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Simon Fox

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Everything posted by Simon Fox

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sorry if that just completely overwhelmed you. Thanks for contributing so much.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, thankYOU. Delighted to be of assistance! ------------------ "Heaven sent and hell bent Over the mountain tops we go Just like all the other GI Joes EE-AY-EE-AY adios!"
  2. Lewis, Just an observation but I find Bastables posts easier to follow than your own and not just because he talks funny Your rather confusing use of the UBB codes serves only to confound the reader, leaving aside any other sources of confusion for the moment. It is especially difficult to discern what you are quoting and what is your own statement, furthermore your excessive use of bold serves only to obscure the point you are trying to make, whatever the hell that is
  3. Yeah, Well that Searchonaut is full of 'gamey' stuff like firing his 88 at buildings 15m away to improve his field of fire
  4. While I'm not sure, my understanding is that the anti-add apps generally don't affect access counters. Furthermore its an oversimplification to say that people are impatient at waiting 20 secs, in my experience it's a heck of a lot longer than that. No, I don't have a cable modem, the transfer rate at my end is irrelevant it's the capacity of whatever excerable server those adds are on. In fact I am on a WAN with optical fibre which makes a cable modem seem snail-like. As a compromise I use the OBG link but use the "proper" link when finished.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now the advantage of this kinda stance is that you can menace a front for a long time with a well placed platoon<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And the disadvantage of this stance is that it only works if your opponent is a complete dope (sorry Jon ) and goes charging straight over the hill. If you're outflanked your left hanging out there and have to creep and crawl your guys back into town. As an attacker you have to understand that it is not necessary to wipe out your opponent to win. Q: What's a hindu? A: Lays eggs! ROFL Just a little joke for our trans-Tasman friends ------------------ "Heaven sent and hell bent Over the mountain tops we go Just like all the other GI Joes EE-AY-EE-AY adios!" [This message has been edited by Simon Fox (edited 04-06-2000).]
  6. CM2: Fionn, stomped by Sturmoviks CM3: Fionn, bombed by Beaufighters and hammered by Hurricanes CM4: Fionn, smashed by Stukas The latter being 'friendly fire' of course And of course the real subtitle for CM1: Fionn, mauled by Mustangs ------------------ "Heaven sent and hell bent Over the mountain tops we go Just like all the other GI Joes EE-AY-EE-AY adios!"
  7. Oh yeah, Click on the CMHQ link, go away, set up a few PCR's, discuss some technical problems with a student, come back 10min later, still loading, go away,........ grrrrrrrrr! bloody banners! ------------------ "Heaven sent and hell bent Over the mountain tops we go Just like all the other GI Joes EE-AY-EE-AY adios!"
  8. CCJ, I sympathise with your plight. I use Photoshop a fair bit and I have learnt through bitter experience not to have too many other apps running at the same time. I also like to burn my images straight onto CD. ------------------ "Heaven sent and hell bent Over the mountain tops we go Just like all the other GI Joes EE-AY-EE-AY adios!"
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>hoping/praying for a kiwi victory over Aussie in the 3rd cricket test<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ROFL!
  10. It's not often I agree with OBG but there is something about that juxtaposition of thread title and author
  11. Lee, You may have intended your remarks to be jocular but obviously someone else thought there was an misplaced element of boastfulness there. Whether you might have considered it so is quite irrelevant, when I read your post I was sure someone around here would respond. As a general rule any number of people would take you up on your debate. However, it is very off-topic and it would inevitably degenerate into vitriol. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I just politely pointed out how wrong he is<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Taking upon yourself the mantle of infallibility is really setting yourself up around here. The insertion of an occasional IMO in your posts would go a long way towards redeeming yourself. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Pereciu is the one who interjected the comment implying that the rights we enjoy here in the U.S. were somehow the cause of murders here in my country<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have read Pere's post and given his/her possible non-English background I fail to see how you draw that conclusion as the meaning of it.
  12. Lee, I recommend you pull your head in. This forum is not the place for you to air your views on this issue as so rightly and politely pointed out by Peter. Your initial and totally provocative post started this off. I am sure that no one around here is interested in debating your "clear and irrefutable facts" since it is clear that such a debate would be as useful as a conversation with a brick wall. Steve, Pass me my muzzle quick!
  13. Obviously Jason and his Searchonauts are questing in the land of NOD
  14. Oh no! It's Jason and the Searchonauts The quest for the fabled Golden FAQs
  15. You can't go past The Ardennes Offensive 2 It's topical to CM It's even better than the original It's got an excellent AI It's got PBEM It's made by an Aussie company (SSG) It's FREE and the fate of the original game is a testament to all the reasons why CM isn't being sold retail also this free release is being used by SSG as a test for internet distribution so support it! http://www.ssg.com.au/tao/tao_1.htm
  16. Hey Linkboy you forgot something ------------------ "Heaven sent and hell bent Over the mountain tops we go Just like all the other GI Joes EE-AY-EE-AY adios!"
