of the capitalist running dogs since you have the same sense of irony (nil). Get JonS in here then we can have a goodnatured Aussie vs Kiwi stoush and liven up this dumb thread. ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon [This message has been edited by Simon Fox (edited 07-12-2000).]
  6. Now guys I know Titan's post wasn't too current (1973 hehe) but remember NZ is in a time warp and I think that is the date there now. While he might attempt to use not having CM yet as an excuse for starting such a dopey, guaranteed to start trouble, thread it's not good enough. The only reasonable explanation is his brain has been swallowed by a blackhole. On the subject of Rugby, who won the world cup nah nah ne nah nah. Shhh! Don't mention the CRICKET. Oops! that just slipped out. And yes it is off-topic and NO it was not worth sharing, now back in your little kiwi hideyhole.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>All that downtime waiting for the file would be better spent playing the game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's right Elvis PBEM is only for those with the mental capacity to remember to send the files. ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
  8. Pillar, Just about any moderately recent Peng post should do. Since the dearth of any redeeming features in his early posts meant he was largely ignored Peng has switched to his current virulent persona. Thus he has attracted the attention his insecure personality requires. Unfortunately he has attracted a small crowd of insipid sycophants who gleefully warn smiley users that they will be the target of one of his inconsequential diatribes. Either that or they use a few themselves in the hope they will be the recipient in a manner suggestive of a pathetic and rather misplaced masochism. All in all it's something that caused a few infintesimally fleeting moments of amusement when things were a bit dead on the Forum. Now occasionally someone disturbs their rock and Peng and his acolytes are roused into futile activity like a nest of slaters. I have my own opinion of the actual relationship between Peng and the 'smilies' which I will reveal in due course when I have gathered all the evidence. No 'smilies' were used in this post due to their cultural sensitivity to the name "Peng". Unfortunately the 'snarlies' were unavailable. [This message has been edited by Simon Fox (edited 07-10-2000).]
  9. Onya Demon. I've been hoping you got it soon with only a week of your hols left. Shouldn't you be studying though? hehe ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
  10. gee guys, I looked at this post when it was put up a while back and I thought "No I won't if we leave it alone it will sink to the bottom and dissappear" Maybe next time we can all try a bit harder, I am sure the result will be a lot more satisfying. There is nothing more likely to piss someone off than if no-one bothers to answer such a post. Apart from the ridiculous hour you're up and about Fionn there's no excuse for you mate. ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
  11. There are 'no worries' in Australia this thread topic is a misnomer. ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
  12. I have read this thread with care and interest and I agree with Talenn to a certain extent. Operating against a frontal attack HMG units seem to perform pretty well but under circumstances where they are firing flanking fire to interdict possible avenues of approach I feel that the effect is not as great as I would expect. Certainly I would like to see more disruption but I would not like to see anything more than a slight increase in this effect. I think that to a certain extent this is due to the relatively unsophisticated way CM treats HMG units. This is not a criticism, since you can't have everything in the first iteration of the game. Just something I would like to see improved down the track. HMG units were battalion level or above assets and distributed according to need/availability. Currently the HMGs in CM employ only one of the techniques used by these units. Flanking fire on fixed lines or overhead fire are not possible. I too have tried to fire fixed lines by area fire beyond the target but as soon as a specific target presents itself the unit switches often to the detriment of the effectiveness of the fire. In the short term I think the suggestion of an increase in the MG RoF when a really 'juicy' target presented itself even at range is a good short term solution which should be explored. From some of the other posts it looks like the Vickers sustained fire ability is modelled which is good. ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
  13. The delights of Lewis's wit aside I am sure John you would get an "official" reply from Steve or Charles if: (A) They had plenty of idle time to kill. ( You asked a question that hadn't been asked by someone else and answered before. I cordially invite you to sample the delights of the search function: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/search.cgi?action=intro&default=1 ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
  14. IIRC correctly from relatively ancient conversations on this Forum (where's the searchonauts when you need them?) the sharpshooters are not strictly meant to represent highly trained snipers. Ok here we go: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/000110.html http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/000921.html On the subject of ammo loads/points: With my tongue firmly planted in my cheek I say: does this mean that German HMG teams only carry 95 rounds of ammo?
