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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. yeah... alot needs improvement for air-support...

    time-to-delivery: if i have air support allotted to me, they are comitted to my units, not just in the area and lets get serious... even IF they fly away to evade AA, they wont fly five minutes away...

    spotting ability: wow... ive NEVER EVER gotten an apache to fire on infantry... not even infantry walking casually down an open street (or crawling in the desert sant)... ALL my units on the entire map can see them, but the guys in the chopper full of advanced optics juuuuuuust cant seem to locate them (even tho that search area must be pretty narrow thanx to my FO spotting)

    accuracy: ... whats there to say... IF there are no obstacles in the way they do seem to hit pretty straigt on when targeting a vehicle (although they fire from a pretty low altitude it seems)

    however, they seem totally oblivious to any kind of cover between them and the target... i mean, come on! if there is a HILL between them and the target they shouldnt be able to see the target and hence not shoot.

    oh and should the target be amongst plenty of cover (like in a city) in no way, shape or form will the chopper go higher to be able to shoot, but instead just hopes that its weapons will penetrate the surrounding buildings (wich they never do, but thats another rant alltogether)

    Point target accuracy: if i give point coordinates to an airplane to bomb, it seems they usually miss... pinpoint accuracy my a**

  2. Im itching to get going on my soundmod...

    ive got the sounds all lined up and waiting to go...

    one of the things that kept my interest spiked in the old combat mission series was the moddability...

    and if the system is still the same (ie. BMP files and WAV files) but in a compressed state, please, please, please let us have some kind of simple modding tool...

    shouldnt be that hard to program should it? (assuming it is indeed as i thought it was, ie. bmp and wav files in a compressed file)

  3. well, if i had close air support in the form of helicopters, i would assume they were within striking distance... at least in the area (since they were allocated to my forces, and not something i called in from a nearby base on a whim)

    besides... after the first attack it still takes 5 or so minutes for the next attack (by the same chopper... did it fly back to base immediately or what???)

  4. ok, so on a little scenario im designing a us special forces unit (represented by an elite rifle squad, sniper team, company & battallion HQ and a JTAC team) is fighting off a horde of enemy troops.

    to help them out i gave them air support (first 2 choppers and then 2 planes later on)

    however, trying to call in air support is pure hell!

    first off, even with my JTAC team it takes OVER 5½ minutes before they attack!

    and when they attack they are woefully inaccurate (against infantry at least, but thats all they are facing)

    now, all the US units are on elite level (forgot to change that when choosing the support so they ended up being elite too, supposed to be normal)

    now, should it really take that long for an unsupressed, non-hiding, rested and fine elite JTAC team to call in an appache strike on a target they have clear line of sight to?

  5. Originally posted by thewood:

    now that I put the memroy cap on

    how about putting the spelling cap on too tongue.gif


    so how do you make the ai use arty in designated areas? i see the support part of the ai screen in the map editor, but i dont know how to assign units to it (like arty or airstrike)

  6. hmm... i downloaded your scenario LGMB, and i like it, but i fixed up a few things on the map (mainly the roads) and ive designed another scenario around it (cut-off US special forces have to hold out until evac arrives whilst hordes of insurgents attack them)

    just did it to play hotseat with my pal, but if you want i could send you your mission with the spruced up map (unless youre doing that yourself since its just a beta)

  7. some other things i noticed today (again as i was playing hotseat)

    the lack of effectiveness of the M2HB (and variants) on houses... it should be able to penetrate the walls and do damage to units inside, instead of just having to hit a window or something similar (as normal MG's do)

    have you ever seen the effects of a .50BMG machinegun on a house? well i have, and its not a pretty picture (well not if youre inside the house anyway)

    further more i think it wouldnt be a bad idea for 40mm grenadelaunchers to have a bit more effectiveness against targets in the open... spent about 2 minutes firing with a Mk19 at a syrian rpg team caught in the open (form about 100-125 meters) without giving them a single casualty.

    i WAS using area fire, but the rounds were slamming down on them very close (just not hitting RIGHT on them)

  8. veeeery funny.

    something else that could be improved (that my friend pointed out to me during a hotseat fight today) is the way reinforcements are announced...

    as it is now they are annoucned by a very discreet little white text at the top of the screen. Something that is easily missed.