  17. What's an "ounce"? What's "baseball"?
  18. When I read Stoffel's post When I read Berl's post Like Berl I too have always read that Eicke was a raving lunatic, AFAIK the 3rd SS TK wasn't exactly known for its tactical subtlety he he As for Meyer did he actually command the 12th SS in Normandy, I know he didn't start the campaign in command? I would also like to nominate a lesser light: Brig. Mills-Roberts. He commanded the Commando Brigade in its advance to Lubeck on the Baltic in 1945. By all accounts he was an aggressive and innovative commander. Promoted to Brig. when only 36 (he was a 2nd Lt when the war started) an example along with others that at last in 1944-45 with the prewar deadwood weeded out the British army was starting to get some high quality Brigade level commanders. s bakker, Don't worry I don't feel sniped at, I am happy to be kept honest. Boy if you think I would get cranky at that you must think I'm really touchy, then again going by some other threads..... Let's hope we can keep this thread robust but polite. Anyway the 2pdrs I mentioned were towed truck or Bren carrier I think. 25pdrs were also used in the AT role at this time and not always with the AP ammo, a hit from HE could often knock out an early PzIII of IV. ------------------ "Heaven sent and hell bent Over the mountain tops we go Just like all the other GI Joes EE-AY-EE-AY adios!"
  19. While I am familiar with the example you refer to, I too am at work and will have to refresh my memory, IIRC at least part of the reason the French adopted such a system was insufficient strength to mount a linear defence in depth. You should however note that I carefully hedged my bets with the use of the phrase: "one of the first" Even so I think the scale of your example is somewhat different and I don't think all the elements were there ie AT-gun screen etc. What was noteworthy about Tobruk was the co-ordination of all arms to defeat in detail the penetration of the MLR. I wasn't specifically emphasising it as an example of defense in depth which wasn't exactly a novel idea ....more later....
  20. Maj.- Gen. Morshead Commanded the 9th Australian Div and garrison of Tobruk. Was one of the first to demonstrate at the tactical level how to defeat the hitherto apparently unbeatable German combined arms doctrine. The significance of this battle is often overlooked because of the limited number of units involved and comparison with the titanic struggles which were to follow on the european mainland. Furthermore the term "Fortress Tobruk" and the tendency of German accounts to enhance the nature of the fortifications to explain the failure to take it have diminished this battle. From my readings of it and by contemporary accounts of its significance I consider it something of a tactical watershed. To place it in its context one must remember that at the time the Wermacht was ascendant riding roughshod over Poland, Western Europe, the Balkans etc with the skilful employment of a new doctrine "lightning war" with combined arms tactics whose essential elements persist today. It was at Tobruk that Morshead and his troops demonstrated how to stop an enemy which had gained such a psychological and tactical ascendancy. No better effector of the new tactics could be found than the opponent Morshead faced: Rommel. A number of assaults were made on the Tobruk perimeter under the direction of Rommel. These were classic operations of all arms cooperation with infantry and tanks operating closely followed by artillery and anti-tank guns, close air support was provided by Stukas from the luftwaffe which had air superiority over Tobruk. These were defeated in detail by the defending troops with heavy losses to the attacking forces. The defense was arranged in depth with two infantry outpost lines and minefields, these were supported by mobile anti-tank guns and artillery (these supporting arms were strongly defended by AA units). The limited armour available was concentrated for counterattack once the main enemy effort was identified. Morshead's instructions to his troops were that they were to: conduct an aggressive defence, that the enemy should be attacked wherever he came within reach and that if any place was rested from them, they should not relent until they recaptured it. The defenders met a number of attacks employing tactics unerringly reminscent of those later employed by the Germans in defense against armour. The infantry concentrated their fire on the supporting infantry and were to hold the shoulders of the penetration in force. The panzers were allowed to pass and engaged by an anti-tank screen protected by minefields and artillery. Once the main point of the attack was identified Morshead used his limited armour reserve in flanking counterattacks. His principle self criticism was that Rommel partially duped him several times by feinting actions which caused him to hold his reserves back on several occasions and miss the opportunity to completely destroy the assault force. It should be added that Maj.- Gen. Lavarack commander of the 7th Australian Division and initial Tobruk commander was also partially responsible for these defensive arrangements.
  21. panzershreck and goanna, we don't need rune, KwazyDog is more accessible, anyone in Oz who can't find some pressing business meeting or conference to attend on the Gold Coast isn't trying. I am now madly scrambling through conference notices for something suitable. Sure it's work related, should even be tax deductible...
  22. Also by Ken Tout A Fine Night for Tanks : The Road to Falaise To Hell with Tanks! and More Tanks! (pretty innovative titles heh ) Flamethrower Andrew Wilson (memoir of a crocodile commander) 18 Platoon Sydney Jary (good detailed CM scale action) The Conquest of the Reich : D-Day to Ve-Day : A Soldier's History by Robin Neillands (lots of first hand accounts some of them very useful) Also I have heard that this one is good and if anyone has read it I would appreciate their opinion: Breakout at Normandy : The 2nd Armored Division in the Land of the Dead by Mark A. Bando
  23. It still seems to be operating but I did find it very slow and clunky. Maybe they've been doing "maintenance" like TGN
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As far as I could determine, my opponents didn't do this because they wanted to be gamey, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thank goodness for that! After all its turn 24 and my guys still haven't entered a building IIRC.
  25. How to knock a building down with AP: Fire at the ground in front of it (works good on nice hard roads, paving etc) round ricochets and begins to tumble (note this is quite different from trying penetrate belly armour this way) takes out large bit of building very nicely. Technique also good for infantry and other soft targets when only AP is "up the spout" especially for Brit AP with no HE charge. Similarly when firing at infantry in woods or forest, fire at the trees: AP makes lots of splinters and HE makes airbursts and splinters. Most of this does not apply to CM of course but you can try the latter when your enemy is dug in especially if you area fire beyond the target and hope you hit a tree above their heads
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