  15. Gee that damn tea scene has a lot to answer for doesn't it? Just goes to show that even those one would expect to have a clue can get the wrong end of the stick from watching a movie. Though I recognise it was in jest it does crop up with alarming frequency when Arnhem discussions occur. Hard to beleive that so many misconceptions can still exist about such a well documented operation. Ryan's book contains it's own fair share of factual errors too so I wouldn't just rely on that.
  16. Allan, You may be right about the spotting but I can't say as I haven't the full game yet to try it out. If you manage to read the entire thread that I linked to in my previous message you will see that I have reserved my judgement on how bocage will be to fight in until I try it out. As for your tanks going through it that will only happen if the scenario is in the time period where allied tanks are assumed to have rhino attachments. Otherwise they should certainly not go through the bocage a implemented in CM
  17. I am shocked and appalled at Fionn's post. His statements can only be explained by ignorance. This individual is from Darwin for godsake. I know you guys don't know much about Oz but haven't you ever heard of Darwin-origin of the species? Yes, there are some enclaves which are yet lost upon evolutions byways. Mr Kelly's advice is just bound to be followed and he could soon find the RSPCA hot on his trail. ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
  18. Bastard, I'm still working hard here (apart from checking the forum of course). Now where was that recipe I had for flame grilled Goanna.... Got a few cascades in the fridge myself, might be early home time....
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>bitching, moaning, whining and complaining<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's unAustralian Goanna. If you want to act like a Canadian or American you can piss off over there. If you want a taste of how you might feel if you do such a thing turn on your barbie and sit on it. It's Friday arvo get a beer inta ya. ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
  20. Like a moth to a light, so I am drawn inexorably to this thread. Thusfar I have resisted it's lure hoping it might fade into obscurity. But alas it's siren song can be resisted no longer. First you have to understand the bocage in CM is an abstraction of the real thing. In real life hiding in bocage means dug in behind the earthen bank which comprises the base of the hedgerow not sitting up perched on top of the bank in amongst the vegetation where in fact you would be quite exposed (to fire if not to observation). Therefore when in CM your guys are "in the bocage" they are essentially crossing it and so fairly exposed. If you want to use the bocage defensively in CM you need to be behind it not in it (though as close as possible to it) this simulates the real life circumstance of being dug "in the bocage". This distinction in CM is made so that the game can simulate both the exposure of crossing it and it's defensive value. Secondly, the bocage hedgerow terrain tile in CM represents the worst form of real life hedgerow which is impenetrable to tanks. In order to simulate bocage hedgerows of lesser density you need to use other terrain types ie hedge etc For some further enlightening discussions of this subject http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/002878.html This ones the best http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/001786.html also a good example of two guys argueing 'til they're blue in the face hehe ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
  21. GUACHI!!! Where the hell is that FAQ! ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
  22. Just because you could do something in ASL does not mean it was a historical practice nor does it mean it was realistic to do so. Great game that it was/is it produced plenty of unrealistic events which for an argumentative bastard like myself made for some exciting 'discussions' with my opponents. The halftrack was a useful multifunction vehicle but it was not an assault vehicle, the level of protection was totally inadequate. Since it appears to be accurately modelled in CM if you use it as such you will suffer the consequences. ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
  23. Well it would be nice if gamespot actually had the current demo. Last time I looked they still had the beta demo for download. Though they did have the 1.01 patch which was funny. ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
  24. Can't let this one go by.... Anything Coopers Redback Dogbolter Cascade's not bad Don't mind that Hahn Premium either. ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
  25. See, this is a good example of how we aussies handle these things. Instead of getting all twisted up like the rest of you we say: "Geez mate don't go all crook get another beer inta ya" Problem solved. ------------------ "Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon
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