    In the old games there was an actual pop-up window announcing it, very hard to miss.

    i dont know how many times ive left reinforcements just standing there cos ive missed that they had arrived.

  9. Originally posted by flamingknives:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Oddball_E8:

    yeah... i had my buddy over (BIG fan of playing hotseat with me on CMx1) and the first thing he said when we played hotseat was

    "hopefully all these things (he had pointed out some bugs in general) will be fixed in patches, but im a bit dissapointed in this game, after all these used to be the -its done when its done- guys who wouldnt release a product until it was 100% bug free"

    and i feel inclined to agree with him... on CMx1 most of the bug fixes were just not bugs in the gamer sense of the word... it was more improvements or very small discrepherances in armor values and the like...

    oh and one thing id like added for WWII is the ability go get an information box about the unit youve marked (we had this in all the other CM games, where you could see detailed info on the armor and weapons of a unit... i sure miss that since i dont know squat about what the differances between the abrams tank versions are)

    What, those minor bugs that were never fixed like borg spotting, the invincible reverse crest position, the crawl of death, impossible to kill HQ squads, unduly effective handgrenades vs. armour, no accounting for relative sizes of tank components and cowering tanks?

    The bugs that did get fixed, like gamey jeep rushes, the invulnerability of softskins to direct fire guns, the lack of machine gun effectiveness, the oversimplified armour model and the whole map erupting into exploding buildings due to random bomb combinations?

    The data screen would be nice, but anything save the most basic armour detail would not be possible, due to increased model complexity and the different effects of different weapons on different armour types. </font>

  10. well they sure seem automatic in the game... M4A1 is automatic isnt it? and thats what the army is planning on using as their standard weapon in the future (hence the lack of any M16's in the game?)

    anyway... im 100% sure its auto in the game... otherwize all those troops have really twitchy triggerfingers...

    EDIT: ok, checked it out and heres the deal:

    M4 has semi and 3 round burst capability (wich makes it auto in my book, a trained soldier can definately squeeze off enough 3 round burst in a short time to make that auto)

    M4A1 is semi and full auto.

    no version of it in military service is semi auto only.

    [ October 26, 2007, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Oddball_E8 ]

  11. ok, so besides the fact that i think all infantry should be able to use the assault move (check out my other thread here http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=003261)

    theres a few things id like to see in this game...

    1: a unit info panel (like we had in the old CM) where you can get some general info on the unit itself (like what weapon(s) it is armed with and what armor (if any) it has and so on) since i know squat about american equipment and weapons (well, the different variations of the vehicles anyway)

    2: Humvees with M2's shouldnt button up at the first sign of trouble, since all it does is make the vehicle a sitting duck... why place the weapon there in the first place if youre not gonna use it? Im sure the doctrine is to use these weapons from a safe distance, but in this game no distance seems safe enough since small arms fire from several hundred meters away will make it button up instead of firing back. Get them to make firing back a priority since just sitting in the car waiting to get killed isnt a good opiton

    (btw. why is there no shielding on the M2's? i havent seen a single unshielded weapon on top of a humvee in iraq so far on any footage ive seen from there.)

    3: more accurate apatche strikes... cos as it is now, it looks like there actually strafing by at top speed instead of standing still at a long distance and pinpointing targets (wich is how i think they operate, but please correct me if im wrong... ive heard that the platform is extremely accurate)

    oh, but this is of course in addition to fixing all the real bugs with the game...

  12. i must agree with you there steiner... uncom combatants should be way worse

    and its kinda crap that humvees with M2's always button up at the slightest fire... wich in my view (dont know about the armys view) is completely the wrong thing to do... if an enemy shoots at you when you are in a (very) lightly armored vehicle and you have a heavy machinegun on top, YOU FIRE BACK!

    that way you will stop them from firing at you as opposed to, say, sitting in the passenger seat and looking at them would...

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